
Harry Potter: The Grand Illusionist

Chapter Release | 5th Day Of Every Month [Only AfterFirst 10 Chapters Are Uploaded] ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌ He wanted to learn as much as he could. He wanted to know the mystery of the world he was in as much as he could. He was a sweet child to his mother, a dashing boyfriend, a caring friend and a menace to his enemies. As long as you stay away from his path and leave alone those who he love, you will be safe. And if you do cross him, then just pray to whatever Deity you worship as he will be there to send you to the said Deity. ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌❌

Author_Ed_Dew · Filme
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11 Chs

10 | Onwards To Hogwarts

As the Hogwarts Express started to move from the station, a brown haired girl was walking through each bogie to find her friends. But to her dismay, she didn't find them so getting mad she opened the door to a compartment and sat down on the seat, not seeing the man that was sleeping in the window seat.

A couple of minutes later she calmed down, then she saw a man sleeping in the compartment and the first thing she did was to cover her mouth to stop herself from screaming. As she was doing that, the door opened and three boys were seen.

The boy in the middle, with white blonde hair and light grey eyes scanned the compartment. His eyes lingered on the man for a second and he looked at the girl and said "I'll be using this compartment, so off you go mudblood."

As he said that, the girl flinched at first but retorted by saying "I was in here first and you don't have any right to order me around either."

Hearing that, the boy scowled and spoke by raising his voice a bit. "Every pure blood has the right to order around mudbloods, so get out." Then looking at the man he said to the other two boys "Crabbe, Goyle take that out of the compartment. From one look we can understand that he's also a mudblood."

The two boys nodded at him and moved to lift the man, but they froze on their spot when the man suddenly opened his eyes and looked at them.

Then peering past them the man said "Yo, Ferret! Get these cronies of yours and get out of the compartment before I make you so."

Hearing that the boy looked backwards and asked "Did you call me a Ferret?"

"Yeah. Don't tell me that you have a hearing problem." The man said.

"I have no problem. And my name is Draco Malfoy, so you better get out of the compartment!" Draco said.

When he said that name the man raised an eyebrow and said "So you're Narcissa's son huh?"

When Draco heard his mother's name from the man he all but ordered the man "Yes I am. If you know about my mother then you should also know about my father so be a good boy and leave the cabin."

Again the man just cocked his eyebrow and stood up from his seat. Seeing that Draco was esthetic, the girl was torn thinking that another man is going to obey Malfoy thanks to his dad's name, and by doing so it will boalt the already swelled ego of Draco.

But to both of their surprise the man picked up Draco like picking up a kitten and dumped him out of the cabin. Then, turning around, the man told the other two boys "It will be for the best if you two get out of this cabin now."

The boys just nodded and went out. By this time Draco had come back from his stupor and told the man "My father will hear about this."

Nodding at Draco, the man said "Sure, inform your father that you were kicked out of a cabin by Ragnar Bjornson." Saying that Ragnar closed the door in the face of Draco.

As for Draco, he started fuming and went to find another cabin.

Inside the cabin Ragnar and the girl were alone, so Ragnar spoke first "Name's Ragnar. What's yours?"

"Hermione" She immediately replied.

Giving Hermione a nod he said "If anyone calls you mudblood again, inform me."

At first Hermione nodded, but she stopped midway and said "But I won't be able to find you."

Smiling at that he said "Don't worry, you will be seeing me a lot from here on out." Then getting back into his position he said "Anyway, it's good to meet you. And if you could, wake me up when the train reaches Hogwarts."

Hermione just nodded at him with a calm face, but inside her head she was going crazy 'Oh my God! Ragnar is sharing a cabin with me!'




❌❌❌❌Chapter 10 End❌❌❌❌



With this, Volume One Prologue has come to an end.

Hope you enjoyed all ten chapters in the first volume and I would regrettably inform you that this novel will only continue from March 1st onwards.

There won't be any more updates in this novel until D-Day. I believe that you all will support me when I come back to this novel again.

So I wish you all an advanced Happy New Year!

