
Uninvited guests


Harry Potter and all of its characters belong to J.K Rowling.

I own nothing but the original characters I make.




Chapter 77: Uninvited guests

Harry aimed his apparition around a mile away from the house, at the entrance of the forest surrounding the area.

He looked in the direction of the Lovegoods house and immediately saw a golden dome with some red tones covering the property.

Harry pushed his magic and was lifted into the sky, then started flying towards the house. His method of flying was slower than the average broom but it was a lot safer since there was no risk of losing that thin piece of wood beneath you and fall to your death.

He flew one hundred feet above the ground as he approached the house. The wards were around the same height.

Once He was close enough, He spotted three figures at the border of the wards.

Harry smiled at the sight.


Twenty minutes earlier

Luna was finishing her preparations before going to visit Harry.

She moved around while looking at herself in the mirror, making sure her hair was properly done and her clothes looked good.

"Alright, all good." She was not a vain person and normally wouldn't care that much how she looked, but she hasn't seen Harry in a week and dint want to look sloppy. He is always well dressed and his long hair seems always perfectly tied and clean...and He always smells nice.

"Anyways!" Luna shook herself of those thoughts with rosy cheeks and went down to the kitchen to pick up the treacle tard she promised Harry. This was actually the main reason she was late, her oven has been acting up and the tart took a bit longer than normal.

Once she entered the kitchen, she saw her father sitting on a chair, drinking some tea and reading something.

"How do I look, daddy?" Luna asked while smiling and giving a twirl.

"Lovely as always dear" Xeno smiled at her, but then had some complicated feelings after thinking about why she was worried about her looks. However, looking back, Harry always seems to behave like a perfect gentleman and that thought eases his worries a little bit

Luna picked up the tart from the counter.

"I'm going to use the floo, I'll be home in time to make dinner. Don't try to cook, please!"

Xeno chuckled and nodded. But when Luna was about to leave the kitchen, they both heard an alarming sound.

"What is that?!" Luna was startled.

Xeno's expression grew serious all of the sudden. He had an idea about the reason for that sound.

"Stay here." Xeno rushed to the basement, where the Santos brother had set up the ward's controls.

As soon as He entered the situation became clear immediately. The controls were warning about an unauthorized attempt to breach the wards.

Luna came from behind Xeno and also looked at the controls.

"Are we under attack?" She asked while looking from behind her father's back.

Xeno looked at her daughter and was going to tell her something about being disobedient, but then He thought that this was not the time.

"It seems that way. Let's hope these wards are as good as they promised." Xeno said, looking a bit grim.


Outside the Lovegoods household

"How long is this going to take?" Yaxley asked. He was already anxious to get this done. He had a bad feeling the moment they arrive here.

"Patience my friend, breaking a ward safely takes some time," Amycus answered

His sister Alecto was silently studying the wards.

"This is a lot more advanced than I expected. Those do not look like ancient wards, but instead is something a lot more modern." She said.

"Indeed," Amycus said while looking at the yellow dome covering the household. As soon as they took out their wands and pointed them at the house, the wards activated.

"These wards have defenses based on intent. That has only been in use for the last few decades."

"And…You two can break them?" Yaxley asked.

"Do we have a choice?. Coming back to our Lord empty-handed is not an option. I rather not be tortured to insanity." Alecto said with furrowed eyebrows.

A loud noise was heard and the wards started to change slightly. There was now a red hue mixed in.

"What did you do?!" Amycus exclaimed loudly

"I didn't do anything, you moron!. I was just testing for weak points" Alecto defended herself.

Yaxley was getting more anxious, this was not going according to plan. They just came here to fight a weirdo and two Hogwarts students...not to deal with this crap.

He instinctively started to move back, away from the wards that were now emitting a very threatening noise, it almost sounded like a lightning storm.

The noises started to get louder. Alecto turned to notice that Yaxley has backed up at least five feet.

"STOP!, don't move!. I think there is a movement trigger somewhere!." Alecto yelled.

Amycus was waving his wand around, trying to disable the security measure that has just been triggered. He looked extremely worried and beads of sweat were falling down his face.

Yaxley was now terrified, He could barely hear what Alecto said, the only thing that He could think of now was to GET AWAY.

He turned around and started to run. Alecto and Amycus yelled at him to stop.

Yaxley only took five more steps before a red lightning was shoot from somewhere they could not see and impacted Yaxley, throwing him to the grassy ground.

He grunted, feeling a lot of pain, but somewhat less than He expected.

'Maybe it wasn't that bad.' He thought.

He then looked at the twins and was a bit surprised at how horrified they looked.

"What is it? It doesn't hurt that much, I think I'm fine."

"Y-your l-legs!" Amycus said while pointing.

When Yaxley looked down at his legs, it took him a moment to process what He was seeing…his legs were gone, both of them, there was nothing from the upper thigh down.

Yaxley started to scream like mad.

"Calm down, we are going to get you out of here, but we need to disable that trap before w-"

Amycus was interrupted when the sound of thunder started to get louder again.

"But we didn't move this time!" Alecto complained.

Amycus's face changed when He came to the realization of what happened.

"Intent…" He said.

Alecto looked at her brother, waiting for him to continue.

Amycus looked at his sister with a defeated expression and fear in his eyes.

"This ...thing has been reading our intent since we came here. It was never going to let us leav-"

A thunderous noise was heard, and Amycus was hit by a bolt of red lightning, like the one that attacked Yaxley, except this one hit Amycus in the head, killing him instantly and leaving his body completely headless.

Alecto screamed in horror at seeing her brother killed in front of her. She knew that at his point, there was no way to disable the protections, Her only chance was to apparate away immediately, leaving Yaxley behind.

The moment she started to lift her wand, she heard that blasted sound once again, and before she could even think about a place to apparate to, she was also hit with red lightning on her back, piercing and burning her chest.

Her death was not instant, but inevitable...most of her internal organs has been lost and she was laying in a pool of her blood.

Yaxley, who had watched the whole thing had realized something. The lightning seems to need a bit of time to recharge and fire again. So when Alecto was hit by the bolt, He already had his wand out and apparate away, leaving Alecto…dying alone.


When Harry came floating down, He found the two bodies. He did not know at first who the decapitated one was, but He could make a guess after finding out the identity of the woman.

'The Carrow twins.'

He then notices a pair of legs with no body.

'So, we have one survivor. If He doesn't bleed to death.'

The yellow dome covering the household started to dim and disappear.

As soon as it finished, Harry saw Luna peeking out from a window, with Xeno at her side.

He started to walk toward the tower at a brisk pace.

When Luna saw that Harry was almost at the door, she came out and jumped into his arms.

"Harry!, I was soo scared!" She sobbed.

"Is ok, they are gone. I told you, these wards will keep you safe." Harry tried to calm her down the best He could.

Xeno came out and looked in the direction where the Carrow twins lay.

"Are they dead?..."

"Yes, and I think the Aurors will be here shortly, so is best not to touch anything. Let's go inside." Harry said while moving Luna towards the house.

Once inside, Harry called Lorry and send him back with a message for Susan and Hannah that everyone was unharmed, as He promised.

It only took a couple of minutes before Harry felt the presence of several people, apparating right outside the wards.