
Hating You, Loving You More

I often asked myself why I didn’t like to show my feelings for him. It’s been a decade to look forward to his tantalizing heart, yet a thorny heart craved to push him to the dark clouds which help me to totally forget him. Can’t imagine, I have been infatuated with his precious face and enticing eyes since high school, however, I feel afraid to reveal it for him. A million nights to cast back his seductive face, which turned my life into a beautiful star, no matter how terrible the night is. But the moment to meet him, which courageously displayed my anger at him. I could not explain why, his personality likes a lofty wind, however I was not captivated by that. Indeed, I treated him like a tiger most of the time, till he got mad at me in the University. Countless nights of thinking about him, which made me insane to cast back how crazy I am. I wanted to die just to totally forget him, nor to feel hatred to think about him. However, my heart longed to meet my dreams, can’t deny, he’s part of my dreams. One day, I trudged inside the campus where the guy hit my silver eyeglass which totally broke. Looking back, I have been taking care of it since I was a young. This is actually expensive like how I loved him, indeed I can’t buy this anywhere, except my daddy who made it before he died. I trembled in my cells while staring at him, the moment the guy ceaselessly asked for an apology to me. I wanted to accept, since I have been putting my heart for him secretly, as expensive as it is. However, I felt enraged in front of him,” sorry, sorry, sorry,” I never listened to his words anymore,” you broke my day, you could not heal it,” I could not imagine how terrible my face was. Endlessly the guy apologized to me, I said to him,” stop saying like that,” then I slapped his face many times. That time, the guy hugged me tightly, which quaked my feelings for him. Nevertheless, I walked out from the man, since I don’t want to unconsciously reveal my hidden feelings. I wanted to die and carry his love to the unexpected planet, so I made up my mind to transfer to Ateneo University, where I met the other guy, who healed my feelings to the man, whom I loved the most. However, my heart has been longing forward to meet and be heard by feelings for. Every time I looked at the mirror, I saw his tempting face, which pulled my feet to go back to the University, where I met him before. I don’t want to force myself to be loved by his enticing heart, but I wanted to reveal how I often got mad at him since high school. Would I still meet and be heard my feelings for him? Letting you know that she’s a lovely girl, indeed many men have been longing for her tantalizing heart. Her name is Kaye, who did not have a family to financially support her. With the help of her effulgent mind, it was the reason why she's about to finish her medical course in the University. In her life, there were many storms, which never ceased to slap her way. With that, she wanted to be loved to someone whom she put in her silver heart. However, she felt enraged to face him, except if the hot man faded to her eyes, indeed the moment she unexpectedly saw him in the fast-food chain where she trembled her eyes. Under the counter, she loved him more than herself, no matter what the wave was, putting her life to the zoo, where decried a peculiar man, whom she has been putting in her dreams. A ravishing guy sighted at Kaye’s actions, which made him construct an objective meaning, based on what the eyes saw at the shaking body, while he looked at her. To know more about him, his name is Denver, a handsome guy, who studied in the prestigious University where he met Kaye, whom he never understood her treatment. Every time he found some broken glasses, casted it back on the woman whom he broke the glass with, so he wanted to meet and pay the amount of that glass. Believing that it is worth one billion dollars, yet he’s willing to pay for it. Do you think Kaye would accept it?

Awriter_literary · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 5-Denver carried the world for her

I pulled my dragon hands at Araiza's face. However, the woman never screamed what I did to her, even if I kept on uttering the thorny words to her. " Let your image be gone in my eyes, and let you know, I never had a marvelous night to sleep beside you." I said to her many times. While I pushed her to the wall, Araiza cried. 

"I could not explain how I was tempted by your enticing image. That needed to be considered. Let my heart clutch at you, baby." I said to Denver, filled with sincere words, however he slapped my face. Then he left the room filled with enraged.

I wanted to take a suicide, what I did to him. Though I felt over the moon, since I got tempted by his tantalizing body. However, my mind was about to break, contemplating what to do, making Denver glad. I might have hit the other car while I was driving.

Instead of letting my parents know that I was running for Cumlaudi in the University. Unfortunately, my heart filled with thorns. On the other hand, Denver's eyes filled with a heavy mess which never fell. The more I thought about what Araiza did to me. The more befuddled, if I'll be back to the school, since I pledged myself not to meet her. 

A night, Kaye, I casted back the man, who trembled my cells, even if he did not like me anymore. I felt dejected knowing that Denver never saw potential from me. So, I decided to love myself nor, to be loved by someone else, who never had a wonderful time with me.

A day before the graduation, I saw Denver who stayed alone. As I expected, Denver sweetly trudged with Araiza's hands. Based on what I have eye-an to eye on; a man had a withered heart, contemplating the sky. In my mind, I kept on having a monologue. 

"I don't care about you, I should need to love myself not to put your arms in my vocabulary. " I accepted the veracity that a heart shuddered, casting back over my dreams. However, I should put him below the sand, to block him.

That day, Kaye, I never had removed what the eyes gazed at her crush. Indeed, I could still see his face under the ocean where the ship sank. When I shifted my feet to the ground; I saw his face which kept on gripping my hands. Even if I finalized my written output, I still beheld his lovely face. That endlessly attached my heart to him. 

Before going back home, I went to the comfort room where I threw my garbage. While I moved my feet forward to the floor. An ear heard somebody's cry, I never saw him, yet my silver heart wanted to comfort him. So, I never left the room till I met him.

That night, Araiza, I often felt heavy in my stomach, even if I never ate food, since my mind kept on thinking about him.  I already told Denver that I got pregnant after all. So, I let my mommy and daddy not continue this semester, even if they might have supported me. Believing that Denver would have taken his responsibility to the incoming baby.  

Going back to Kaye's observation, I knew the man whom I endlessly put my silver heart for him. I didn't want to spend my time with him. However, the man longed to talk to me. And I asked him sincerely," why are you crying?" While I stared at him. Then Denver shook his hands to me," I think, you are the only person, I can pull my sadness," I said to him. 

The moment I looked at him, I felt down in the dumps. That seemed like the star carried above the sky. So, I replied to him, filled with a precious smile," What, pull the dark? Are you joking, Denver? I am your friend, right?" Then, I continued chuckling at him. 

Hereafter, Denver asked her," why did you chuckle at me? Letting you know, I am on the level of my words. So, I badly needed your presence to bear with me." I said to her like, how the sun asked the rain not to fall down onto the earth. I never accepted his request, since I didn't want to fall in love with him. I wanted to let him know that I still have feelings for him. So, I left him by saying," good luck to our graduation tomorrow." Then, Denver yelled," no, I wanted to tell you something please." The moment when my crush grabbed at her arms, the more intertwined my feelings for him. So, I let him know not to grip my arms, since I had something to hide for him.

I left the guy after saying," I hid something for him," which often attached it to my mind. Even if I felt a bit thy knees, I will attend the graduation tomorrow.

A night had a whale of a time, when I graduated as Suma Cumlaudi in the University. However, Denver, I never felt that Araiza got pregnant. Thus, I decided not to attend the graduation day, but to visit the place where I could properly meditate; to let go of my feelings for Kaye. Alternatively, accept Araiza, I never loved her hillside.

That day, I often called Denver over the phone, letting him know about the plans for the incoming nuptial. Believing that my daddy and mommy have expected to happen. After knowing the meaningful event today, I went back to the University, to meet Denver. I wanted to let him know about my special presence. Unluckily, I never met him, which made my day crazy. That time, Kaye saw Araiza who got pregnant, her mind casted back to why Denver cried. She also never saw Denver climb to the stage, when his name was being mentioned as Suma Cumlaudi in the University.

After graduation, I often saw many calls from Denver on my phone, along with his many messages. That would make me perplexed, since he's not my sweetheart.It was opposite what Araiza had experienced, I sank my face after knowing that Denver hadn't been reached.

As I arrived at home, my mom kept on asking, why I never met the guy. Further, she told me with a harsh statement," once the guy would not marry you, you would be automatically abandoned to our family. I would not allow you to finish your studies. In addition to that, you are unwelcomed to our family, which might make it hard to take the Star-hotel." Her mommy told me about it seriously. I felt my spirit, thy destroyed my day, since I lived with my family dependently.

That night, Araiza, I lay down on my bed brimming with miserable minds. I bear in my mind about the guy, who served as the rainbow to my storm. Similarly, Kaye, I lay down on my bed while I read Denver's messages; "my life filled with storms, which hindered me to grow." Putting his message in my mind, I asked myself why Denver kept on reaching to my end.

I often imagined his life tonight where I stared at. So, I attended the reunion to be held on the beach where I met my batch mates. So far, I felt over the moon to join them. Like to dance and sing romantic songs, which completed my day awesomely.

It's already 2:00 am. I made up my mind to go back to my apartment, since my batch-mates might have ended the party until 5:00 am. On the way, I felt scared seeing some objects, I wanted to take a rest in my bed. While driving, I accidentally hit my car on the other car when I crossed. I felt apprehensive to get out of my car, since I had damaged the other car's mirror. But I needed to come out from the front seat, to ask for an apology. I was astonished to see the handsome man, whom I wanted to stay away from my life. 

A voice squeezed at his ears," sir, I am sorry, it's not my intention to hit that. I said Denver was full of taste. Then, the handsome man stared at me with a precious smile," letting you know, I never got mad at you, even if you burn my car. I only wanted to ask you. Can I have a date with you? I wanted to let you know about my story." I said to her, full of golden stars which could be found by her side.

I rarely accepted the request but perhaps it's the first time hearing his story. I felt scared about him, since I hid my feelings from him. So, I attached my sincere words to him," I accept your invitation," I said to him. That moment, I could not explain my feelings, but I felt scared that he might know that Araiza was pregnant. While driving the car, Denver, I imagined what to reveal to Kaye. If she accepts my heart, I will marry her, not to face Araiza's heart, whom I never had a 100 percent shared my love for. 

Will Kaye accept Denver's offer? Though Kaye has been infatuated with him since childhood.