
Heavens Chaos

Paul was a normal university student in an abnormal university. Which made him stay in his parents' house and led him to become a shut-in. On one fateful day, Paul who hates games was forced to play [Heavens Chaos] the newest 100% immersive VRMMORPG. However, no one could have predicted that Paul's entrance into the game would change not only his. But everyone's destiny completely. Follow Paul as he becomes the greatest threat humanity has ever faced.

ChanduGod · Spiele
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13 Chs

Planned Accident!


Elizabeth took the box she ordered for her son, she opened it and there was a diamond-like chip inside the box,

"This looks like a real diamond," she said

"Yes," John said with a smile, this technology improved very much! That this small thing can have the best VRMMORPG game in the world,

"Call Luna, she will also play," John said, Luna is their daughter, she was studying medicine in one of the top 3 colleges in the country! She lives in a hostel and she came home because of the holidays she got for no reason.

"Okay," Mother said with a smile,

"You're going to wake Paul too?" Father asked,

"No, let him sleep," she said with a smile,

"Okay," he said even though he scolds Paul and rants at him he still loves him more, they had no children even after 7 years after their marriage, but at last they Paul born! And since then they pampered him more than anything in their life! But now, he just became someone they never imagined, he had no goal in life, that was why he also scolds him, at least he might change because of his scolding…

"Hmm, let's give him a surprise? I will just place this on his forehead! Haha, he might think the game as a dream" she said with a laugh

"Haha, nice, give him a surprise then," he said also agreed, this might sound stupid but it's fun,

"Luna" Mother called her

"Yeah, mom?" Luna was in her room sitting in front of her PC, reading a Yaoi manga…

"Let's play a game, come out," mother said,

"I'm reading right now, I can't," Luna said,

"Nothing will happen if you pause your Yaoi reading," Mother said

"What?! H-How you know I was reading a Yaoi?" Luna asked, and looked around if there is any hidden cam is there in her room,

Mother knocked on her room door and Luna closed the tab and opened her door,

"Because I use that PC when you're in a hostel, that PC is connected to my watch," mother said with a smile, she can see what is playing on PC with her watch

"Damn" Luna was shocked by her mother answer, she didn't expect that her mother uses her PC

"Don't worry, I have some nice recommendations, now let's play the game, today is Sunday" she said with a smile

"Okay…Mom, do you read Yaoi too? But you never said?" Luna asked,

"Because you never asked, but yeah I love them~!" mother said with a smile

"Hehe," Luna smiled and took the box she gave her and opened it,

"Oh, this game is very popular! So many people were waiting for this to release! Mom, when did this released?" Luna asked

"3 hours ago?" she said,

"And the game will start soon join in, me and you father going to play too," mother said and walked out of the room

"Okay~ but recommend me some of your favorite Yaoi after this!" Luna asked,

"Sure," Mother said and went to Paul room and saw him sleeping while snoring,

"Hehe, have a nice dream son," she said and opened the box and placed the Diamond chip on the middle of his eyebrows,

"Wow, my son is handsome!" she said with a smile after seeing Paul, Paul has a normal face with some sharp eyebrows, but when the diamond-like chip was placed in the middle it added some charm to his face,

"What's this? It stuck to his skin?" she looked at the chip and it was like mixed with his skin so she tried to take it away but she was not successful, she can't use force so she gave up

"Maybe the only user can take it off? Or it's still in processing?" she thought and looked at another box in her hands and doubt appeared in her heart, what if it was all a scam? And it might be some kind of dangerous thing?

She walked out of the room


"Honey, something is wrong!" she said

"What?" John was reading some news about the game

"That chip is not coming out after I placed it on Paul! What if it's something dangerous?" she asked in a hurry

"There is nothing dangerous, this chip won't come out until it can store all our information and authorize us, it will take 2 minutes, so keep it on your forehead and sit here," John said to her with a smile

"Oh, I thought…Never mind" she said and sat beside him and placed it on her forehead as John did the same, inside Luna also did the same, whole world got ready to enter the new world! Maybe some busy people or people who don't like the game are not playing this right now,



A sound came from the diamond chip, and it activated and started to glow in red.

Paul woke up because of a ding sound when he opened his eyes, he was sleeping in the middle of space…he can see universes!


He suddenly got so scared! He was sleeping in space? But after remembered he was sleeping in his room!

"Ahh, such scary dream!" he calmed down a little after thinking this as a dream, but below he can feel the solid ground, transparently solid!

"This a dream?" he doesn't know what to feel about this…he slept on the transparent ground "wake up, wake up, wake up…" he started to chant them while closing his eyes but he nothing happened to him but something happened in the space…

A person appeared in front of Paul

"Sir Paul" a voice can be heard, it was a woman's voice!

Paul opened his eyes and saw the beautiful lady standing beside him, he stood up

"You know me?" he asked, he felt something was wrong

"Welcome to the [Heavens Chaos]" she said with a smile

"[Heavens Chaos]? That game everyone was waiting for? How the hell did I enter a game! I was sleeping righ—Mom!!!" Paul was shocked by the sudden things, and remembered that his mom likes to do some dumb shit! Now she dragged him to a game! And she knows that he hates games!

"Please look at this" the lady who was wearing a golden outfit which Paul had never seen before, and she was holding some kind of board, she pointed at the middle of the plain board and when Paul looked at the middle of the board, he felt his conciseness sucked into the board!

"What do you see?" she asked

"A War" Paul said, he can see a war where blood is flowing like a river! And people corpses are everywhere

"Oh, interesting," that lady said with an unnatural smile like a real woman…