
Harry Potter: Woke up as a cat

Luke was an ordinary 25 years old guy with nothing special about him. Well he may not have been special but... Stuff happens. He may have been ordinary human but is he ordinary cat? (Disclaimer. Furries will be dissapointed. Think about that before you decide to read please.) If you want you can support me on patreon.com/marcelll3214. I am not making anybody to do it. It is just if you want. There will not be content for patreons but i will take your opinions of what you want to happen into consideration. I would not mind some money for a cup of coffee after hours i spend on each chapter :D

marcelll3214 · Filme
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20 Chs

But i just wanted to say hello!

Right after Luke returned to his room he sat by the window and decided to study the map more thoroughly. (Since i am not going into god-room today i can play around with this.)

Looking at the map he again checked whereabouts of Filch. (It seems he is still patroling the seventh floor. I gave that cat too much credit.)

Luke looked for his friends again to make sure no creepy animagus is sleeping in their beds. Seeing them sleeping with their roomates made him relieved. (Hoo? Dora has a room just for herself? So unfair!) Few more students from each house had rooms just for themselves. Luke had his priorities though.

When everything seemed to be in order he began looking for secret passages. (So god-room and chamber of secret is really not shown. That is good.)

He spent the rest of the time before he went to sleep looking for and remembering all the shortcuts. Well it was not all just boring studying. When he found some names covering each other in the bathroom of the fifth floor he could not help himself but smirk. (Hoo seems that somebody is being naughty. Hmm? naughty... funny...Loki... mischief!!!)

Luke pointed his wand at the map and quietly said "Mischief managed." Map started dissapearing from the paper. (Heh i may be the best detective ever.)

;next day, lunch;

(Okay today is the day that i am gonna meet Dora. I know there is not really any reason to do it but... I don´t really need a reason to do something i wanna do. Do i? I just think that having somebody that can change into anybody as a friend is something anybody sane would do. I mean if she is my friend she is not my enemy. And i really don´t want somebody like this as my enemy. It is that simple.)

Luke ditched Cedric after their charms lesson. He already checked that Dora is on her way into the kitchens. (Kitchens is the best place to meet her. I mean i can not get a hold of her anywhere else. It seems as if she is running from class to class. Well she goes to the toilet but i am not brave enough to have a first meeting with a girl there... yet.)

As Luke was tickling the pear he thought about the map more. (I probably shouldn´t bring it with me everywhere. I thought nothing could happen to it in my pocked but then i realized that every student has a gun. Just one unlucky shot at me and the map can get destroyed. It will probably not happen but why risk it? I already know all the important passages. I can just check and bring it with me at night.)

He heard giggling of the pear and it changed into a big handle. When he opened the door strong smell of delicious cooked food hit him. (Well this is kinda overwhelming.) He walked a few steps inside and finally saw what the kitchen looked like.

The kitchen was a gigantic, high-ceilinged room with five tables identical to the ones in the Great Hall above; they were also in the exact same position. There were large quantities of pots and pans heaped around the stone walls, presumably on counter-tops or stoves, and a large brick fireplace at the other end of the hall from the door.

There were also quite a few elves running around excitedly with food flying in the air and landing on the tables and then dissapearing. (Probably somehow teleporting above.)

At one of the tables sat a brown haired young woman. She had her back turned towards him and seemed to be eating something.

(Brown? Is this Dora? Did she change her appearance or is this somebody else? I better check. Not wanna waste my time at some nobody.) Luke sat and hid behind some barrels. Elves noticed him but when he shushed them they smiled and did not say a word.

He took out the map and quietly activated it. (Yes it is her allright. This is even better. Now i can approach her with it seeming to her like i am not looking for Dora. That should keep her guard down.)

Luke did not forget to look at the names of his friends before he deactivated the map and stashed it away in his robes. (Heh when Cedric is alone he gets surrounded by girls so quickly. Well Jordan and Angelina are almost at the table so they will save him. Beth is also almost there.)

Luke made sure there was no dust on him and that his breath did not smell bad. Then he prepared his charming smile and began approaching her. ( I know that talking to somebody while they are eating is annoying so i have to time this right. But i am not gonna be standing here until she finishes. That would be such a wuss move.)

When he was close he made his steps louder on purpose. (Not wanna startle her.) This also had and effect of stoping her eating as she turned to him.

It seemed she was surprised for a moment but quickly scowled at him. (Ehh! Now i can only relly on my smile. Justin do your job and soften this rock for me.)

"Hello i am sorry to bother you. This is the first time i visited this place. I was suprised to see somebody else here." He said with his best acting. But it seemed it was not enough. Dora just kept looking at him and did not say a word.

*Cough* "I was just wondering if i can sit and eat with you."


Luke was suprised for a second. (Eh? But the Keikaku... Keikaku was perfect.)

"But i..."

"No!" She said with a little raised voice.

(Well mission failed. We will get them next time.) Luke raised his hands up in surrender. Trying to calm down the beast in front him.

"Okay then. I will just leav..."

Before he could finish his sentence he saw her reaching for her wand. (She wouldn´t.)

Pointed it at him and before he knew it the spell was already flying his way.

Time seemed to slow down for him. (Ahh! My spide- i mean cat senses are tingling!)

The spell was going for his stomach. (This crazy bitch. I just wanted to say hi!) Luke dodged by leaning to the side. (Retreat!) Luke turned and started running outside.

Dora seemed suprised for a few seconds and send a few spells after him. Luke dodged all of them. He was also using elves as an meatshields so not that many spells were actually sent after him.

As he was dodging the spells he noticed that all of them were just harmlessly getting absorbed into the walls. (They are probably not dangerous. Maybe some kid spells but i am not gonna risk it.) She was casting them silently.

When he was out of the room he did not stop running. (I need to get somewhere with more people. Who knows if that crazy woman decides to follow me.)

When he got to the great hall he made a beeline for his friend. (Only Jordan?)

"Hi Luke. What took you so long?"

"Eh? Ah i thought i saw my friend and wanted to chat with him for a bit."

Luke sat down.

"You thought? So it was not your friend?"

"Nah it wasn´t." Said Luke with a thoughtful look.

"Hmm. Well eat up we have herbology. You will need the extra energy."

"You are right." Luke looked around and asked.

"So why are you alone? Where is everybody else?"

"They are done already. Seems that the breafest was really too much for them. When they left they looked like baloons. Probably went to deflate if you know what i mean?"

*Sigh* I told them not to eat that much sirup with their waffles. Why does nobody listen to me?"

;Scene break;

After classes were over the whole gang met up in the entrance hall. They were playing the game today.

"Luke are you really sure you want to play alone against all of us? I know you got a lot better but i can still kick your ass." Said Beth.

Luke felt like he stagnated a little with his training so he wants to push himself. Of course he was much better at leviosa then his fellow first year friends but Beth was still a challenge.

"Yeas! I told you this is not just a game to me. Today i am not playing for fun but to get better."

Beth saw the look of determination that Luke was sending her way and sighed. "Just don´t hurt yourself. Having unreasonable expectations can lead to big dissapointment and injury."

Luke nodded. (It seems she is talking from experience. Really interesting mystery. I should probably start working on her character development. I mean i should try to get closer to her so she will reveal her secrets. I mean i should be better friend to her so that i can become somebody she trusts enough to not hide things from. Yes that is it!)

When Luke finally formulated his plans in a way that made him not feel guilty he heard that somebody is following them.

(I thought it was a coincidence at first but we are pretty far from the main gate already. They are also hiding behind some trees. So that makes it really obvious. I am not sure but it is probably two people. I don´t wanna look at them. It would only scare them away. I need to know what they want. Is it finally that young master from slytherin coming for revenge? Can i finally experience the true main character event?)

"Guys go ahead i need to take a leak."

"Eh? Somebody should probably stay behind to... make sure nothing happens to you." Said Angelina with a little tinge of red on her face.

"Hoo how bold." Said Beth.

"What does she mean?" Whispered Jordan to Cedric. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"Heh i will gladly take you out on that offer when we are older Angelina. But now i really need to go." Said Luke with an amused smirk on his face.

Angelina got completely red punched him in the shoulder and hurriedly left towards their playing field.

Beth laughed for a bit, then winked at Luke and started following her. Both guys did the same right after.

Luke took a left and ventured into the forbidden forest. They were almost at the field so the forbidden forest was right besides him. (Dangerous creatures live deeper so i hope not strays will suddenly jump at me.)

He ran i little further zigzaging in between the trees. (I am sure i lost them. Operation ninja starto!)

Luke transformed into his cat form and climbed a tree besides him. (Forbidden forest trees are really big. That helps ninjas like me.) Branches of the trees were almost touching each other so his parkour skills came in handy again.

(This brings back memories.) Thought Luke reminiscing while he was making his way outside of the forest. It took him a while but he found his stalkers. They were quite far from his friends now but they could still see them in the distance. They waited for Luke to show up. It would be dumb if he found them right in front of him after he was done pissing afterall.

He was currently on the branch right above them observing the duo.

(What are these redheads doing here?) That is right. The dangerous, revenge driven young master that Luke wanted here turned out to be Weasly twins.

"What is taking him so long?" Said the annoyed twin.

"Hmm. Maybe he got diarrhea?" Said the second bored sounding twin.

They both started laughing at that.

(Hohoo. I see. These kiddos wanna have a fight.)

Luke slowly climbed down the tree to not make any noise. When he was behind the still laughing twins he quietly transformed into his human form.

Then in a loud voice he said. "Hee i wanna laugh too. Can you repeat the joke?"


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