
Healing the Broken

***WARNING!! BL! YAOI! BI CONTENT! SMUT!!! MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. *** Also, please feel free to give me some feedback. Try to see if anyone’s interested or places for improvements. Thanks! Posting to Royal Road —————————————————————————— In a world of myth and magic, where reality was bent by mana and the divines, powerful mages ruled and dominated the world. They set and manipulated the rules and laws to their liking. Many fell prey to their wants and desires. Others fell over into their graves from wrongly crossing a mage. It was almost impossible for the common folk to do anything about their treatment. It was best to steer clear. The common folk were not well treated, but they were not the bottom of the barrel in their society. Slaves. Slaves were the outlets to those in higher society. They were vented upon the deepest desires and fantasies of the privileged, or became objects of their cruelty. Once bound, it was difficult to escape. The consequences to freedom were dire. Curses of the divines were not to be messed with. There was a unfortunate man dealt an unlucky fate. When he was starting to be able to finally walk, he was already forced with the burdens of his terrible family. An unwanted product from the trysts of his promiscuous father, his fate was sealed when he taken in instead of left abandoned at the orphanage. Hated and disgusted by his step mother and step siblings, he was scorned and beaten daily. He was nothing but a trash receptacle for their abuse. His father was no better. His only intention was to sell him into slavery for some gold coin. His wife only agreed to take in the bastard for the greed of money. He was forced duties around the house, and later on when he could lift a hoe, he was forced into the hot sun laboring in the fields. They worked him hard and fed him little, but the boy was born with gifts of the body. He outgrew his peers and siblings, already stunning with premature charm. He told himself to keep working. To put up with his so called “family” and their abuse. He waited for the day he came of age. Then could he finally be free from his horrid old life and be able to build anew. But he was naive and foolish. He never thought his blood father would sell him into slavery. His little gratitude to his father for creating him and keeping him was no more. He cursed his father. He cursed his step family. He cursed at the world. But he could stop his becoming of a slave. He would become a slave of pleasure. And for many years he stayed as such. Until he could no longer. A terrible night almost led to his death. He made up his mind that night. He ran away and was cursed.

DaoistwprUT1 · LGBT+
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19 Chs

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Seth recalled that terrible night.

His master was entertaining important figures in his mansion. Seth did not know who the people were, but he knew his master was doing all he could to get on their good side.

"Don't you dare mess this up! I'll open you a new hole if you screw up! Got it!?"

Seth's master was spitting in anger as he shouted at him.

With his head bent down in servitude, Seth trembled at the threat. His master really would do as he said.

Seeing his handsome slave shaking in fear gave the burly man, dressed in bejeweled gaudy clothing, satisfaction. He had an inferiority complex with the good looking.

"I'm warning you! If you mess up when serving dinner, I'll make you wish you were dead!" Seth's master stood on his toes to further knock his head down in a show of dominance. Seth semi-stuttered back a reply.

"Ye…yes… master."

"Speak like a person with a spine, you dimwit! Is your large body only for show?! You better not embarrass me and act like some retard in front of the High Lord and his son!"

Seth collected the little nerves he had left. It was true he was a big and strong man, but his once resilient nature was shaved away and dulled into submission over the years.

Especially now with his abusive master.

Seth prayed his current master would get tired of him soon. He only wanted to survive long enough to be resold to a better master, who Seth hoped would not torture him.

His short burly master stormed off to the dining room, but the expensive mansion floors, refined from the highest grade of Lumdar trees, absorbed all the noise from the heavy stomps.

Seth straightened his back and fixed his borrowed fancy suit and attire that fit snug to his muscular frame. His master loved to show off, even his slaves.

Seth's nervous demeanor shifted to a somewhat redeemable refined waiter as he went about his duty.

Making his way to the kitchen, he and the other slaves and servants brought out the dinner courses and waited outside the door to the elaborate dining hall.

Four large windows with their vibrant blue satin curtains let the winter light into the expansive dining hall. However, the natural light was easily overtaken by the brightly glowing orbs pieced together as an intricate chandelier, floating mid air near the high ceiling.

There were many pieces of accentuating furniture beautifully placed around the room. But the exuberant dining table was the main piece of attention. A long and wide mahogany table was positioned in the middle of the room that had two marble chimneys on each side with warm fires going.

The room was heavily decorated with shimmering metallic artwork, and odd items bedazzled with lustrous jewels. There were even blooming colorful flowers that were impossible to find during the time of year, elegantly placed on all the shelves and small tables. The slave master loved to show off his wealth, especially so when he had visitors.

Seated widely apart on one side of the dining table in luxuriously padded chairs were 3 strikingly handsome men.

The robust and brawny bodies of the men were dressed in a clean and precise ensemble of all black military garments.

Their dark overcoats were embellished in silver cuff-links and buttons. The finishing touches around the collar and wrists were made from the finely woven pitch black fur of the Mokai, a deadly and dangerous ferocious beast.

However, the fur could not hide the thick calluses on the men's large thick hands. The dark clothing made their meticulously combed blonde hair and light skin stand out. These men were veteran knights experienced in warfare and battle.

Seated on the opposite side of the table were Seth's master's 3 sons and 2 daughters. His daughters were the oldest while the oldest son just came of age. The other two sons were still in their early teens.

Today, they were even more exceptionally well groomed. Their family's signature chestnut hair radiated under the chandelier of floating orbs. Unlike their father, their beautiful faces took after their mother.

Regardless of age, they were all dressed in expensive and flashy suits and dresses. Especially the master's wife, who wore the most outrageous getup of a dress with its entirety laced with glittering precious stones. The wife sat poised with her chest held high showing her ample bosom on the opposite end of her husband at the head of the table.

Seth's master was smiling and laughing so wide it almost took up half his face. The man closest to him had silver medals pinned to the chest of his black jacket signifying his importance. He too, laughed joyously along with Seth's master. The important guest began to boisterously speak.

"I'm glad you think well of the proposal Baron Wendell! I had high hopes your family and mine would further grow not only in business together! But now also as future in-laws as well!"

Seth's master, Baron Wendell happily responded with his daughter's engagement going well. He had long been scheming to get his daughter married to the Duke's famous son. The political move would gain him not only money but also prestige.

"Of course, Duke Shamus! I am most joyous of the auspicious news of my daughter Silvia's and Evans engagement! And to be tying the knot soon after that! I felt their genuine relationship would blossom into the perfect marriage! There is no one more fitting than your renowned heir, the war hero who brings fame and glory to our great kingdom!"

The Duke laughed holding the sides of his sizable husky body.

"That love-struck boy feared your daughter would change her mind, so he sped up the date of their marriage. I can understand a bit of his unwarranted worry. I dare say it was quite the battle. There were many vying for your daughter's hand in marriage."

Barron Wendell continued to flatter the Duke, wanting to further get on their good side.

"She chose wisely, Duke Shamus. There was no better man than Evans. He is revered and renowned. All men seek to become more like him, but many fail to even come close. It is my daughter and my family's blessing to be in-laws with the Grand Duke of the East, the Great Hero and Defender of the eastern border."

The Duke gloated and cheerfully laughed with his deep voice at the flattery from his future in-law.

"The honor is mine, Baron Wendell! However, Evans is the real lucky one. After all, he was the one who won your daughter's hand in marriage." The Duke chuckled. "Though who wouldn't fall for the most beautiful and sought after girl in the empire?"

Duke Shamus subtly looked at the beautiful lady sitting across from his infatuated son as he hid the desires of his lower half.

She truly was bewitchingly beautiful, irresistibly alluring like the song of a siren. The curls of her light chestnut color hair bounced as she covered her tantalizing full red lips to correctly laugh like a noble lady. Her eyes were a seductive blue that held onto the gazes of anyone looking. The chiming laughter followed down to her perky bosom as they bounced in springiness.

Had his son not been smitten by her, he would have long tasted the beautiful morsel and made her as one of his concubines.

"Evans has good eyes. Though you, Baron Wendell, you are the truly the most fortunate one here. Not only is your wife the most beautiful woman in our times, your daughter is the most beautiful and renowned of her generation! Not many men can lay claim to both titles."

The Duke complimented the Baron's wife, but he only stared lecherously at her two large mounds on her chest.

The duke... That reminds me. Okay, side note. "Duke" always just autocorrected with the "D" capitalized and so did "Baron." I got lazy and stopped correcting it. Anyway, yea. The Duke. He's quite a character.

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