
Chapter 35

Despite the burden and slow pace, they reached the Norman outpost by the middle of the afternoon. The dozen colonists ceased their work in the gardens to greet Warren and the group. Dakota noted the improvements made since their stopover earlier. Several crude huts had been constructed from rubble and sod. Water from the storm had collected in the basement bottom of the mega-mall-remains, forcing the colonists to move aboveground. However, they were not complaining about having a closer source of water for the gardens and their livelihood.

Vincent and Lucy shook hands with Dakota and Chip, but once the friendly exchanges were through, the mood changed.

“Colonel, we’ve been monitoring a lot of scavenger movements in the area,” Vincent said, pointing to the south and west. “We’re not sure what they’re up to.”

“No attacks?” Welch asked.

“None, but they seem to be banding together, too.”

The colonel scowled. “Do you know where they’re gathering?”