
Harry Potter: The Grand Illusionist

Chapter Release | 5th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ He wanted to learn as much as he could. He wanted to know the mystery of the world he was in as much as he could. He was a sweet child to his mother, a dashing boyfriend, a caring friend and a menace to his enemies. As long as you stay away from his path and leave alone those who he love, you will be safe. And if you do cross him, then just pray to whatever Deity you worship as he will be there to send you to the said Deity. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Filme
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11 Chs

4 | A Raven

Even though I told her that I will be touring around the castle, the first place where I went was towards the room of requirement. During my time in Hogwarts this is where I had spent most of the time, even though I had a whole room to myself because I was in Ravenclaw House. Anyway, as I reached the seventh floor where the room of requirement is, I walked past it three times thinking about a place where two people could talk with a calming atmosphere.

As the door revealed itself I went inside the room, right on que, the person I wanted to talk with also came inside the room. Looking at her I just smiled as she observed the room that was prepared by the room of requirement.

After she finished her observation she looked at me and said "It's quite unusual for you to be here in Hogwarts after your graduation, Eric."

Taking a seat I said "What can I say, I got lucky and I have become the Professor of Alchemy, Helena."

"I expected as much. But I didn't think that you would become a professor within three years after your graduation." Helena told me with a smile. Then she sat opposite of me or pretended to sit while she just kept on floating.

Looking at her I said "Helena, I need one more year to complete your request."

"Which one?"

"The diadem." I told her.

With a sad smile she said "I thought you already found it from where he had hidden it?"

"I did. But to retrieve it without any kind of damage to the diadem I will need more time." I told her.

After hearing that, she looked at me and asked "How about the one tracking him down?"

"You mean Mr. Tom?" I asked her, and she nodded at that so I continued "Last I knew is that his wraith form was inside Hogwarts leaching off of last year Prof. of DADA. I haven't gotten any more leads about him now, so I'm looking into it."

"Mmm. I know that you are paranoid enough after what happened to your mom, but I'm just saying, I have a bad feeling about him. Even though people know that he is dead, he has come to Hogwarts to be alive again and I'm sure that within three or two years he will be coming back to life."

"I know, I also have that feeling. But you don't have to worry about him at all. As I had promised you before, I won't allow any kind of harm be done on the students and the castle itself as long as I'm here." I told her with a wide smile.

Hearing that she started to giggle and floated towards me and stood just inches away from my face and said "You know, if you were born when I was alive, I would have taken you to myself instead of letting one the puff to hog you all alone."

Shaking my head I said "You and I both know how much I love her and I don't care how many more beautiful women come running into my hands I won't be cheating on her."

"I do. But, what will happen if she agrees with it?"

"I'm pretty sure that she wouldn't, but even she did I will only agree to have one. As I have seen in my travels what a big polygamy family could do to the man itself, it will just drive him crazy and I'm not up for it." I gave her a lengthy explanation after that about the advantage and disadvantaged of being in a polygamy family, that too being the man himself.

After that I just sighed and asked her "You wouldn't have brought it up without any kind agenda behind it, so what's up?"

"Mmm, well there is a fifth year, not a fifth year now but a sixth year, have a huge crush on you after knowing your activities in Hogwarts." She said that with a sweet smile.

Hearing that my eyes twitched and I told her "You know pretty well that I won't form any kind of romantic relationship with an underage girl."

"That I do. But what I said is also true. Just be sure to look after her if possible."

"Nope. Not happening."

"Even though she is in Ravenclaw?" She asked me with a mischievous smile.

Sighing in defeat I asked her "What's her name then?"

"Penelope Clearwater, I think that she will be the girls prefect of this year for Ravenclaw."

"Alright, I won't be doing much though." I told her.

"That's alright with me. Just give the girl a chance to confess to you like you allowed the puff to tell her to live for you." Saying that with a giggle she floated out of the room of requirement, I also followed her out as my purpose in coming here has ended with this, now it's time for the forest. So bidding farewell to Helena, I walked towards the shortcut to outside so I could go and look inside the forest one more time before leaving and coming back as a professor.




❌❌❌❌Chapter 4 End❌❌❌❌