
Harry Potter And The Rise Of Golden Falcon

A guy dies and gets transmigrated into Harry Potter Universe and tries to become strongest. Disclaimer : I don't own any part of Harry Potter Universe, J.K. Rowling Does. I also don't own the cover picture.

AidenCanis · Bücher und Literatur
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67 Chs

Chapter 50

Next day, just as I suspected, Tonks informed me that the Order's meeting is going to be held later today. I was not surprised as I already predicted it because it was the day before Hogwarts school term comes to an end. Since Dark Lord Voldy was now out and about, it was only natural for Dumbledore to upgrade his "Harry monitoring" plan to "Harry stalking". He may fool his cult members, saying that they are for "protecting" Harry, but as far as I know from the books, they didn't do much to protect him, aside from stalking him from outside his house, invisibly, of course, skilled stalkers, the lot of them.

If they were truly protecting him, they wouldn't have let a dementor anywhere near him during his summer holidays after 4th year.

But instead, Harry was forced to use Patronus charm to defend himself and subsequently, had to face trial.

Sometimes I wonder about the reason for their cult to exist. I mean aside from stalking Harry and guarding prophecy at Dom in 5th year, there was nothing worthwhile, that they managed to accomplish.

Well anyhow, not like I am going to join them. I am just going there because Tonks asked me to and to maintain my good reputation in front of order member. I mean, not like I necessarily had to maintain my reputation but why go through all the trouble of fighting and killing, just to make my way to the top in an idiotic manner like Voldemort, when I can just as easily take Dumbledore's path to the top as light lord.

Say what you will about the old man, but he is a true genius at manipulation and one can learn a lot from him. I mean, on the surface, if one looks at Dumbledore's history, he just seems nothing but a good guy. But, if you look closely, he is as good at manipulation as one can get.

Even though he possessed so much strength, he chose to be a Transfiguration professor at Hogwarts. Some might say that he did so because he wanted to lead a peaceful life and liked being a teacher but I call it bullshit. He chose to be a teacher because the man was a freaking genius. When his old pal Grindelwald was going around the world, waging wars and being Dark Lord, he was smarter. He simply chose to squat at Hogwarts, denying everyone's request for him to battle Grindelwald to stop the bloodshed, as he was the only one strong enough to do so at that time. No, he made his move, after a few years, when everyone was desperate enough.

If he had simply defeated the dark lord Grindelwald, right at the start, it wouldn't have made much of an impact on everyone because they had yet to experience the terror, that was war.

No, he made his move when everyone was desperate enough and doing so had a great impact on everyone.

His plan clearly worked wonders, as not long after that he held many influential positions like Supreme Mugwump at ICW, Chief Warlock of Magical England and Headmaster at Hogwarts.

But, If he had just defeated the dark lord Grindelwald, right at the start, people would have at most thanked him and patted him on the back at the time and he would have forgotten soon enough by everyone.

So, you see, even without doing much work and without going through the path of a dark lord, he still managed to easily reach the top of the political field. As I said, I am still learning from the guy and just like him, I too am planning on following the path of the light lord.

Actually, to tell the truth, I could have easily killed Voldemort, when I confronted him at Bones Manor with my custom spell 'Sanctus ignis'. As Voldemort's soul was filled with nothing but dark magic due to making multiple Horcruxes, Sanctus ignis spell would have been easily able to burn his soul and kill him on the spot, that is if I had wanted to do so.

No, killing him at that time would have been nothing but the height of foolishness. Not to mention, everyone believes that Voldemort has been dead for years, claiming to kill him would have earned me nothing but mockery from every as they would have thought that I was claiming to do so just to become famous.

No, just like I said, I am going to follow Dumbledore's path. And in fact I have already started to do so as I intend to become a new DADA professor, as for pesky little jinx, it is non-consequential in front of my abundance of Magical power.