
Harry Potter: Approaching the Magic World

When Jon receives his acceptance letter from Hogwarts School of Magic, his life takes an exciting turn. With his mother's guidance, he embarks on a journey to Diagon Alley to prepare for his new life at Hogwarts. From choosing his wand to selecting his magical pet, Jon's magical journey is just beginning

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"Oh my, how times fly."

The screams of Peeves echoed through the castle, giving the just-finished class students a severe headache.

Time flies quickly at Hogwarts, which means that the time for heavy tasks during the semester has arrived.

The weather in the Scottish Highlands is gradually getting colder. The damp cold air seeps in through the castle windows and fills the entire castle. There are always a few days in a week when the corridors are noisy.

Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, has prepared a lot of cold prevention potions. Jon drinks a little bit every day. Although it is not the medieval Europe plagued by the Black Death, influenza is still a serious concern.

To avoid infection, Jon, who spends a long time in less crowded areas, takes some time every day to go to the eighth floor and breathe fresh air. This method is indeed effective in preventing drowsiness. However, Jon doesn't feel cold wearing his temperature-regulated robes, while others who are careless might catch a cold.

After dealing with 2-3 students who had a fever due to catching a cold, Madam Pomfrey instructed the heads of the houses to inform the students to avoid spending too much time in high places. Even the flying lessons had their flying time shortened.

As a result, Jon had much more time to study and practice spells in the Ravenclaw common room. Since no one went to the eighth floor, he didn't have to be overly cautious when entering or leaving the secret room.

And for some reason, Dumbledore would often disappear from the school. Recently, Jon has been practicing Transfiguration spells in the secret room, frequently going in and out of the eighth floor, but he rarely saw Dumbledore's figure, and even Snape, who used to go in and out of the Headmaster's office, was not seen much.

At this time, Dumbledore should be collecting Voldemort's Horcruxes, right?


Meanwhile, the regular classes continued.

Transfiguration class was still the same. His performance wasn't particularly outstanding. Although he had made significant progress privately, his performance in class was just average. It couldn't be called top-notch, but it was still better than most people. In fact, it was even more challenging to control oneself like this than to reveal one's true level.

But isn't this good?

Who said that effort must be shown to others? Jon had long surpassed the age of seeking attention by being a top student. Silent and successful learning was the mainstream.

Put in a little more effort secretly every day; it was a sufficient and necessary condition to become an excellent scholar.

The same went for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Jon couldn't pretend not to know because he had three boys beside him who needed help. Every time Jon pretended not to be able to perform magic, they naturally didn't make much effort either. "Look, even a pure-blood wizard like Jon can't do it. Isn't it normal for me not to be able to do it?"

After experiencing this a few times, Jon stopped pretending not to be able to learn. During a certain class, his proficiency in dark magic suddenly improved, successfully igniting the enthusiasm for learning in his three roommates.

However, there were drawbacks. His name went from being ignored to "that Slytherin from Hufflepuff" in the mouths of students from other houses. Jon didn't mind nicknames, but this one was really unpleasant.

History of Magic was as boring as ever. Everyone in class was sleeping, but Jon wasn't sleeping either. However, he wasn't paying attention to the class either. For a first-year History of Magic class, he could just flip through the book on his own.

During class, he was always doodling on paper. Students sitting near him occasionally saw those completely incomprehensible curves and charts, and they always felt like he was doing some strange dark magic.

Especially with his peculiar behavior, running to the eighth floor alone every day.

"Speaking of which, recently students from our house have started paying attention to you. I heard that several people went to the eighth floor to find you, but couldn't locate you. As a result, everyone is speculating that you actually have some secret and are secretly practicing dark magic within the castle." During dinner, the four of them sat in a small corner of the Hufflepuff table whispering to each other.

After Stephen finished speaking, Fred immediately continued, "Yeah, yeah, they also say that your proficiency in spells suddenly became abnormally strong. They say that you were lured and corrupted by the devil, which granted you immense talent."

"And also, they say you secretly broke into Ravenclaw's common room to peep at their girls."

"Huh?" Jon facepalmed. "Who started these rumors?"

"I don't know about the others, but that's what I overheard when your sister was talking to Cedric," casually said Scali, chewing on his salad innocently.

Of course, it's not surprising at all.

Jon pushed the last rumor to the back of his mind. After all, he had no plans to date anyone at Hogwarts. If his reputation wasn't good, so be it. However, the first two rumors were worth paying attention to.

Aren't the assignments at Hogwarts enough? Why do these young wizards have time to investigate his whereabouts?

He underestimated it, and besides, Hufflepuff didn't lack other pure-blood wizards to pay attention to.

It seems that it's better to wander at night next time, even though he's not good at the Disillusionment Charm, it's still better than being followed by someone.

Jon scooped another spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth, sighed silently, and then suddenly lifted his head, as if he remembered something.

"You guys go ahead and eat. I'll go to Ravenclaw for a bit."

Stephen and the others watched Jon's brisk figure and exchanged a glance, shaking their heads.

Jon naturally went to find Bella in Ravenclaw.

Of course, not to fight.

Not to mention whether he could win or not, even if he could, he shouldn't lay a hand on a girl. Moreover, if he fought his own sister, would he still want to live when he returned home?

He was afraid he would end up with a mixed doubles match against his family.

He went there to retrieve something.

Earlier, he asked Bella to help him buy something from Hogsmeade Village, and it had been a while. He didn't know if she managed to get it.

"No, I didn't," Bella said straightforwardly. The two words floated lightly from her mouth. "The thing you wanted is too peculiar. It's both a fluid and cannot leak, and it shouldn't be easily detached. It has to be easily squeezed, and it's best if it has good transformation ability. Where can I buy such advanced stuff for you? Hogsmeade isn't run by Santa Claus, little bro, get a grip."

Jon was speechless.

Excuse me, how is this thing advanced?

Isn't it just slightly looser modeling clay?

Are wizarding children really not that resourceful?

Jon didn't continue to complain. He decided to give up on convenience and do it himself.

It was already October, and he hadn't started trying to open the drawer in the study. If he didn't unlock it soon, it would be Christmas vacation!