
Harry Potter and the Legendary Wizard

This is the story of a Legendary Wizard from another world, who was involved in the Harry Potter world by an inexplicable space-time wormhole at a critical moment when he was about to step into the Realm of Gods.

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85 Chs

Endless Journey

"Okay, Potter, just do what I just did, and you will win this duel." Lockhart patted Harry on the shoulder happily, as if confident in the method he had just taught him. "What, by dropping the wand on the ground?" But Lockhart didn't listen to him at all.

One-two-two-one-start!" he shouted.

Malfoy raised his wand quickly and shouted: "Oolong out of the hole! The head of his wand exploded. Harry watched in horror and saw a long black snake suddenly jump out of it and land heavily. On the floor between them, then the snake's head held up, ready to attack. The crowd screamed and quickly backed away to clear the space.

"Yo, Draco doesn't have a good grasp of this spell. The snake he summoned is just a fake. If I come to fight him, there are at least five ways to make that fox and tiger's mighty snake disappear." In front of Gustus, looking at the frightened Harry in the field, he said casually.

"Don't move, Potter," said Snape languidly, obviously taking advantage of the sight of Harry standing still, staring at the angry snake. "I'm coming to get him away...", "Let me come!" Lockhart shouted. He raised his wand and waved threateningly at the snake, and suddenly, with a loud bang, the snake not only didn't disappear, but It jumped more than ten feet high and fell heavily to the floor. It was furious and hissed and swam straight towards Justin Finch, then it raised its head, bared its fangs, and attacked its stance.

Lillian covered her mouth and let out a sneer, "Mr. Lockhart is indeed a heroic magician who can bring us unexpected results every time. If we want to evaluate the best accident maker at Hogwarts, Lockhart Must be the first choice."

Harry didn't understand why he did it, he didn't even realize he decided to do it. All he knew was that his legs moved forward on their own as if they were on casters, and then he yelled at the snake, "Let him go!" On the floor, supple like a pile of thick, black watering hoses, eyes fixed on Harry. Harry felt his fear fade away little by little. He knew the snake wouldn't attack anyone again, and he couldn't say how he knew that.

He looked up at Justin and grinned. He expected to see a look of relief, confusion, or gratitude on Justin's face -- never anger and horror.

"What kind of trick do you think you're playing?" he shouted, and before Harry could speak, Justin turned and rushed out of the auditorium.

"Parseltongue?" Augustus looked slightly solemn. He didn't expect Harry to be a Parseltongue. As far as Augustus knew, apart from Salazar and some of his bloodlines, there was only one Parseltongue, this one is Voldemort. Now, Harry's display of this talent has an immeasurable impact on him, but it is worth affirming that this talent is synonymous with evil in the eyes of many people, and it is very unpopular.

Talking to animals is not something to be demeaned, mainly because of Voldemort's dark rule for too long, coupled with his own Parseltongue, so this talent has been unknowingly evil. In another world, most Druids can talk to animals. Druids are supporters of nature and a very peaceful race. Therefore, it can be seen that talent is not good or bad. Undoubtedly stupid and ignorant in these talents.

Snape stepped forward, waved his wand, and the snake disappeared in a puff of black smoke. Snape, too, looked at him with a look that surprised him: a sly, shrewd look that Harry didn't like. He was also vaguely aware of the ominous whispers of the crowd around him.

Malfoy returned to Augustus, with a serious expression that found evil and justice, "Haha, I didn't expect Harry to be a Parseltongue, and I broke it now, let's see how he will pose in front of everyone in the future. With the expression of a savior, I want to see what kind of ugly faces the wizards who advertise him as the backbone of the right path will have when they know that he is Parseltongue."

"You underestimate those vindicators. Since they want to make Harry a hero, no matter what happens to Harry, as long as they don't cross the bottom line, they will have countless reasons to support Harry. Parseltongue is just a trivial matter. , it doesn't prevent them from wielding their righteous stick and eliminating all dissenting voices, this is politics, and they need to introduce Harry to be their image spokesperson. Hehe." There was a contemptuous and complicated light in Loki's eyes. , looking at Harry walking out not far away.

"What you said is indeed very practical in the Muggle world, but you forgot what kind of world this is. In the realm of magic, power comes from itself. Whether it is Dumbledore or Voldemort, they deeply understand this. , so they can be above the Ministry of Magic and can decide the life and death of countless people, Loki, you have to remember that in the world of magic, politics is only a vassal, and our strength comes from ourselves. How far can magic go It's up to you." Augustus saw the struggle in Loki's eyes, and he understood that if he hadn't met him, with his intelligence, savvy, ambition, and the support of his family, this child might become a child in the future. A powerful figure in the political world, he was like a duck in the water in the Ministry of Magic and was touted by countless people who wanted to be in the top position. Finally, he gradually lost himself on the road to pursuing the truth of magic and became a person like Cornelius Fudge.

However, since Loki has chosen to follow behind him and embark on the path of pursuing the truth of magic, he must remind him and let him know where his true power comes from as a mage. In the end, the choice is up to him. He believed that with Loki's wisdom, he would understand how to choose, what he wanted.

Walking on the road of magic is indeed difficult to control. Whether it is the scenery along the road or the thorns, people will doubt the original intention of walking. There are always very few people who can go from one end to the end, and the way is endless. Since the choice If you stand on the road of pursuing the truth of magic, then even if you die, you will reach the moment when you can no longer walk. Chao Wendao said that it was okay to die at night. On the endless road, with the company of these few people, it may not be lonely.