
Harry Potter and the House of the Snake

[Completed/Dropped] By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in personality but also in abilities.

OutClaw · Bücher und Literatur
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24 Chs

Teaser (S2)

The cloaked boy entered the large ante-chamber heading the group of older students who struggled to catch up. Passing through two lefts and a right, they entered the main chamber.

The boys and girls were left gaping wide at the magnificence of the magically built structure by the founder of their house.

"I can't believe it!" Flint exclaimed as he examined the vast empty space with awe: "The chamber really existed! The chamber of secrets!"

Blecthley looked skeptical as he commented: "This doesn't prove anything. We don't know for certain-"

"Look, Miles; he literally opened it with parseltongue. Besides, you read the Prophet; he's Slytherin, it's a fact." Gemma replied as Miles looked at the 12 year old boy nervously: "I'm not questioning the credibility of the heir, pardon. I just... think that there is no way of knowing if this really is the chamber of-"

Just then, Harry flinched and told the boy to be: "Quiet!" As he started looking at one of the larger pipes. There was nothing there.

The 7th years could not help but break a sweat when after a while, low tremors resonated from the pipe. Slowly, but surely, they were getting closer.

And then it appeared, the ancient, giant snake. Its green slitted eyes shone at the horde as they all shut their eyes out of fear.

Harry graciously hovered in the air to finally stand on its head. The creature, swollen with pride, puffed out its body.

And then, Harry asked: "Now! Will you believe me?"

The horror struck group, unable to speak at first, finally managed to utter a feeble "Yes."

"Will you serve me?" He asked slowly.

Marcus Flint fell down on his knees to show his obedience, the others followed suit.

Harry looked down at them, eyes filled with determination and face masked with pride. But what lay beyond that veil was a faltering mind, that knew deep down that this new burden was far heavier than vanquishing the Dark Lord.

Rather than to kill someone, he had to save all of wizardom. And for that, he knew that he would first have to become the dark lord himself.


The Letter

Dear Father,

I don't have much time left, so I'll just tell you what you absolutely need to know:

1. Muggles are vicious.

Absolutely, they killed even our children.

2. They attack in April 2020.

25th of April, to be exact.

3. We are annihilated.

In my world, I was the only survivor.

4. You need to drink it.

You'll know what I mean when the time comes.

5. Use the camera well.

I'm sorry I couldn't help more.

Your son,

Albus Severus Potter (Diablo)


"And I have also heard- though it's just a rumor... that the graduating 7th years have sworn their allegiance to Harry Potter." The first year Slytherin finished his report to the headmaster who listened to him with a worried expression.

"Thank you, dear. You may leave." The old man replied carelessly and didn't even notice the first year student leaving. He had hardly been relieved of one You-Know-Who when already, there was another in the making.

The new season is starting from 15th of May.

Stay tuned!

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