
Chapter 8

“I mean. Yeah, really. I kinda like you, and I—ah—” Simone gave in, momentarily, to her itchy fingers and touched Natia’s bare shoulder. “—I hope that’s all right.”

“More than,” Natia breathed, her face luminous in the night.

Shit. That was breathtaking.

“So, uh. Monday night okay? I mean, we could—”

“Do you want to watch a movie with me?” Natia interrupted. “I have something planned Monday, and if you want to do it with me, we could and then go do—something—after, if you aren’t tired of me by then.”

Simone couldn’t help but snort. “Believe me, me getting tired of you should be the least of your worries.”

Natia’s slow breath, her nod, tipped Simone off.

“You—this isn’t a lark,” Simone promised. “I do want to spend more time with you.” A lot more, Simone’s lusty lizard-brain supplied. Simone rolled her eyes internally even as she watched Natia’s whole face light up.