When Harry Potter, Master of Death, is unexpectedly transported to the Marvel universe, he finds himself grappling with a new set of challenges. Haunted by the traumas of his past and the scars of war, Harry must navigate this unfamiliar world. Harry x Natasha, Harry x Sif Previously named as: "Harry Potter The Wizarding Avenger" ..... Disclaimer I own nothing, J. K. Rowling owns everything.
"Nat." Harry knocked on the door, a second later it opened to reveal Natasha. "You aright?"
"I've been worse." She shrugged, she then looked down and saw Padfoot next to Harry. "Hi boy." She smiled.
"How about Barton?" Harry asked, Natasha sighed before stepping out of the way and gestured Harry to come inside, Harry and Padfoot entered and closed the door. Harry saw Barton lying down on a medical bed with his wrists and ankles tied to the bed. Barton was awake, his whole body was tense, he looked exhausted and Harry could see veins popping out on his forehead and a look of concentration on his face,
"I think he's fighting off Loki's spell or whatever he used," Natasha admitted. "but I'm not the magic expert so I was hoping you could take a look."
"What happened?" Harry asked.
"I managed to find Barton and engaged him, he was still under Loki's spell so I decided my best course of action was cognitive recalibration." She replied. "I hit him really hard on the head." She added as an explanation.
"No need to explain, I did the same thing with Hulk." Harry waved her off. "Apparently great minds think alike."
"Is Banner okay?" Natasha asked.
"He's fine, probably sleeping." Harry replied as he walked towards Barton. "Hey Clint," Harry clicked his fingers, drawing Clint's attention. "what's your last name?" Harry asked.
"B...Barton." Clint gasped out as he shook his head.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Harry asked as he held up three fingers.
"Three." Clint answered.
"Arrows are lame."
"Fuck off."
"Well good to know he's not totally damaged." Harry commented to Natasha before looking back at Clint. "Alright Clint, what I am going to do now is look into your mind and check to see if there are still any foreign presences inside."
"D...do it." Clint nodded his approval, wanting to make sure there was no more chances of him being mind controlled.
"Alright, stay still and relax." Harry replied as he looked into Barton's eyes and entered his mind, a minute or so later he exited Barton's mind and sighed. "You're fine," Harry said as Padfoot moved in and bit off the restraints on Barton's ankles. "there are still some pieces left but they're all leaving. They should be gone in a few minutes."
"Th...thanks." Barton sighed in relief just as Padfoot freed his wrists, Padfoot nudged Barton's hand with his head. "Thanks boy." Barton said as he petted Padfoot.
"Thank you Harry." Natasha said in an appreciative voice.
"I didn't do anything." Harry shrugged. "You two go and catch up or whatever, I'm going to check on Banner and then talk to Fury. Padfoot stay with them please."
"Woof." Padfoot barked as he nodded.
"Good boy." Harry said before he walked out of the room, he was about to teleport away when Natasha walked out of the room. "Nat, what's up?" Harry asked.
"I...just wanted to say thank you." Natasha replied.
"You already did that, I..." Harry found himself cut off as Natasha leaned in and kissed his right cheek. "...what was that for?"
"Just...being you." She shrugged, a small smile briefly appeared on her lips. "Just do me a favour, after all of this crap is dealt with, can we just sit down and talk? Please?"
"Fine," Harry said after a few moments of silence. "once we're done with Loki, we will sit down and talk."
"I'll hold you to that." She said before she walked back into the room, smiling at him from over shoulder.
Harry shook his head and teleported away.
"Banner," Harry said as he entered the room, he found Banner who was dressed in brown trousers and a purple shirt, sitting on a bed and looking down in deep thought. He looked up when he heard Harry. "you alright?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Bruce replied after taking a deep breath.
"So what you're saying is that you are not fine and feel like shit." Harry nodded as if totally unsurprised.
"Speaking from experience?" Bruce asked.
"Well I've been injured a lot, and have healed quite a few people." Harry shrugged before he took his wand out and waved it around Bruce.
"What are you doing?" Bruce asked.
"Just checking to make sure you're fine," Harry replied. "no permanent damage." Harry said before looking into Bruce's mind. "Hmm, your mind should be fine, thankfully."
"You can tell that with a few waves off a wand?" Bruce said with disbelief.
"I have lost count of the amount of shit that I can do with just the wave of a wand." Harry shrugged. "You're fine, health wise at least."
"How many people...how many people did I..."
"None," Harry cut him off. "you damaged a ton of shit but it's repairable and nobody got hurt. Besides me." Harry added almost as an afterthought.
"I'm sorry," Bruce apologized. "the other guy...he's just...so out of control."
"Yeah but no," Harry shook his head. "the Hulk and you were both affected by Loki's mind spell."
"I didn't see any difference." Bruce frowned.
"Look," Harry sighed. "if I was the sort of guy who was good at this shit then I would probably have a nice speech to tell you about how the Hulk is really just a misunderstood creature but I do not have the patience for that. So instead I'm going to tell you to stop being a dick to the Hulk."
"Wait what?" Bruce blinked.
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