In an unexpected twist, Artel finds himself thrust into the world of Thomas Michael Shelby. But fate takes a sharp turn on Artel's eleventh birthday when an encounter with an owl shatters his reality by revealing the Harry Potter's world to him. No longer solely focused on restoring the Razor Party and the Shelby family's glory, Artel's ambitions darken. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for power, he sets his sights on not just becoming a godfather, but a true Dark Lord. His journey begins with the Ring of Power from the Lord of the Rings saga, a sinister artifact that ultimately leads to the resurrection of Sauron himself. Additional Tag: Necromancer, Dark Lord ======= Support me on Patreon and get access to advanced chapters, putting you right in the middle of the action. Link: ======= Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.