
Harry Potter and the House of the Snake

[Completed/Dropped] By a strange twist of fate, or perhaps a schemed turn of time, Harry is sorted into Slytherin. Will the famed house be able to bring out Harry's untold potential? What new friends and adventures await him in the proud house of the snake? Follow the story and keep tabs on a Harry who has grown to differ not only in personality but also in abilities.

OutClaw · Book&Literature
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24 Chs

Extra: Albus Severus Potter

"Wizards and witches of Britain! This will be our last warning to you." The voice roared through the magical electric speaker: "You have seen what our technology can do. You have witnessed the vastness of our knowledge. It would be for the best if you surrender quietly now. I shall count till 3!"

Over the last two years, a lot has happened. It all started when Rothschild Tech discovered a strange, multi-dimensional form of energy; they named it 'mana'. They used it to create all sorts of devices, from simple and convenient stoves to complex and dangerous war machines. And then, they detected us. The settlements with high concentration of mana were searched and investigated.


Our people retaliated, but they were more powerful. And as soon as some of us revolted, muggles declared an open war.

Some of us surrendered. The minister of Magic, Hermione vouched for a peaceful solution but the Head of Magical Law enforcement just wouldn't listen. Father was strictly against the idea of going down without a fight. But he wasn't so strong. He was just... brave.


And when the ministry was attacked, he was among the first to fall. After the massacre of the ministry, the survivors fell back to the impregnable castle of Hogwarts. I still think we should have just scattered around the world, to disperse the mana. Being huddled together like that made us an easy target for discovery and in turn, disaster.

They quickly found and surrounded the castle. At the last hour, everyone forgot about strategies; and since we did not really have a good enough leader with us, we went with the simple plan of hiding the underage in the dungeons while anyone above 15 fought in the war. Careful not to lose my only remaining family, I chose to stay in the guard party for the children in order to ensure Lily's safety.

"3! Mages of England, you will regret this! Soldiers, prepare for full frontal assault!"

And just like that in May 2022, the last war of the wizarding world was fought.


I couldn't move, the bullet had gone too deep. But I couldn't t let them get the children. All of my spells were just deflected off of their armor. It was hopeless. I wanted to close my eyes like all the others... But when I saw one of them pointing his gun towards Lily, I felt like ripping his head off. But...

The crack of a gun also cracked my reality. I don't really remember what happened after that but it was clear that all the muggle soldiers in the dungeon were slaughtered by me and when I regained consciousness, I was inflicting the pain of the cruciatus curse on her murderer.

Exasperated and tired, I struggled to keep my eyes open as I fell to the ground.

I also remember reading:

*The conditions have been met.

The door to the scriptorium is now open.*


The power given to me was useless.

I didn't want it. Unless I was a god, or if I could turn back time, all of the animagus ability and magical prowess was meaningless.

At first, I thought of revenge. But my desire for it was so strong that once I started, I would only be satiated by death of each and every children of theirs.

So, I postponed.

I started wandering around the Earth aimlessly. I had no aim, no objective. But I couldn't end my life. Even when I had tried countless times, I could not will my wand for my death. It was like my body was trying to tell me that there was still hope.

And then, I heard a news article:

Largest Nuclear Reactor to be set up by Rothschild Tech, in XYZ

That... was when I finally awoke. Had I been the Albus before my succession of Salazar, I would have thoughtlessly run to my death.

But that's when after spending so much time with muggles, I tried to think like them.

'What do Rothschilds want so much energy for?' I asked myself and the answer was clear.

Just like me, they wanted to be God.

After infiltrating several of their facilities, I finally found out what it was. The truth behind the image of a nuclear reactor.


"Stop him!"

But it was of no use. I had already forced the time turner to destroy itself... after one last favor for me. The outcome of such a crude plan was that I wouldn't know when and where it would take me.

But it didn't matter. I had already lost everything.

As a last struggle, I leaped into the giant time turner.





It was a forest. A peaceful forest, where the birds chirped beautifully. I had just been time turned when I heard some people approaching.

As an instinct, I transformed into my form as a snake, and that instinct proved the starting point of all my plans for the survival of wizardkind.

I don't know what I felt, but in order to gain a sense of time and place, I let myself be captured by them and be put in a zoo. In my cage, I would listen to the muggles closely for any information related to any World War but it looked like both had been passed.

Then, to my surprise; I saw him again... my father.

He was so malnourished that I developed a very strong hatred for the Dursleys. His biographies never told much of this story.

And then, spending some time with him as a treat to myself, I was reminded of the horrible fate that lied ahead of my tiny little father.

I decided to first resolve this issue and work against Rothschild later. First and foremost, I secured my father's owl Hedwig, naming him Aurora -I always thought she should have been named as such whenever I heard about her from him. And then I secured a safe future for him in Sirius Black.

I also started to actively destroy all the horcruxes. I just had to help him -that's what sons are for.

And at last, when I started training him; I came to know of his potential. If he had been allowed to grow like this last time, I'm sure he would have been much stronger. It was around that time that I slowly felt my existence fading. And that meant I had either changed the future far enough to prevent myself from being born or maybe the Time Turner's effect was nearing its end.

I had no choice but to place all my expectations on him. I gave him much of my knowledge and only exerted my energy where it was absolutely needed. After I came to know of his succession, I was truly proud of Father and became relieved for the future.

"Father, thank you for being so dependable." I am leaving one last letter in a hurry since I am about to fad-(e)


Announcement guyyss!

Thanks for reading, I appreciate it.

Also, the fanfic will be continued from the 15th of May, Wednesday.

Stay tuned.