
Hating You, Loving You More

I often asked myself why I didn’t like to show my feelings for him. It’s been a decade to look forward to his tantalizing heart, yet a thorny heart craved to push him to the dark clouds which help me to totally forget him. Can’t imagine, I have been infatuated with his precious face and enticing eyes since high school, however, I feel afraid to reveal it for him. A million nights to cast back his seductive face, which turned my life into a beautiful star, no matter how terrible the night is. But the moment to meet him, which courageously displayed my anger at him. I could not explain why, his personality likes a lofty wind, however I was not captivated by that. Indeed, I treated him like a tiger most of the time, till he got mad at me in the University. Countless nights of thinking about him, which made me insane to cast back how crazy I am. I wanted to die just to totally forget him, nor to feel hatred to think about him. However, my heart longed to meet my dreams, can’t deny, he’s part of my dreams. One day, I trudged inside the campus where the guy hit my silver eyeglass which totally broke. Looking back, I have been taking care of it since I was a young. This is actually expensive like how I loved him, indeed I can’t buy this anywhere, except my daddy who made it before he died. I trembled in my cells while staring at him, the moment the guy ceaselessly asked for an apology to me. I wanted to accept, since I have been putting my heart for him secretly, as expensive as it is. However, I felt enraged in front of him,” sorry, sorry, sorry,” I never listened to his words anymore,” you broke my day, you could not heal it,” I could not imagine how terrible my face was. Endlessly the guy apologized to me, I said to him,” stop saying like that,” then I slapped his face many times. That time, the guy hugged me tightly, which quaked my feelings for him. Nevertheless, I walked out from the man, since I don’t want to unconsciously reveal my hidden feelings. I wanted to die and carry his love to the unexpected planet, so I made up my mind to transfer to Ateneo University, where I met the other guy, who healed my feelings to the man, whom I loved the most. However, my heart has been longing forward to meet and be heard by feelings for. Every time I looked at the mirror, I saw his tempting face, which pulled my feet to go back to the University, where I met him before. I don’t want to force myself to be loved by his enticing heart, but I wanted to reveal how I often got mad at him since high school. Would I still meet and be heard my feelings for him? Letting you know that she’s a lovely girl, indeed many men have been longing for her tantalizing heart. Her name is Kaye, who did not have a family to financially support her. With the help of her effulgent mind, it was the reason why she's about to finish her medical course in the University. In her life, there were many storms, which never ceased to slap her way. With that, she wanted to be loved to someone whom she put in her silver heart. However, she felt enraged to face him, except if the hot man faded to her eyes, indeed the moment she unexpectedly saw him in the fast-food chain where she trembled her eyes. Under the counter, she loved him more than herself, no matter what the wave was, putting her life to the zoo, where decried a peculiar man, whom she has been putting in her dreams. A ravishing guy sighted at Kaye’s actions, which made him construct an objective meaning, based on what the eyes saw at the shaking body, while he looked at her. To know more about him, his name is Denver, a handsome guy, who studied in the prestigious University where he met Kaye, whom he never understood her treatment. Every time he found some broken glasses, casted it back on the woman whom he broke the glass with, so he wanted to meet and pay the amount of that glass. Believing that it is worth one billion dollars, yet he’s willing to pay for it. Do you think Kaye would accept it?

Awriter_literary · Teenager
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8 Chs

Chapter 6- Vampire confronted him

The moment I glanced at Denver's baby face, driving the car. I trembled my cells, along with my heart shuddered endlessly. I remained silent to sit in the chair. It was dissimilar to Denver's thought, which contained uncertainty about what might have happened after letting her know the story, I might tell. 

Even though I drove the car still I could not wait to reveal what I have been dreaming to be. Seeing her arms, I might fall down my eyes, since I never paid for the eyeglass. I broke it for her. However, the moment I beheld the side mirror of my car. I noticed Araiza, who was in endless tears, fell down her tears, while her body seemed huge. I felt guilty about what I did to her, yet I could not force my feelings on her. So, Kaye might be a green-eyed monster to me. Deep inside I almost carried her thy sweetest nights.

Finally, I arrived at the cold beach with Kaye. I fell down my nerves the moment I let her know to get out of my car. That time, I perceived how cold the night was, but I wanted to let her feel how cloudy my night was with her.

A feeling of trudging on the way where Denver followed my shadow. Every time, Kaye, I shifted my feet forward to the sand. An eye glimpsed at the bloody vampire, who glared at me furiously. So, I moved my feet backward, not to carry on. However, I did not behold Denver, what I saw, an endless night hugged in my eyes. I yelled," Denver, cover me, the vampire craved to abduct me." That time, Denver, I felt befuddled, why I could not gaze at her. I never found the vampire, except the woman who cried beside me.

I wanted to leave this place, however I pledged to carry on with her. So, my loud voice called," Kaye, I am still staying by your side, I extend my hands into a million hands, to cover you." The night altered its object into dimmed. So, I had a tough time looking for her image. So, I went back to my car, yet I smelled Araiza's kiss which touched my lips while I lay down on my bed with her. So, I pushed the door strongly, like how the thunder slapped the tree. Staying inside the car, I often heard Kaye's cry," please protect me, Denver." I dribbled my cells while listening to her, even if the way was dimmed.

That time, Kaye, I ran the way since the vampire was filled with scary face. Besides, the bloody hands have attempted to slap at me. So, I shouted," Denver, please find my way, I need your dazzling eyes, to flash my way. The more I uttered that, the more the vampire shifted her bloody to my face.

Denver, I feel anxious trudging on the beach, since everything seemed dark. I stayed inside the car while I kept on calling her," Kaye, I wanted to find you, but my eyes were unable to gaze at you." And then, I heard a slow voice," so, you are unable to view her, but you could not see me." It was attached to my ears. So, I turned on the lights inside my car. An eye saw a bloody woman, who had an eye-to-eye to me. I could not picture her image, but a noise recognized her true identity, which carried my hands in the hotel. So, I came out of the car, just to find for her, to explain my side. However the bloody woman couldn't be found by Denver's eyes.

It was a night, Araiza, I badly needed my sweetheart to comfort me while delivering my body from my womb. After delivering my baby, I predicted that Denver would not take his responsibility to me. I don't want my parents to be hopeless about me. After delivering my new born baby, I gripped my hands to the fresh stomach, then I came out with my sharp teeth, to drink the blood and eat the body as well. 

 That night, Araiza laughed while I gazed at the mirror. Doing such things that would convert her body into a vampire. She did not want to give happiness to Denver. A mind meditated," I already got your enticing body, Denver, but you could not skip me." Then, I giggled while I imagined him, his attractive body. 

Then, I went back to Kaye's side, to push my bloody hands at her eyes. I trudged the way while an eye shook my hands to her. I said," let me see if your life is filled with bees to live with him." And then, I laughed at her," hey Kaye," a moment after hearing the vampire, who uttered that statement. I wondered why she kept on telling me that I am not attached to Denver's love yet. The more I dream of living his tantalizing heart, the more I get confused if I will wait for his love. I wanted to reply that the vampire had plucked my mouth, and the tongue malfunctioned to do that.

Kaye, I sauntered on the way without energy, to think about her. Meanwhile, a sunrise appeared in the sky which shut its lights to the beach. A day when she shut her eyes to Denver, who endless searched for her. Can't measure happiness when meeting her in my eyes. I said to her," I got insane to rotate around the globe, just to seek you." Then, I hugged Kaye's arms filled with sincerity. Of course, a heart shuddered while I gripped by her side," ultimate happiness to hold your arms," then I looked at her eyes.

I could not imagine how Denver gripped my hands. I have been infatuating her lovely eyes since the world began. The moment I had attached the hands to my arms. I trembled all my cells and veins, being attached to him. I longed to be gripped by her arms forever. And the hatred that I showed for him has gone to my heart. The moment when a tantalizing hand gripped at me. And I let him know," I could not imagine how thankful I am to meet you again. Believing that the vampire would take me to the zoo where to destroy my soul.  

And the handsome man replied," letting you know the vampire could not demolish your soul, since my hands eagerly longed to cover you." Then, I looked at her face which tempted me to reveal what I have been feeling for her.

So soft voice drenched," letting you know Kaye, you are the reason why I become inspired in the University. To make it short, you stand as the silver star to my eyes, which will never be gone to my eyes." Then I kissed her triple times on her face.

The moment I heard the woman whom I got infatuated with. I dribbled my cells while attaching his romantic lines to me. So, I uttered my worthy words to him," I also was looking forward to you. But I treated you as my enemy, indeed I kept on destroying your reputation in the University."  I said to him on the level.

Denver, I giggled my heart after knowing their feelings together. So, my heart felt brave to let her know," can I put the secret box in your heart? Believing that you are the right star to me." I said to Kaye, which shook her body. And then, I replied to him," you are so sweet, Denver. Endless day to accept it, since you are also the man with whom I can match my feelings," I could not imagine how silver my feelings for him were.

It shuddered to Denver's heart after intertwining their love together, which never ended, no matter what the storm passed in their way. However, I felt scared if Araiza would force me to marry her. Indeed Araiza's teeth jumped thinking about her situation, though the baby had been killed by her shark teeth. But she felt shy when it came to the reputation in the family.

Every night, Araiza, I imagined how precious my nights would be to stay with Denver's arms. Though my family accepted my story that I got miscarriage to my baby. However, my painful experience could not be deleted in my mind. So, I pledged myself to slice the woman, who might take Denver's heart. No matter what the world was, a heart bravely fought to her unconditional love.

So, I decided to visit Denver's apartment, to let him know that the baby had miscarriage. Unfortunately, her video of what the guy did to him, still on her phone. So, she's ready to tell Denver's girlfriend about it. 

If Denver would not marry her, she will take a suicide in the cave where she promised her mommy, to bring her hubby in front of her. Would Denver suffer his heart to the woman whom he never loved?