
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Bücher und Literatur
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51 Chs

A story untold!

{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{09:54 PM, 30th Sept 1991}

"So guessing by your reaction you guys have heard about HYDRA?" Harry asked, all the adults have moved to a new room, it was a small office, and judging by the amount of mana flowing through the walls, it was heavily warded.

"Yes, HYDRA..." Dumbledore digested the word he looked at his students around the room before explaining it to everyone, "it was an organization rumored to be behind Gellert's swift rise across Europe and the free states of America, there were several stories but the Organisation was thought to be destroyed with the fall of Grindelwald. In the last few years, reports of a mysterious organization that went about kidnapping muggleborn surfaced during the ICW sessions. There were several successful raids and we destroyed a couple of old war bunkers from where the organization operates but after that the trail went cold. The ICW raid teams are still being formed and the monitoring of muggle-borns across all nations has increased."

Harry listened to the explanation like everyone else, He didn't know anything about the Grindelwald bit, as there were no mentions of him on any side of History, 'Well I guess if anyone knows anything about that war then it would be Dumbledore...'

"HYDRA and SHIELD," Harry started speaking, "They are like our Dark and Light side, although their battles are based more around subterfuge and espionage, these two organizations represent two ideologies and SHIELD believes that they have eradicated HYDRA back in the last war, but HYDRA had infiltrated SHIELD, there are several double agents inside SHIELD so HYDRA has full access to almost all the information from around the world."

"HYDRA is a more radical, cult-like organization, from its slogans to its method, the only reason I managed to survive was that they thought they had brainwashed me with their unique methods, luckily there are a few benefits of being a natural Occlumens, their method never worked on me, and I trained under them until I managed to find a way to escape, being able to change your appearance at will kind of helped a lot..."

Harry saw the distressed expression on everyone's face, he was about to comment on it but then decided that it wasn't worth it, there was no need to assure them of anything, they are adults so they won't listen to the words of a kid anyway.

"By trained you mean..." James asked softly, his voice barely a whisper, Harry stared at his father for a while, it was safe to assume that he had resented the man a bit before today, and although he still wasn't a fan of him, he had to admit that he cared about his family, he could see the concern on his face as his hand squeezed Lily's shoulders who was bracing herself for his answer.

"To kill, go in and eliminate a target and then go out without being detected," Harry said with a blunt tone causing several people to take sharp breaths, "Occlumency helped a lot, other than the actual acts, most of the training was focused on developing instincts and using muggle weaponry," Harry finished.

The silence was almost deafening, Harry watched everyone process that information when Lily stood up and left the room. James looked torn between following her and looking at Harry, as he was still indecisive, Dumbledore spoke, "Harry, I-i..."

Harry watched with raised eyebrows as Dumbledore honest to god stammered, maybe to someone looking from outside, his life looks horrific, 'I mean abused, kidnapped, trained to be a weapon does kind of looks morbid... maybe I have to thank Gamer's mind a little more... there should be no way I would be as sane as I am without it...'

Harry felt Andromeda walk up behind him and place a gentle hand on his shoulder, she leaned down and whispered in his ear, "I have dealt with crazy abusive guardians, and dealt with a cult doctrine... there is no reason you can't walk out of everything your life had thrown at you and still turned out to be okay, I have a small happy family even after surviving the doctrine of the house Black, I don't know what you went through, but don't ever let anyone tell you how you should feel, or how bad the situation you had to deal with was."

Harry gave Andromeda a smile, he and the Tonks family weren't that close, they were familiar with each other and Harry won't mind spending some time with them, but at this instant, he felt a little grateful to have met them, they aren't a sunshine and rainbow type family, but Harry appreciated it all the same.

"I'm sorry Harry, for there is a lot of blame on my shoulders," Dumbledore started then paused and shook his head, "I can't really change the past even with the strongest time turner, all I can do is hope that if you need anything in the future you would contact me." Harry stared at Dumbledore before he stated, "I want to continue being Hector Jackson," it was an easy request for Harry to make but Dumbledore hesitated, his eyes briefly turned towards James and Harry turned towards his Father ready to hear his protests.

James really wanted to protest, his every fiber was protesting and feeling sick because of all the revelations today, but another part of him was glad and relieved, the weight he had unknowingly been carrying for almost a decade felt a lot lighter today. He could still feel the distance between Harry and the rest of the Potter family except that his sweet little Ivy had somehow managed to worm a place into even Harry's heart.

So he nodded towards Dumbledore, surprising Harry, Sirius protested immediately, "James what are you doing, Lily would kill you..." but before he could continue James shook his head and stopped him from continuing, he instead looked at Harry in the eye before he nodded.

Harry wasn't a telepath, he could read minds with Legilimency but he didn't need to in this instant, for some reason James decided not to interfere in Harry's school life. And while many questions still remained unanswered, Harry stared at his father... he needed to reevaluate his biological family once again.


AN: Considering all of you guys whining regarding the chapter length, I have decided to increase the chapter length a bit, Yay, Hurray Whatever! Anyway, as I have already written till chapter 44 already, so the increased length, that is 1.5-2k word chapters would start from chapter 45, slug it along till then... You guys are a mean bunch!

P.S. P.atreon current chapter- 45 (13 chapters ahead of Webnovel), -patreon.com/WN_Translations