
Chapter 36

And he made it clear he hadn’t planned on seeing Dakota ever again.

“I really can’t understand what you or Colonel Welch ever saw in him,” Chip continued. “He seems to be rather self-centered and egotistical.”

“Don’t forget narcissistic, greedy, and vengeful.”

Chip laughed out loud.

“And those are his good points,” Dakota said, eliciting another round of laughter from Chip.

“Maybe he’ll continue on to St. Louis and be gone by the time we get back,” Chip said, after his hilarity died down.

“I’ve wondered why Colonel Welch hooked up with him. The colonel doesn’t seem like a guy to settle down. Maybe Gray was just a poke. Maybe I’m…” He caught himself before continuing.

“Maybe you’re just a poke to him?” Chip finished his sentence.