
Harry Potter :Magic injuries

Before the start of fifth year Dumbledore changes the plans. Unfortunately he didn't bother to inform Harry. At his trial, Harry realises that it is down to him to save his own skin. To do so his Slytherin side must come out to play, and once it's out it sticks around turning life at Hogwarts on its head. . . . Subscribe to my patreon for advanced content... patreon.com/Fernandodavid . . . The novel is available in PDF format so those who wish to continue it can visit my store

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Chapter 38

position on one of the seats, making a mental note as he did so to find a spell that could do this for him.

He took each of their wands, and then conjured ropes which quickly wound themselves around the duo.

For the first time ever, Harry was glad that he had been entered into the Tri Wizard Tournament the previous year, as stunning and rope conjuring spells were not normally taught until fifth year. Harry had learned both of them early in preparation for the tournament, and had now successfully used both to break up a fight.

He raised his wand again and revived the wizard and witch before him.

Pansy gave a groan before asking "What happened?"

"I was forced to stun the both of you," Harry replied "I was left with no other option in stopping your abhorrent behaviour."

Malfoy's face took on a tinge of red as anger bubbled up "When my father hears of this-"

"He will wonder what the hell his son was playing at when he jeopardised his position of prefect by acting in a manner he had been told not half an hour earlier been told would no longer be tolerated." Harry finished for him.

Malfoy wisely closed his mouth, though everything else about his demeanour promised that he would be doing everything possible to get his revenge.

Harry smirked at him before drawing himself up and beginning to speak "Now then, it is quite clear to me that you two obviously did not hear my speech earlier, so for your benefit, I will go through the key points again. I have been appointed by the Ministry of Magic to the position of Student Advisor at Hogwarts. In this capacity, I have the ability to assess the suitability of the prefects to carry out their duties in a fair, responsible and efficient manner. If a prefect either fails to perform their duties to a satisfactory level, or behaves in a manner unbecoming of a prefect, then that prefect will receive a strike against them. Should a prefect ever get three strikes against them, they lose their position. Is that clear?"

Neither one replied, they just glared back at him, shaking with anger.

"He asked you a question!" said an angry voice from by the door, which had slid open without Harry noticing.

Padma had come through for him, having successfully rounded up seven other prefects, and the Head Boy. It had been Hannah who had spoken. She was there next to Ernie, with Cho, Geoffrey Hooper, Eric Summerby, Bianca Dunstan and Maxwell Parkin making up the rest of the group.

"Harry, what's going on?" asked Rodger.

"These two," said Harry, gesturing towards Draco and Pansy "are a disgrace to their position. I'm just making sure that the fully understand the consequences of their behaviour before they are separated."

He turned back to the two Slytherins "Well, in all honesty for your behaviour I really should award each of you with three strikes right now. After all, you have just been seen to bully another student, fight with other students, call other students names, and attempt to undermine not only my authority, but that of another prefect as well. However, I will show leniency on you this time, and chalk it up to you not fully understanding the new situation. As such, you are each awarded only one strike, and will serve two detention periods with the caretaker. Until we get to Hogwarts, each of you will be placed in solitary confinement, and you are not permitted to join your fellow Slytherin prefects when they take their turn to patrol along the train."

He turned back to the other prefects and asked "Prefect Chang and Prefect Dunstan, please escort Parkinson to an empty compartment. I understand that it might be an inconvenience, but could you both then stand guard outside her door? Someone will be sent to relieve you in an hour. Oh, and she may not have anything from the snack cart."

Cho and Bianca both came forwards as Harry undid the ropes that were bound tightly around Pansy.

Cho gave Harry a sultry look before assisting Bianca in getting Pansy to her feet.

The Slytherin girl looked to Harry and asked "What about my wand?"

"I will hand it over to your head of house when I speak with him later. He will be the one to return it to you."

She offered up no reply, and instead allowed herself to be escorted from the compartment.

Harry pointed his wand towards Crabbe and revived him, followed closely by Goyle. And the two were stirring groggily, Harry took both their wands and then once again addressed the gathered prefects "Prefect Hooper and Prefect Summerby, please escort Crabbe to an empty compartment. Same rules that applied to Pansy apply here. Prefect MacMillan and Prefect Abbott, please escort Goyle to an empty compartment. Same rules apply.

The four prefects came forward and Geoffrey and Eric heaved Crabbe up onto his feet as Hannah and Ernie did the same with Goyle.

"Nice work, Harry." said Hannah as she and Ernie shoved Goyle towards the door.

"Don't be afraid to hex them if they become violent." Harry called after them.

He gave Malfoy one last look before turning to the three people remaining "Roger, Prefect Parkin, please escort this thing to a separate compartment. Again same rules apply. Roger, I know you've got other things to see to as Head Boy, but it'll only be for a few minutes. I just want a quick word with Prefect Patil, and then she will come and relieve you."

Roger nodded and stepped forwards as Harry cast a spell to free Draco from the ropes that bound him.

The two seventh years pulled Malfoy to his feet, but the boy quickly wrenched his arms free from their grasp. He gave Harry a cold, hard stare and practically hissed "This isn't over, Potter."

He turned and stormed out of the compartment, with Roger and Maxwell following on behind.

"I'm sure it isn't." said Harry as he watched them go. He was certain that the first chance he got, Draco would be writing and sending a letter to his dear father, complaining about mean ol' Harry Potter was picking on him and demanding that he speak with the Minister in order to fix it.

"Um," said Padma, who was standing behind him "You wanted to speak with me, Harry?"

"I certainly did," said Harry as he turned around to face her "First off, I heard what you said to Malfoy before I entered the compartment. Thank you for the show of confidence."

"Not a problem," replied Padma "You said you're here to help, and I believed that you could and would do so."

"Good," said Harry "Second, I would like to ask that you accompany me when I discuss the situation with the head of Slytherin house. I think that you know as well as I do what would happen if I went in there alone."

Padma nodded and replied "Makes sense I suppose. Should we bring in some of the others as well? Roger at least, given how he's Head Boy."

"Roger should do," said Harry "Let him know when you take over guard duty from him."

"I will," said Padma "Anything else?"

"Yes, after we're done with Snape, we're going to need to go and see your head of house."




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