
Battle in the Corridors

When Harry landed he immediately saw one hostile in front of him, Harry raised his wand just as the hostile spotted him and was about to fire a shot when someone beat him to the punch. Padfoot charged at the hostile from behind and sunk his teeth into the hostile's leg which caused him to drop onto his back and send bullets flying everywhere, Padfoot then immediately followed up by jumping up and biting the man's throat. Harry heard the sound of footsteps to his left and saw a second hostile charge at him with a knife in his hand.

Harry stepped back to avoid a swipe from the knife, the man tried to stab Harry in the eye but he blocked it and caught the man's arm. The man pulled a gun out with his other hand and fired a bullet at Padfoot which hit the dog in the side, he then fired one at Harry's midsection but the bullet simply bounced off of Harry's suit and into the man's leg, causing him to scream in pain. Harry growled just as three claws extended out of each of his hands.

Harry shoved the man away and his back hit a wall, Harry followed by slamming his hand claws into the man's chest. Harry pulled the claw out then shoved them back in at a different spot and then repeated two more times before he stabbed the man in the face, a claw going in each eye with one between his eyes. Harry pulled his claws out of the man's body and walked over to Padfoot.

"You alright?" Harry asked just as the bullet fell out of Padfoot's side.

"Woof." Padfoot barked just as the hole in his side healed itself. "Woof!"

"Good," Harry said as he sent one last spell at the head of the man he had just stabbed." let's get to work." Harry said before he and Padfoot rushed down the hallway just as the man's head exploded, they kept going and turned a corner where a group of ten hostiles aimed their guns at them. Harry sent a blast wave that knocked them all onto the ground, Harry quickly fired cutting, piercing and killing curses while Padfoot quickly closed the distance and bit the throats of as many people as he could.

Once that was done the two continued when they saw one hostile shooting at something, he clearly hadn't noticed them yet. Harry raised his wand and sent a body bind that snapped the man's limbs together, Harry was about to fire another spell when suddenly the man was tackled by a Iron Man who had a suit that looked very damaged. Harry and Padfoot quickly moved over to check on him.

"Oi dumbass, you okay?" Harry asked.

"Oh...hey...nice to see you." Stark said in a tired voice when the helmet opened up to reveal his face.

"Harry," Harry heard Steve's voice, he looked to his left and saw Steve drop down with a gun in his hand. "everything good?" He asked.

"Banner's knocked out and should be getting medical attention, Thor's gone to deal with Loki and there's a bunch of dead hostiles. All in all, not the best day of my life."

"Grim!" Harry heard Fury's voice in his ear piece.

"Oh for god sakes, somebody had better be dying." Harry said under his voice before he answered it. "What Fury?"

"Coulson is dying!" Fury answered.

"Fuck, now I feel like a dick, where is he?" Harry asked.

"At Loki's cell." Fury answered and a second later Harry teleported over and found Fury kneeling over Coulson who was sat against a wall, Harry glanced in the direction of Loki's cell and saw it was no longer there which meant that Loki was either falling to the Earth in it or he escaped.

"What happened?" Harry asked as he kneeled next to Fury and began casting diagnostic spells on Coulson.

"Loki escaped," Fury scowled. "Coulson tried to stop him but got stabbed in the back because of it."

"You tried to stop a god on your own?" Harry asked Coulson in a surprised voice. "You got balls of steel Coulson." Harry complimented him as he began casting healing spells.

"Thanks." Coulson chuckled before wincing at the pain.

"This is going to hurt." Harry warned Coulson who suddenly started hissing in pain.

"Damn!" Coulson said under his breath. "It's alright," Coulson said when Fury looked concerned. "I've had worse, and it's definitely not worse than getting stabbed."

"Where the hell is Thor?" Harry asked as he continued to heal Coulson.

"Loki tricked him into going into the cell," Coulson answered. "he then dropped it out of the sky."

"Damn," Harry sighed. "well if anyone can survive that then it's Thor. And you Coulson...are done. You can check with a doctor if you want to be sure but..."

"No need," Coulson cut him off. "I trust you." He added with a smile.

"Thank you." Fury said to Harry.

"Where's Natasha?" Harry asked.

"She went after Barton."

"Nat," Harry said into his earpiece. "do you copy?" He asked, there was silence for several seconds before he heard a response.

"Harry," Natasha's voice replied. "I'm fine, I've got Clint with me. Do you think you can come and check him out?"

"I'll be there in a sec," Harry replied before he looked toward Fury. "I'll check on Barton, call me if you need anything else." Harry said before he teleported away.


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