
Harry Potter and the Secret Tresures

I don’t own or clam to own the rights of Harry Potter or this fanfic I am just copying and pasting from a site and posting them here nothing more and nothing less. The reason I am posting this fanfic is because I have seen people post the exact same one could not finish the story. I have already copied all the chapter an will release them in batches.

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v2 Chapter 624: Belonging to the stage of Avon and Hermione

Colin took out the camera and took this rare picture.

Soon, many people began to enter the dance floor, and the warriors were no longer the center of attention.

"Ready, Hermione?" Avon asked, reaching out and inviting her to dance.

"Well!" Hermione clicked, her cheeks reddish.

Her right hand was gently held by Ai Wen, obediently followed him into the center of the venue.

undefinedThey danced slowly in a soothing rhythm and looked a little bit simmering.

During this time every night, Ai Wen and Hermione are carrying people to practice in the classroom without people.

It is the first time that two people are dancing in front of so many people.

To be honest, Ai Wen was a little nervous. He held Hermione's soft, small hand, and the other hand held the thin waist, and the brain was blank.

He only felt soft in front of him, and his heart did not live up to expectations.

The world in front of us is gradually disappearing, leaving Hermione alone.

The same is true of Hermione, who only has Ai Wen in her eyes.

Under the influence of music, their bodies danced subconsciously.

Like most students around, they start with a basic footwork and occasionally take one or two moves.

But the effect of the exercise quickly became apparent, and Ai Wen felt that his movements were becoming more and more skillful.

He and Hermione in the arms are getting better and better, and the soothing and twisting movements from the heel to the fingertips are like water.

Two people sometimes flow like streams through waterfalls, and they flow straight down; sometimes they are like clouds in the sky, fluttering and swaying.

As the dance music progressed, Ai Wen and Hermione moved more and more naturally, and the cooperation became better and better.

Often just an action or a look, they know what the other party is doing.

Even without explanation, two people can feel each other's new ideas and have a heart.

Evan looked at the smiling Hermione and gradually integrated into the smile, as if to be integrated with Hermione...

Hermione in her arms is so pretty, with a blatant temptation.

In Ai Wen's heart, at this moment, they are the center of the stage, the focus of the Christmas ball.

Under his traction, they both danced from the edge of the field to the center.

The strange feeling rises and spreads in Hermione's body, which is a hot feeling like fire.

Hermione completely gave her body to Avon and relaxed completely.

She looked at Ai Wen, and Ai Wen also looked back at her, looking at her eyes.

Her heel is gently positioned, the toe is on the ground, and the arc is drawn from left to right.

One circle after another, full of description.

The people who crossed up with Ai Wen and Hermione stopped to look at the two of them and their eyes were complicated.

Whether you want to admit it or not, it's great that they both jump, so that they are only amazed.

This is not to say how superb their two technologies are. The key is to match and show the charm.

Unlike fast-paced dances that dance freely, the most important thing about social dance is tacit understanding and cooperation.

Technology is good, but if you don't have a tacit understanding with the partner, you can't jump out of the wonderful dance.

This tacit understanding is not something that can be practiced overnight. To believe in the other party completely and without any reservations, Evan and Hermione are entering this wonderful state. At Hogwarts, they want to find something like them again. The pair is almost impossible.

Everyone stopped, even the Warriors, standing aside and watching Evan and Hermione.

Most of the girls are watching Avon, and the boys are staring at Hermione.

They only saw Hermione's skirt fluttering in the air, and a pair of mysterious and suffocating blue shadows in the dark light.

Furong and Autumn looked at Ai Wen, and the look was complicated. Krum and Ron stared at Hermione.

Beside Avon and Hermione, only Dumbledore was dancing Waltz with Mrs. Maxim.

Compared with Mrs. Maxim, Dumbledore became a dwarf, and his pointed hat had just touched her chin.

However, for such a large woman, her dance steps are really elegant.

The two of them also saw Avon Hermione entering the state, stopped and smiled and gave the stage to the young.

At this time, no one was dancing on the field. Everyone retired and watched the performance of the two of them.

This is the stage that only belongs to them, and others have set off at this moment.

When the organ played the last trembling note, the weird sister stopped playing.

Ai Wen and Hermione also stopped, and there was a burst of applause in the auditorium. Everyone was cheering for them.

Everyone was excited to talk about the dance steps of Ai Wen and Hermione, and they were impressed by their two performances.

Colin was equally excited to press the shutter quickly. He just didn't dance, but kept taking pictures.

At the beginning, it was the Warriors, but in the end they all became Evan and Hermione.

Intuition tells him that publishing these photos in newspapers is definitely better than the four warriors.

"That's great. I didn't expect Evan and Hermione to jump so well!" said Harry enviously.

When he was dancing with Ginny, he accidentally stepped on the other's feet.

Then they stopped to watch Evan and Hermione dancing.

This is they are sitting at the table drinking butter beer, Ron and Lavender are next to them.

Ron also stared at Evan and Hermione at the center of the stage, and did not expect this to happen.

The two of them are really dazzling, and if they compare it with light, Avon and Hermione's just glamorous people can't open their eyes.

"Ivan and Hermione are too good, it's a natural pair!" Lavender sighed. "Are we still dancing, Ron?"

"First take a break!" Ron replied, without the thought of dancing, Lavent's words made him a little uncomfortable.

At this time, the weird sister started playing a new song again, the rhythm is much faster than before.

Harry and Ginny went to dance, and Avon and Hermione danced together. The opening dance was just a little overwhelming.

This dance and just the whole is not a style, perhaps the performance of Ai Wen and Hermione detonated the audience, let everyone all let go, everyone is very happy, especially Fred and Angelina.

In fact, the two of them jumped too far, and the people around them flicked back to avoid being hurt.

For this style of dance, Fred and Angelina are the center.

Correspondingly, Ai Wen and Hermione are a bit inseparable, not so conspicuous, but they are still very happy to be mixed in the crowd.

Ai Wen saw that the teachers also began to enter the stage. Carrezis's fake mad-eyed Moody, who was very clumsy and danced two steps with Professor Sinista, Professor Sinista nervously avoided his wooden prosthetic leg. Not far away, Ludo Bagman and Professor McGonagall are dancing.