
Harry Potter: The Grand Illusionist

Chapter Release | 5th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ He wanted to learn as much as he could. He wanted to know the mystery of the world he was in as much as he could. He was a sweet child to his mother, a dashing boyfriend, a caring friend and a menace to his enemies. As long as you stay away from his path and leave alone those who he love, you will be safe. And if you do cross him, then just pray to whatever Deity you worship as he will be there to send you to the said Deity. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Filme
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11 Chs

6 | Mr. & Mrs. Tonks

After one week I finished everything that I needed to do for the new academic year. I port keyed to my summer house in Scotland. Reaching there I took an envelope from my office and placed the list of required materials for my classes and also a request letter to McGonagall about an introductory class for the fifth year.

Done with that I called out to my Owl "Hermis!"

Just as I called his name, a eagle-owl with black in colour with silver streak came inside my home *Hoot Hoot* [Where to?]

"To the hands of Prof. Mcgonagall only." I told him.

[Okay! I haven't seen her for a while.] He said.

"You will get your treat after the delivery, so be a good boy and go."

Saluting at me with his wings he flew towards Hogwarts or wherever McGonagall is.

Anyway, as I was done with that I looked around my house and figured that Dora hadn't come back from her training with Mad Eye. Chuckling at the thought of her tripping and being a klutz around Moody due to her Metamorphosis ability he will be nagging her for constant vigilance.

Since I have promised Storm that we would be going to Bhutan, and I'm pretty sure that I won't be able to inform Dora about it, I decided that I should inform her parents about it. Nodding at that, I went to my fireplace and I used the floo network to reach Tonks residence.


In the Tonks residence we can see a woman of late thirties. She was in the hall of the house skimming through the newspaper as it's time for her husband to come home.

As she was waiting for her husband, the fireplace in the hall expanded and a man came out of it and looked around. Seeing Andromeda on the chair looking at him, he went near her and kissed her cheek and said "Good to see you Andy."

Blinking at the sudden appearance of the man Andromeda replied with a sigh "Good to see you too Eric. You could have told me that you will be coming here."

Sitting down opposite to her Eric said "I didn't have the time for that."

Shaking her head, she said "Dora is not here and I'm pretty sure that you know that. So why are you here?"

Smiling at the older witch he said "I'll be going on a trip for a month and half, I'll be going off the grid so I decided to inform my in-laws first."

"I see. So, you haven't told Dora about this trip of yours?" She asked him.

"No. But I will be getting gifts for all three of you from where I'm going." Eric said with a smiling face.

Nodding at him she stood up from her seat and asked "I presume that you will be with us for dinner?"

"I will. It's been three months since I ate your cooking."

"Okay then." Saying that Andromeda went towards the kitchen to prepare an extra portion for dinner.

As Andromeda was in the kitchen, Eric said "Andy, I'll be in Dora's room."

"Alright." She replied

After getting permission from her Eric went upstairs and opened the door that had a name plate saying "Nymphadora". Seeing that a small smile formed on his face and he went inside the room and after cleaning the room with magic he lied down on the bed and started to slip into sleep.

An hour later, he woke up and went downstairs to see Andy setting up the dinner and Ted helping her. Seeing that he also went and helped them out and they ate dinner together.

As they were eating and speaking about the things that's happening in magical Britain, Eric said "Speaking of Hogwarts, I got the job as the Prof. of Alchemy."

Hearing that both Andy and Ted stopped eating and looked at him wide eyed. Ted was the first one to break out of their stupor, so he asked "I thought you will be the Prof. of DADA?"

"Ah... There was a mix up actually. Twenty two or twenty three students have applied for Alchemy this year so, Prof. McGonagall has given me the opportunity to be the Alchemy Professor." I told him.

"So what about the post for DADA?" Ted asked me.

"Well, there were two applications for the DADA post. One from me and the other from Mr. Lockhart, and the Alchemy professor post only had one and that was from me. So he got the post." Eric said.

"Mmm.... I believe that the kids will go bonkers within three classes of his." Andy said.

"Yeah, well they don't have a choice here as there were only two applicants and they needed me in Alchemy." Eric said to them.

Nodding at that they resumed their dinner and like before talked about everyday news.

After dinner Eric bid farewell to the Tanks and went back to his summer home. From there he Portkeyd to Iceland and went outside to see Storm staying at the same place last time he saw her.

Seeing her Eric said "Come on girl let's fly there shall we?"

Frantically nodding, Storm took off from the branch closely followed by Eric who turned into his Animagus form of the White Tailed Eagle. And they went towards the East, where the Land Of Thunder Dragon is.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 6 End❌❌❌❌