
Chp 1

It's been awhile since I last wrote so let me know if I messed something up.

And remember this will be a AU fic.

In a dark damp corner a man can be seen struggling to breathe.

"I'm sorry Lily." Was the last words the man said before his head slumped to the side.

Sirius POV.

I've heard many rumors about death during my time, but to be infront of him now is terrifying.

I can't see him yet I know I am surrounded by death.

"You have been disgraced, you let the love of your life die and now you leave your child to be raised by someone else. What kind've man are you?" A voice asks.

"Stop it!" I yell.

"You left her alone, she had to fight the dark lord by herself." The voice says.

"I-I didn't think h-he would find them!" I scream historically.

"We took every necessary measure to ensure that they would be safe. I-I left that night so I could lead Voldemort and his death eaters astray. B-But when I returned it was already to late." I say in between sobs.

A massive face appears in-front of me and I can see a slight smirk.

"I-I have never stopped thinking why he was able to find them." I say adverting my gaze.

"Think black, who all knew?" The face asks.

I think for a moment then say.

"The only one who knew was-"

General POV.

The air around Sirius began to distort, the look on his face was no longer a look of pain and sorrow but now replaced with a look of vengeance.

"Excellent, you have wallowed in self pity for to long, it is time that you accept who you really are my heir and the Master Of Death."

Sirius doesn't move or react.

"I know your angry but we don't have much time, I will send you back I have already helped you escape but from now on it is up to you." Death says.

As he was about to send Sirius away he finally asked something.

"Is Peter alive?" Sirius asks.

"Very much so, he is currently hiding with the Weasley's as a pet rat."

Sirius nods before looking like he wants to ask one more question.

"Is it possible to bring her-" he was saying before death cut him off.

"Yes. Once you return make your way back to your home there you will find all the answers you need." Death says before raising his hand.

"Goodbye." Death says.

Sirius quickly fades to nothing.

"Now the fun begins." Death says.

Sirius POV.

As my eyes open I realize I am no longer in Azkaban, not wanting to waste anymore time knowing that I have a chance to get Lily back I immediately call for Kreacher.

In a instant I hear a *POP* I look over and see a grumpy looking elf.

"Master I am here to serve you, I have long awaited your return." He says.

"Take me back to our ancestral house." I say and Kreacher immediately grabs my hand and the the next thing I know we appear in a house I haven't been to in awhile.

I waste no time and immediately walk towards the office that used to be my fathers.

On the desk was a book and two letters.

I pick up the letters first and open the first one.

Dear Black.

Now that you have returned there is no Time to waste, your enemies grow stronger every second. In this letter you will find the instructions for a ritual that will provide you with a body that will accept the true power of death.

"Kreacher." I say handing him the letter.

"Prepare everything just as the letter says." I say.

"It will be done master."

I open the next letter and my breath hitches.


Dear Black.

In the book you will find a means to bring back the dead, if this is your true desire then proceed with caution and above all else Never let this book find another person.


I set the letter down and immediately start reading loosing track of time.

15 hours later.


"Master, the ritual is prepared." Kreacher says startling me.

"Let's proceed." I say standing up.

"Master would it not be wise to rest first?" He asks.

"We do not have the time." I say wanting to find Peter as soon as possible.

Kreacher doesn't say anything, but he reaches his hand up, I grab his hand and next thing I know I am in a different room with candles on the floor.

"Step inside master and I will start the ritual." Kreacher says.

I walk inside and as soon as my legs cross the magic barrier I fall over, lossing all my strength. I begin to feel all of my magic leave my body.

"Prepare yourself master this will hurt." Kreacher says.

Before I even had a chance to respond I felt it.


The feeling of a thousand burning knifes making micro cuts all over my body started to assault me.

General POV.

In the middle of the ritual Sirius could be seen unmoving with thousands of tiny cuts all over his body and blood flowing from every hole on his body.

All of a sudden his body starts to retort in pain, as if he was taking a polyjuice potion his body started to change.

Then everything stopped.

Sirius stands up and raises his arms taking in every minute detail.

Kreacher walks towards Sirius with clothes and a small mirror in hand.


Sirius doesn't look or acknowledge Kreacher he looks at his hands then suddenly closes them into a fist.

"Lily, Perseus I will come for you, just wait a little longer."


The next morning all of Britain's wizard awoke to the same thing from the daily prophet.


[A picture of the wall in Sirius's cell with the word "Peter I'm Coming For You." Burned into it."]

To be continued.


Any things I can improve on?

I wonder who Perseus is?