
Heavenly Saga

In a world ruled by seishin practitioners, a genius was born. Is it his fortune? Or will it become his misfortune? The most powerful person will rule over the world. "Survival of the fittest", that's the only rule followed ever since the world began. Those who are weak can only beg for their lives. Heaven is only for those who can trample anyone in their way. This is Heavenly Saga, the journey to the pinnacle of the world.

Ichiryuu · Fantasie
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306 Chs

Chapter 194: Treasure Hunting

Before the Treasure Hunt event began, Kraftvoll and the other students of the 210th class decided to hold a class meeting. In this meeting, they only discussed the main point of their plans. The purpose of this meeting was to only remind them of the vital parts of their strategy.

A minute before the Treasure Hunt event started, a resounding voice was heard in Mt. Verrater's vicinity. It was the voice of the emcee speaking using his sound-amplifying seishin device at a higher level than before.

The emcee announced, "Get ready, students of the Verrater Academy! All of you need to enter the mountain after I give a signal! Find and solve as many puzzles as you can. The class with the most treasure to find will be given a special prize!"

Kraftvoll looked at her classmates after hearing the announcement. "Let's go, everyone!" he said.