
Heartnapped: Why Did I?

Caith was just an 19yo girl yearning for her parents' attention while modeling through her first year of college, but when an app like tinder helps her lit a match with a handsome athletic 22yo with a secretly dark past. She soons finds herself waking up strapped to the obsessive strings of his heart, before he himself introduces her to his inner demons, leaving her even more wanting.

Donnel69Mandalay · Teenager
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Poisonous Cupcakes

"So where are we going?"

"I told you that we are going dancing. Didn't I?" His eyebrows furrowed handsomely above his shady eyes as he watched me undress in front of the open shower's door. "Now get in there and snap it up."

"But where exactly are we going, I just want to know." I crossed my hands above my chest to cover my nipples and boobs.

"Dare question me again and you'll see what I'm made of," his rugged eyebrows as he shot me a stern look, left the question that had already hung around my tonsils away.

I quickly stepped in the shower and closed the door to protect myself from his handsome eyes, just before he turned around and took off his shirt as though he were coming back.

Minutes later I found myself hating him for not inviting him to shower with me, but I also hated him for not reading through my juxtaposition of emotions which were paradoxically misrepresented across my face. Perhaps I was scared of what that would lead to as well as the guilt I would soon feel once the deed was done.

As I drew a small breath that almost invited the steamy water that ran down my face into my nose, I combed my fingers into the wetness of my hair as I reflected upon my love towards my very own kidnapper. The shower could not wash away my crush on him, and I almost smiled despite the tears which were hidden under the steamy sprinkles, I just wanted to seat down and cry and maybe shout my regrets over for some comfort.

Seconds later, I finally slid out of my waterslide of memories as I wiped out the tears that dripped towards my smile, as I embraced my new reality and proudly closed the shower tap as though I were closing the switch to the little self-hate that I had.

It wasn't just self-hate also the bitter taste of becoming accustomed to seeing one person every day and having to deal with missing him and sometimes treating him as the savior of the loneliness that sometimes fell upon me.

"Don't forget to put this dress on," He tried to find an easy smile while while glancing towards my nakedness,

"Do I have a choice," I hesitated, my heartbeat its normal speed in anticipation of his short temper.

"My younger sister still has some of her clothes in her old room's wardrobe." His words, as his shirt hung over his left shoulder, almost left me nodding to his oblivious second suggestion.

He placed the dress at the edge of the bathtub and ran away before I could even thank him, leaving me feeling bad and ungrateful, and dressed in a small blanket of shame as though I weren't naked enough to leave the bathroom light twitching with lust.

"Hurry up!" His yell came from his nearby bedroom. "I might even take you home after this." His footsteps began their way towards the bathroom again and before I knew it he was standing in the bathroom door in a navy-blue suit that uplifted the sexiness of his arms and legs while his white shirt matched with the elagance of the tight maroon dress which I was struggling my way into…

By the time we got to the door of the house and gave into his urge to blindfold me, my nostrils were already falling for the scent of his cologne as it climbed its way towards my cerebral clouds of thought.

"Watch your step," he closed the door behind us and locked it after we had stepped out into the breeze of the night before he took my hand and led me to the car.

"Don't forget to where your seat belt," I returned the care and felt him giggling in a way I failed to picture, as though the blindfold was a bit imagination proof.

"Long as you promise to hide our situation while we are there," I felt him cupping my chin with the brim of his folded hand, despite his sweaty palms that carried a nervous giveaway. "Don't act suspicious and don't forget to smile."

The sweetness of his tone smelt like the temporary demise of his confidence. Yet in the back of my mind, he was still the monster which had kept me bound to a bed if not a rocking chair in a cold room.

"Because I don't, you'll lock me in that cold room again. Won't you?" I asked rhetorically and ran my tongue across my lower lips and crossing my attitude with attitude that nervously left my heartbeat banging against the perplexity of my ribcage.

"I won't, I promise." His voice was calm and controlled as I felt my bum vibrating less against the seat as he brought the car to a stop, just before the sound of the nearby vibe soon came to life as soon as he took off the blindfold off my eyes.

Plus his smile then left me far from ease when the breeze appreciated my dress with a cold lick across the skin as soon as we had gotten out of the car and walked towards the club whose bouncer let us in after the little hand gestures he showed.

"Just keep walking Caith," he deferred me from stopping in my tracks as his hand held on to mine whilst leading me through the partying crowd whose smiles and dance mood seemed a bit transitional - until I saw some dancers throwing small little pills in the air and letting them land in their mouth. Leaving me with a flashback of the pill that had previously led me into my kidnapper's bed.

"What a pretty lady you have there?" a man in The Joker's outfit, and mask, said and laughed with a mentally defaulted giggle - that made sense of his purple pullover, green pants and brown, flatform shoes.

"Do you want her?" Dingane's eyes twitched as a smile twerked upon his lips, while his gaze twirled upon the ego of the serious joker - leaving my heartbeat rubbing against the back of my breastplate, my frustration unknown, much nervously.