
Harry Potter: God of Magic

Magic blooms in a select few, but in Virgil, it bloomed twice. With knowledge and abilities from a different world, he tries to save his life in a family on the brink of extinction. Will his power bring him glory or push him closer to the abyss? This story is slow and the canon is iffy at best. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I don't own anything in this novel except the original plot and OC.

Grand_Magus_Shafiq · Filme
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19 Chs


"Enough about my problems, I heard about a fight between Hufflepuff and Slytherin in the transfiguration class." Kiara leaned forward and looked at Virgil with interest.

"What did you do?"

Virgil's brows raised and the corners of his lips curled. "What made you think I did something?"

The playful look on Kiara's face disappeared. "Master, you are a puppet master at your core. You observe and manipulate everything around you to your benefit. If something happens around you, I can guarantee you have your hand in it."

Virgil just shook his head. She made him sound like a villain. "I can't keep blocking this area for so long, someone will notice the magic here."

Virgil touched the book at his waist that was guarding him. The reason he could sit there and read so undefended.

A smile returned to Kiara's face as she stood up. "I'll see you in class later."

Virgil watched her leave and turned his eyes back to the book. "Einzbern's homunculus is made using alchemy and they can create a soul."

He knew he couldn't reach that level because the person who taught the Einzberns attained the 3rd true magic. The ability to materialize the soul and gain infinite magic.

If he could research something from alchemy in this world it would help him make a new body. Puppets assemble flesh, but alchemy can help him grow the perfect body.

Time passed and Virgil went through a few books. He looked at the time and knew it was time for lunch.

After putting the books back, he headed for the grand hall. Unlike breakfast, all four tables were crowded with people.

Virgil found his roommates and sat down.

"Our great scholar has returned." Shane looked at Virgil and joked with an exaggerated tone.

Virgil forked a piece of chicken and didn't care. "If you knew you were going to die you would look for answers too."

Shane closed his mouth and looked a bit embarrassed. 

"Don't argue with a dying man, Shane, he has nothing to lose." Dalilah chimed in from the side with a smile.

Virgil ignored her too and turned his eyes to Henry. "I see that you're okay."

Henry sneered. "What could have happened, just a bunch of mudbloods using barbaric methods."

"Didn't you punch first?" Rabastan stopped his eating motion and was once again confused about how Henry's brain worked.

"Did I? Why don't I remember." Henry shook his head in confusion and rubbed his head.

"You definitely punched first, right in the nose." Severus added while nodding.

Virgil was a bit surprised, he didn't think this kid could fit in so fast. "You would have gotten beaten harder if Shane and Severus didn't pull them off you."

Henry glared between Virgil and Rabastan when he heard that. "Why didn't you and Rabastan help?" 

Instead of being grateful, he started blaming them.

Virgil just looked at him like he was a fool. "Why would I get into a melee to help you? I'm a wizard, not a gladiator. Come back when you fight with magic in the future."

"Yes, my brother would skin me if he found out I got into a fistfight like a muggle."

Shane's eyes widened but soon returned to normal when he realized he wasn't punished.

Virgil's eyes turned toward the Gryffindor table and saw Kiara sitting with her roommates.

"Come on Virgil, we can't be late for our dean's class." Rabastan patted Virgil's shoulder and brought his attention back.

Virgil gulped down his juice and followed Rabastan. They had to go to the common room to get their books.

Unlike the future when the potions class was in the basement, now it was located on the second floor.

The classroom was brightly lit and the walls were covered in photos of Slughorn with different students. The desks were divided into pairs with a cauldron in the middle.

Virgil and Rabastan sat at the same table again but this time Henry rushed to sit next to Shane.

Severus' eyes opened wide and looked at the girl who didn't have a partner. He knew Lily was in this class and didn't want her to misunderstand.

Just when he was hesitating, he heard the voice he wanted to hear most. "Severus!"

Severus' head turned and he saw Lily walk in with her roommates. "Lily."

Suddenly, Severus felt like he was being watched and his head turned. He saw Shane and Henry looking at him with strange eyes.

Thousands of thoughts ran through Severus' mind in an instant. He hated muggles just as much as them because of his father. Only Lily, the girl who brought light into his dark life, Severus couldn't hate her.

Kiara saw Severus' hesitation and rubbed her fingers together. A pink mist was sucked into his nose and his eyes brightened.

"Lily, Want to be partners?" Severus stepped forward and looked into her eyes with hope.

Lily was taken aback by his directness but soon smiled. "Okay."

Kiara saw that it worked and sat down with Alice. "See, I told you they were close."

"I didn't think he would be so bold." Her eyes turned toward the Slytherin students and could see some of them were displeased.

A few seconds later, James walked in with his cronies. His eyes scanned the room and when he saw Severus his eyes lit up. He tapped Sirius' chest with the back of his hand and motioned towards Severus with his chin.

He remembered making fun of this kid on the train. A smug smile appeared on his face and he strode over with Sirius at his side.

James reached out and Ruffled Severus' hair. "What are you doing at a Gryffindor table little snake? Why don't you slither along."

Severus waved his hand and swatted James' hand away. "Don't touch me!"

At this moment, Sirius walked behind Severus and wrapped his arms under Severus' armpit. His fingers were locked behind Severus' head and immobilized Severus' arms.

Severus struggled but it was to no avail, Sirius was strong and James was condescendingly patting him on the face in a teasing manner.

"Let me help you add some color to that pasty face." James' eyes at this moment seemed a little vicious as he was enjoying himself.

"Let him go! What are you doing!" Lily looked a bit horrified and tried to remove Sirius' arms from Severus.

Virgil raised his brows when he saw this. The girl may be manipulative but she was brave.

James saw Shane and Avery stand up and moved quickly. He reached out and grabbed the cauldron and lifted it to put on Severis' head.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Virgil pointed his wand at the cauldron and ripped it from James' hands.

The cauldron landed on James's head and started spinning him around with the twirl of Virgil's wand.

James spun around the room like a ballerina until the cauldron flew from his head and landed back on the desk.

Virgil turned around and folded his fingers on the desk with his wand in his lap. Rabastan looked at him with a questioning look but didn't say anything.

"James!" Sirius, Remus, and Peter looked at the disoriented James stumbling around the room and ran over.

Severus was freed and he glanced toward Virgil. He saw Virgil turn his head and raise his brows. As if thinking of something, Severus hurried to take his seat and pulled Lily down.

James finally lost his balance and crashed into a material cabinet. At that exact moment, a jolly-looking old man walked into the room.

His mouth opened in surprise when he saw this. The other Gryffindor boys didn't expect this either.

"Uhhh." James groaned in pain as his skin started to turn red and bubbled from some of the potion ingredients.

"I expected more from the famous potion master Potter family, now it seems you only know how to play around." Professor Slughorn shook his head in disappointment.

He was a man who valued appearance, status, and ability more than anything else. "Gryffindor minus 50 points and someone escort him to the infirmary."

Sirius rushed forward to help James up and walked him through the class.

"Back to your seats." Slughorn looked at the other Gryffindor boys with a little reproach.

His eyes turned and saw his Slythrin students not making a fuss and his mood improved.

Professor Slughorn walked to the front of the class and adjusted the tassel on his graduation cap. "Some of you may have no interest in potions, regard it as something you can just buy."

Slughorn looked around the room and took in the faces of all the students. "I want to say you are wrong. A potion master will be respected wherever he goes. If you want to change your status this is the best way."

"Even then, if potions don't interest you, the focus, attention to detail, and execution ability required to brew the best concoctions will be honed in this class. If you want to make something of yourself these are the skills you need."

Slughorn walked to the wall and pointed toward a picture. "I have taught professional quidditch players, department heads of the Ministry of Magic, and Gringotts curse breakers."

Every time he pointed at a different picture he would name a luxurious career. He finally made his way back to the front of the class and looked at the students. "If you want to improve your life it all starts today. Will you remain in obscurity or become something great."

Lily was looking at Slughorn with shining eyes. Severus saw this and looked at his potions textbook and fell into thought.

He was far more interested in charms, hexes, and jinxes, but Lily seemed interested in potions.