
Operation Rob and Stink

Second term begin …..

Name: Ekon Fergus Najashi

Age: 12 years

Mp: 63,8

St: ten-man

Mentality: 62

Soul Power: unknown

First day at the school I was Eating my breakfast quietly and nicely, but then again I wasn't destined for a quit life *Weak Sigh*, "Hey Ekon, What a wicked Thing You did back then!!, but we like it!, Especially if it came With Tickets!, Yeah, you are absolutely welcome if you want to do it again! *Shameless Smile*, said the twins


Tonight I have gathered with the boys to plan our robbery and when will we do it.

"Listen to me guys, you will be Guarding me while I go inside, George will be Watching out if Filch comes, and you Fred will Throw Dungbomb on him or whatever you got" (at first they disagreed with me but I quickly explained to them there is a lot of dangerous Dark objects in there but fuck!, they were more excited and wanted to enter more than ever *Sigh*, so I told them only one of them will come with me as the other one need to warn us if filch comes, so they tossed a coin and Fred was the winner who will come with me *Sigh* I also gave George a potion I have been working on for the last 2 months that will make him invisible! But only for a minute so he can use the dungbomb on filch if he comes and then run without getting caught!).


Several Days Later …..

"Alright Boys are you READY!?" I asked the twins who were excited beyond measures,


"Alright then all of you get in your positions and as soon as Filch get out of his office we begin, any questions?"

Yeah, who will get the first pick *greedy smile* George asked.

*Eyes Rolling* "we will toss a coin". I said impatiently

We waited for an hour before Filch got out and thank god we had no classes for today.

"ok let's go Fred, and George I don't have to remind you what to do"

"yeah yeah just go already!"

As me and Fred enter the room we see uncountable Strange and Funny looking objects lying around his office and in the room, it's like treasure trove!, so I tell Fred to hurry up and grab whatever he can carry as I walk to look for the map (where did that damn Squid Put it?) as I continue searching for the map I saw a lot of precious stuff so I quickly put them in my pockets and resume my search.

Several minutes later …..

"Ekon Come on LET's Leave already! or Filch will caught us!" Fred said urgently"

"Wait I need to find something important!" I said as I continue searching,

"C'mon quickly tell me what it's? Maybe I can Help you!" Fred said Impatiently

"there is no need and even if I told you wouldn't know it" I said a bit irritated


"aha Finally, I found it! *Sigh* "

Then George entered the room excitedly.

"come on guys leave quickly Filch is on the way here *Extremely Excited Eyes* I'm gonna bomb the hell out of him!" so we quickly left but before that I put Dungbombs all over his office *Evil Smile* that Fucker has been annoying the hell out of me all year!.

(Later this week I heard that Filch had to bath for a full day and still the smell wouldn't go *Smile* George must have been adding some other Shit like literally other Shits! to the bomb, anyway what was important is we had a bit of fun and got a load of magical banned objects *Greedy Smile* but the most important of all is the map! If I could create a more Powerful map like it then there will be no place can hide from my Eyes!, for now I gave all the stuff to the twins except the map, I want to make some research on it *Eyes Flashing with Excitement*.

1 week later …..

I was going to the great hall to eat, but as I enter, I see the twins Talking suspiciously,

"You Planning Something? I said Sneakily.

"oh it's you Ekon!" *Sigh*, "you Almost gave us a heart attack!" "it's good that you come tho" Yeah we have Something to show you" "it's a new Product we want to make!, but the problem is" "one of the important ingredients is in the Forbidden Forest!" "but it's not deep in the forest!" it's on the outskirt of the Forest" said the twins Hopefully,

"by the way you two talking to me it seems you want me to come along *The Twins Nodding Fiercely* but why me?, I said interestedly,

"well you see Ekon" "we admire your Strength" "and your wit" "and your Style" "and… (they kept Flattering Shamelessly For more than Five minutes till I felt my head was gonna Explode! *hehe* but they sure know how to ask for someone help *Smirk*),

"Alright alright, you two stop I know you want my help but it's not gonna be for free *Wicked Smile*" I said,

"but Ekon we are Friends!" "yeah we are like a family" they said with a faked Shocked tone,

"yeah we are and that's why I'm not gonna charge a Knuts! But I need your help in somethings *Evil Smile* I just need you two to drink some Helpful Medical Potions I made and I assure you nothing bad will Happen to you *Fake Confident Smile* (they Refused quickly but I Persuaded them by telling them about some Secret Passages in the castle and I also Gave them 1 Potion of invisibility *Amused Smile* but they didn't know what they put themselves in, the are now my magical Laboratory rats! Hehe, but I'm not gonna give them something Deadly No of course not I'm not that evil *hehe*, mostly it will be some Potions which will help someone Foundation!, and Some Cures for Deadly muggle Diseases but I needed someone Powerful enough but not too Powerful!, who can take it, and the twins were my best Choice, and yeah, another reason I agree to help them was, I heard from Hagrid there is a rare Ingredients close to where the twins want to go).

After one long week I finished all my Experiments on the Twins, and today in the middle of the night we will head out!


"are you ready mates?", I asked excitedly,

"we were born Ready!" let's Go already Ekon" the twins said Bravely.

So we begin walking out of the school heading Straight to Hagrid Hut, there was an easier Path behind his hut.

10 minutes after walking inside the forest ….

"wait guys, I think we should stop here and start searching for the ingredient, you two search there and I'm gonna search here",

"Alright but be careful! we heard there are wolves in here" "and Acromantulas" "and werewolves", said the twins trying to scare me *hmph*,

"alright, alright, just go or I will hex you both!" *Slightly Smile*, I said Jokingly.

After 20 minutes of searching we finally found the ingredient, even I found the one I wanted!, so then we quickly headed back before the teachers or the prefects discover our absence!, Fred Suggested to take a shortcut he Knew I was Hesitant at first but they Convinced me.


"it Settled mates! Tomorrow I'm gonna treat you something unbelievably delicious!, what do you think twin?" said Fred in a generous tone, "well … yeah and we should invite some people!", said George in an excited tone "and I will get the drinks *Light Smile*", I said

"NO!!, we Truly! don't need any more drinks from you! *Forced Smile*", they twins said with Paled Faces,

"if you say so" *amused Smile*

*Weak Howl*

"Stop! ... did you hear that?", I asked the twins Seriously

"Bloody Hell Ekon, don't try to Scare us!" "yeah if you are trying to prank us you need to do better than that", the twins said a bit afraid,

"Shush it, Just stop talking for a second *Annoyed look* I think I heard Something in front of us!", I Whispered to them.


"Oh Shit it might be a werewolf!, you two quickly go behind me!" I said

"but Eko.."


it was as I feared, one Huge White Werewolf appeared in front of us!

"here the plans guys I will try to distract him while you go to that hill and try to shot it with fire Spells or anything Strong Understood?", I said Hurriedly

"But Ekon, will you be Alright on your own?" George Said Worriedly

"Never mind me, Just GO!, I said Impatiently

"HOOOOOWL" the werewolf was clearly excited to find preys, it came running at a full speed to me,

"INCENDIO!, I tried to burn him with a fire spell but he didn't even Flinched! it only angered him more, the twins climbed to the top of the hill and began firing Some Simple and weak spells, I didn't expect much from them after all they are only in second year!, I told them to go there just to not burden me.

(Fuck that Werewolf, he will not be an easy enemy!, if I had Enough Mp I would have used The Killing Curse Immediately!, oh well, if my magic can't effect him then I can only be more Physical *Bloody Smile*)

"You Two Quickly run and ask for a professor help!" I Shouted to the twins and they quickly nodded in understanding.

after that I put my wand aside, and Pulled my mini scythes and started running in circle around the werewolf! I was Faster than him so I had to take advantage of that, all I did was hit him and run again and again ... I grew tired quickly tho, so I had to risk it all and try to hit him with a Fatal attack.

so I runaway to the School direction!, The werewolf was still on my tail and he grew closer and closer to me to the point I can hear him breathing, so at that moment I turned! and attacked his heart with my mini scythes!, but i missed ...

and he Stabbed me with his Claws right in the Stomach! ...


*Cough* *dry Cough*



"I'M GOiNg tO KILL yOu", I said with Eyes Filled With Madness *ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAR* the werewolf became a bit scared after hearing that roar, then Ekon Swiftly Kicked the werewolf head with his leg, the werewolf Flew far away From that kick,

*HAHAHAHAHA* what wrong Dog?, why you wouldn't you come to me? didn't you want to eat me a moment ago?, Well if you don't eat me, I GUESS I'M GONNA EAT YOU UP *DEVILISH SMILE* the werewolf got up quickly and tried to escape from that demon which he awakened!, but Ekon was faster than him and kicked him in the head again and again broke his hands, stabbed his right eyes, Smashed his left knee but before he stabbed the werewolf Heart ... *ANGRY ROAR* the werewolf couldn't take it anymore! he was angry and afraid!, but he quickly gathered his strength and tried to escape again from the hands of that demon! but Ekon wouldn't let him escape without a fight!, Ekon Savagely Bited the werewolf Thigh and got a good chunk of it and swallowed it all! he would have continued chasing it, if it wasn't for his Power Decreasing quickly, the last thing Ekon Saw before Losing Conscious was Prof. Snape Panicked Face walking to him ....

three days later ....

as I open my eyes I see Prof. Snape with his pale face looking at me and sighting with relief.

"ah, you finally woke up, what in Merlin Beard were you thinking? going to the Forbidding Forest! in the middle of the night without anyone and without telling somebody!", said Prof. Snape with an angry voice.

All I could reply with was "I'm sorry ..." with a dry voice.

I Explained to Prof. Snape the whole thing while keeping somethings in the dark, I had to keep the burst of that power I had a Secret!, I also told him a Centaur appeared and saved me from that werewolf!,

I don't want that old man (Dumbledore) to Know anything about me *sighting with relief*, but thank god Snape helped me to cover up my ass and told Dumbledore I got hurt while I was doing a Potion experiment with him,

but the twins didn't *Amused Smile* he didn't say nothing about them, but he Punished them with heavy load of homework's and detention to the rest of the year!.

after that accidents I grew more careful and I had no choice but to only work with Prof. Snape, and be his assistance after my classes, so my little adventurers had to be stopped for the rest of the year *Sigh* but that's okay it's not like my situation is at a disadvantage it's quit the opposite if you say, I get to learn more about Potions and how to handle them with one of the best Potions master alive in history!, also there is something I tried not to think about when I Raged with the werewolf it seems I ate his Flesh?! at First I was worried I would be turned to a werewolf and I almost told Snape about it, but when Snape told me I have been asleep for three days and nothing happened, I realized the curse didn't effect me thank god *Sight of Relief* I don't have to think about that ever again, but the good thing I now Know is I have a werewolf Immunity I guess?.