
adopting myself!

End of the Second term …..

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 12 years

Mp: 68,9

St: ten-man

Mentality: 64

Soul Power: unknown

After a facing a lot of Failures I finally succeeded in coming up with a way to improve the ageing potion! And created three Dosages *Proud Smile* now I can do somethings I had in mind, I also made a little Fortune on the side by selling some simple healing potions and Creating a new type of Potion! It's a potion that can moderately reduce Extreme shock, and I Posted the Formula on the Daily Prophet, but of course for a Considerable Price, I Wanted to have an image of a Saint for now *Smile Lightly* Because of that I earned a bit of Reputation, like The Prodigy of potion! And Sure as hell I got a lot of mails thanking me and Praising me, even Horace Slughorn himself sent me a letter filled with graduate and Praises, it seems my Potion has inspired him!, He also said if I have the time I can visit him anytime I want, so I quickly replied to him (I would happily be Honored but excuse me for now I'm on an important research on improving some potions but I would definitely visit you in the near future, Yours Sincerely Ekon Najashi).

also there is less than of a year left and the famous trio will start attending Hogwarts *Thoughtful Smile* also some Talents I wish to gain! Such as Theodore Nott, it will be easy to recruit him he loves Potions making and I could teach him a Trick or two!, and Draco Malfoy that kid is a fucking genius he would have been a potion and Dueling Master in his years in Hogwarts if he wasn't arrogant and a coward in his early years, but he was non the less Definitely intelligent and quick-witted and Second only to Granger in obtaining top marks in school but the Problems is, he is from a Pureblood Family and a Strong one! It will be a bit harder than Theo to gain his loyalty, Especially when his Admiration for his Father is overwhelmingly influential, but I will do everything I can to make them my second hands!.

Several Months Later …. end of the second year.

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 13 years

Mp: 80

St: ten-man

Mentality: 65

Soul Power: unknown

Now I can Begin the First Step of my plan, so I quickly gathered everything I need and head out to my Gang.

Several minutes later…

In a luxurious room me and Leo were talking

"So How's the Company is Going?", I said Calmly

"It's Doing Great my lord!, Replied Leo Respectfully"

"Don't call me Lord! I don't Suspicions to run into me Call me Boss for now", I said in a slightly angry tone,

Yes m'lor.. BOSS", Leo said hastily""

"So, How much is our income now?"

"it's £200000!, including the men wages and our operations and equipment's costs, and also the

rewards we give to those who did something great"

"That's good, you did a good job Leo *light Smile*, and how many men we got now?"

"we have 365 men boss!", Leo said Cheerfully

"alright then, Gather them all to me I want to Check on them"

"Yes Boss!"

Half an Hour later ….

"Boss all of them are in the big hall right now"

"Okay that's good let them come here one by one, and ask them some simple question such as their name, age, etc… Understood?"

"Yes Boss!"

I quickly found me a hiding spot, I wanted to check if any of the members were Traitors or Spies Using Legilimency! *Shrewd Smile*,

at the end of the day I discovered 6 who were spies!, and 3 who betrayed us for the other gangs!, I quickly ordered Leo to give them a public execution in the big hall and make all the other members there see what will happen FOR THOSE WHO BETRAY US! *STRONG BLOODLUST* but I already expected some would betray us and some spies who would enter our Company that's why every Summer I will do this till I find Something which will Discover anyone who has malicious intents Towards us!, *Sigh*, after all that Mess I told Leo, Tomorrow a man will come to visit him and he must treat him like I was him, He quickly nodded in understanding.

Tomorrow morning ….

"I was sitting on the Couch in my house with a bottle in my hand, (okay I just have to Drink it) then I open the bottle and then drink it all "Arghh!" *Bones Cracking!*

I Feel Pain all over my body, and my SOUL! I feel it Changing Somehow!, the Pain only Stopped after 20 minutes later, So I get up and go see myself on the mirror, I see Myself But much older! And more Handsome *Egoistic Smile*, and I didn't forget to take the tracing magic blocker Potion!, you will never know when will I ever need it!(I should hurry up and go meet Leo before the effect wear off!),

the Potion was a huge success, it improved two important things!, Now most magic spells can't Find out about me being a kid!, even if Dumbledore put that Spell he used in the Triwizard's tournament!, and it can last up to 4 Hours more than the original which last 30 minutes (Note* that was BS Fact I really don't know how long it last)

Several minutes later, I met Leo in his office I told him I need a British ID and a passport quickly as possible, he was a bit shocked and then he hurriedly told me he can't and even if he could it will take him at least several months! (shit and I thought my gang is powerful enough!) *Slightly Disappointed Eyes*

"alright then, just get me a fake ID, *Smile Slightly* and a driving license!", half an hour he was back with all the things I asked him, "you really did a great job *Amused Smile* also Give me your Car Keys" I said,

my car Keys?, Alright (hand Keys Nervously) *look at me in the eyes* "Please be careful with it", Leo said in a Slightly Nervous tone,

"Don't you worry, it's in safe hands" *Wide Smile*.

As I go out of the building, I see a beautiful NISSAN SKYLINE! "that man has a taste it seems" *Satisfied Smile*

15 minutes later outside the orphanage, as I enter I fell a weak Mp coming from one of the kids room (interesting... *Curious Smile*) so first I head to the matron office *knock, Knock* "come in", said the matron,

"Hello, How are you doing Sir", said the matron Cheerfully.

*Hand Shaking* "I'm doing Great, but excuse me I'm in a bit of a hurry, so I will cut the chase, I just found out my son is in your orphanage and I would like to get him back as soon as possible, so if you please can get me the required paperwork quickly, I would be thankful",

(She was obviously a bit Shocked) "well Sir that is hard to take in, *breathing* alright first give me your ID and your Child name, but I have to tell you at first, that it may take a few days Sir *Worried Look*, oh, then that will be problem then" *Implants a false memory of me* (I had her memory of me changed to look like I did all the required paperwork and Check-ups, everything!) "so, missy I would love to adopt a kid from here can you show me the kids?" I said,

"well sir, you will need to giv….",

"ugh, what a pain in the ass *Implants a false memory of me again! * so, shall we go now?", I said,

Certainly sir, just follow me this way ", she said

Five minutes later, all the boys and girls in the orphanage were gathered in front me now, I even saw Hannah there, but she was way in the back, that poor girl, I even thought, Should I Adopt her as well?, But nah I quickly throw that Idea aside because first I can't take care of her all the time!, only when I'm back from Hogwarts for the Summer I can even See her!, and I don't trust Leo that much to let him take care of her, and second I Don't want to implicate her in my shit, she is weak after all *Sad Smile*.

(where is that kid I felt when I entered the orphanage?) "Excuse me ma"am, are those all the children in the orphanage?",

"well Sir … *hesitating* there is one more child who didn't show up, but I don't think you will be interested in him", she said,

*Hmph* "I will be the judge of that!, show me the way to his room"

As I came closer to his room, I again felt his Mp!, But it's not normal like the other young wizards and not like a squib! It feels like it's between them!, *Knock knock* " sorry sir but he can't talk, (then she open the door, and what I saw in front me has truly shocked me!), and he couldn't walk as you see sir *Sad look*", she explained to me

(what I saw was a little boy laying in his bed who looked pretty much fucked beyond recognition! His legs were twisted and skinny, his right hand was full of burns and looked quite fragile his lower jaw looked broken *Sigh*) "what wrong with him?" I asked,

"well as you see, he is.. he is been this way since he came from the hospital *Whispering* they couldn't cover his medical needs, so they decided to remove him here, especially when he has no signs of recovering, he was here since 5 years ago but strangely two years ago he has started moving his head a little bit, unfortunately nothing else happened"

"how all of these injures happened to him?" *curious look*,

"Well he had a nasty car accident when he was 5 years-old, and he was the only one to survive!",

"what his name?", I asked

"his name is Thales Mason", she said

"I want to adopt him!" I said enthusiastically,

"WHAT!, sorry sir but he will cost you a lot of money to take care of him and you also have to show us a proof that you have a place that can take care of his medical condition! *suspicious look* and I don't think you can handle it",

"will that's up to me! *Annoyed Look* and I don't care about your opinion!"

"then I'm sorry Mr, I can't help you, she said with annoyed tone,

"ugh, I don't why even bother with you" *again Implants a false memory of me*,

(after I Charmed the matron for the third Time! I came closer to the kid and took a good look of him, he must be traumatized also, but there is nothing magic can't fix *Wide Smile*),

"well hello Young man, I'm gonna be your Father from now on!" *Amused Smile* all I have received was a lifeless look from him, but that's alright I'm gonna explode the life within him *Gentle Smile*.