
Molly Weasley's Vault Key

Molly Weasely, Harry was absolutely positive, had gotten the shock of her life when she had gone to Gringott's to get funds to do the school shopping with, only to be told her key no longer fit a vault in Gringott's Bank. Nor would they simply exchange her key for a new one as the owner of said vault hadn't given her proper authorization for a new key or access to his vaults. In fact, quite a few people were likely to be upset as the summer progressed and they didn't receive their customary pay-outs. Their free ride was crashing to an end. And no one would get more burned by the crash than his dear Headmaster who had authorized all those free rides.

But Harry had demonstrated his true signature for the goblins for each and every account he was the rightful holder of. Even they could tell the signatures they'd been accepting weren't Harry's and, likely as not, never had been. Nor did Harry care what Dumbledore and his merry little band of thieves thought of the reduction in their pay or lifestyles. It was the only thing he had and by God it wasn't going to be stolen from him by people who smiled to his face while they stole through the dark to take everything that wasn't nailed down firmly enough and plotted his demise at every turning of the hour.

 If Dumbledore honestly thought those thieves deserved the money they'd been getting, he damn well should've sat down with Harry and explained it to him getting his agreement to subsidize their living openly and honestly. But Dumbledore wasn't an honest man. He mostly likely never had been. Certainly he never had been in his dealings with Harry. So most likely it had never occurred to him to just talk with Harry and get his agreement. Harry wasn't a stingy boy and most likely had Dumbledore been able to provide proof the subsidy was needed by the recipient, he would more than likely have agreed to give them something. But Dumbledore hadn't asked. He'd taken.

Bad enough he had no people he could claim any more as family because Dumbledore and his little band of vigilantes had gotten them all killed. Bad enough he couldn't afford to get close to anyone lest either Dumbledore or Lord Voldemort seek to hurt him through hurting them. But damned if he was going to lose his material possessions too. Not without a fight any way.

The train arrived at dusk in Hogsmeade and Harry disembarked with the rest of the students for the short ride in the so-called horseless carriages up to the castle. he and Hermione had argued about that during his second year because Harry, having seen Quirrel die, could see the skeletal horses pulling the carriages where she could not.

In his third year he'd learned what they were and had smugly pointed out to Hermione how he'd been right and she was wrong. Naturally, she hadn't apologized to him for claiming he was being stupid and making things up for attention back then. She'd just crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes at him while sticking her nose in the air refusing to acknowledge his words. Because Hermione Granger could never admit when she was wrong.

He wondered just how Dumbledore would act when he saw him. Would he acknowledge the reclamation of Harry's vaults and properties by Harry or would he play it off? If he played it off, how would he attempt to regain control over them all? Because Harry did know Dumbledore had been the one saying who'd get what from his vaults as well as when. He wondered if he'd be able to tell if any of the other teachers or staff had been involved in defrauding him. Their scowls upon seeing him didn't necessarily mean they were involved in ripping him off. The Professors had been scowling at him for four years now. That expression meant nothing to him.


Harry sat by himself at the Gryffindor table, still not accepted by his housemates after the fiasco of last year. Hell, after the trials of the last three years really. While most the table ignored him as had become their habit over the years a few spared him a disappointed look. He'd been an out-of-favor Gryffindor for most of his school years and the looks were automatic for the student body now. They clearly hadn't realized that by winning last year's Tournament, he was once again in favor with their Head of House for the moment and should be giving him looks of pride instead.

Then the Weasely twins came and sat down beside him one to either side and George whispered, "Good show, Harry. Mum was livid when she couldn't get into your vaults. Ranted and raved for hours about how she wouldn't be able to do our necessary shopping without those funds and how you'd be going without also since you were counting on her to get your supplies as well like she always does since the Alley is so unsafe for you."

Fred grinned adding, "She even grilled Ronnie Boy on whether or not he was really your friend as he claimed he was since you'd refused the invitation to last year's Quiditch game. Hadn't even been home when Dad went to get you because your family was on vacation at the time. How could he claim he was such a good friend if he hadn't even known you were going on a family vacation?"

George smirked and said, "That's when we pointed out she didn't even have a class list for you so how was she expecting to do your shopping anyway? Because naturally Ronnikins didn't have an answer for her. Except for trying to claim your family never took you anywhere? So how was he supposed to know they'd take you along that time?"

"She rounded on him asking what kind of a family goes on vacation without taking all of the family with them. Of course you'd be going with them as they were your family. As for the shopping supply list, she claimed it was a mix-up in the mailings and old Stumbletoes was getting it for her even as we were heading for the Alley to get our own things. Naturally, said shopping list didn't turn up while we were in the Alley."

"Which to us means old Stumbletoes didn't intend to send it to her at all. I do hope you were able to get your supplies on your own, Harry. But if you didn't, just say the word and we'll get your things for you before your first class as we can go to Hogsmeade any time we wish thanks to our special talents."

Harry smiled and quietly murmured, "Thanks guys but I have what I need. I did my shopping on 31, August. Your Mum never remembers the supplementals anyway. So it worked out better this way."


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