
Harry Potter: A New Path

Darkness was all Harry has ever known, first, it was the cupboard, now an underground lab. As Hydra slowly but surely eradicated all his mental barriers a strange blue box became the salvation for the older twin. !AU,!Marvel Crossover,!Twin to BWL,!Alive Potters.

WN_LightNovels · Book&Literature
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An intresting proposition!

{DADA Classroom, Hogwarts, Scotland}

{09:58 AM, 6th Nov 1991}

It's been almost a week since the debacle at Gala, and other than some glances thrown at him from Charlus and one request to have a talk from his twin, nothing much had changed for Harry. The night ended a bit anti-climatic, he was ready for Lily or Ivy to pester him and make him stay but it didn't happen, James took the rest of the Potters away, and once Harry mentioned that he was tired he along with the Tonks family just used the floo and he was back at Hogwarts the very next day. Thankfully his cover was still intact so he could easily go back to learning magic. Although he did have an interesting conversation with Dumbledore before all that happened.


{Potter Manor, Untraceable, Somewhere in Ireland}

{11:03 PM, 30th Sept 1991}

After James went somewhere with the rest of the Potters, Harry looked at the rest of the people around him, he wasn't interested to know whatever the deal with Sirius Black was, and thankfully he kept his distance, although he could feel his gaze tracking his every movement.

He looked at the Tonks and so he was about to suggest they leave but then Dumbledore caught his eye, he looked at the man who could most possibly be the single reason for all this debacle but then, he didn't really feel that much different, 'I mean maybe it would have been nice to grow up within this mansion, but...' truth be told, Harry was fine with the way thing was, as long as no one interferes with what he now wants to do, they are alright in his book. So he walked toward the man and asked, "Professor, why do you think my mana destabilized when I made contact with Ivy?"

Dumbledore's eye glimmered as he peered into Harry's, "That is an interesting question, my boy, you see the twin bond is one of the most powerful connections that could be built between two cores, and that means, two people. You see there are many theories about how twins are conceived but the most common among them is a division of the mana core, so the core that you and your brother share are essentially the same. What has never been documented before is a twin bond that never died..."

He had a somber expression but Harry could see magical theories just bouncing off in his head, "You see that night, your twin bond was broken, it was left dismantled but never severed, it was one of the reasons for my theory on your broken mana core, as the final act from the twin bond towards you was to take mana to deal with a threat, your mana core was constantly supplying mana through a now broken door leading to your instabilities."

He paused and conjured two balls of light that were now broken, one was constantly leaking bright glowing particles, and one was trying to absorb them from the surroundings.

"The opposite happened to your Brother, we noticed early on when Ivy was born that Charlus could sense when she was distressed and sad or angry or happy, leading me to believe that Ivy was able to tap into the connection that was left behind because of the bond, the same thing happened to you today, as you came into contact with Ivy, you core recognized her a close resemblance to your mana core, maybe that's why it doesn't work with either of your parents. Anyway as the connection formed your broken bond started supplying mana like it remembers doing last time leading you to collapse..."

'That contains a lot of speculation, but in a way it makes a little bit of sense, thank Merlin the skill got removed... Dammit, I am starting to sound like wizards...'


"...is one of the most basic shield charms that you will learn in this course," Harry's attention was focused back on what Quirrell was saying, or stuttering to be honest, "t-the protego spell is not taught until your 4th year, t-till then the custodio~ is your primary shield c-charm." Quirrell stopped talking and flicked his wand upwards then slashed it downwards as a small translucent shield appeared in front of him. Harry's thoughts bounced between that conversation and the class as Quirrell continued his lecture.

"T-the Custodio charm can absorb anyone spell which isn't overpowered at the level of your common jinxes and curses, a-any higher spell would break right through it, i-it is a simple spell allowed in all dueling circuits although r-rarely is anyone foolish enough to use it." The bell-ringing stopped him from continuing, "Y-your assignment is a 1-foot essay on any of the other shield charm's beside Custodio..." Harry started gathering his quill and parchment in his bag when Quirrell spoke up again, "M-mr. Jackson, if you would stay for a moment..."

'What does he want, I don't think Dumbledore would have told anyone, and I didn't do anything different from the rest of the class.'

"Do you want us to wait, we have Transfiguration next?" Daphne asked from beside him, her face blank as always.

"No, you go ahead I'll be right there," Harry replied as he motioned for her to go on.

It took the class a couple of minutes to drain out leaving just Quirrell and Harry in the room, Harry was the first one to break the silence, "What is it professor?"

"I-it seems my classes bore you Mr. Jackson," Quirrell spoke, "U-understandable considering magic does come easy to you and I don't think you ever find spells very challenging. I-i don't think Hogwarts curriculum would ever challenge you Mr. Jackson if a challenge is what you are looking for." Quirrell's gaze analyzed Harry while he did the same, to him Quirrell was a walking contradictory, he seemed afraid, the type of person who would not only be bad at the magic that is all about willpower and intent but also a bad teacher, surprisingly though that was untrue. While his tone was a bit bland his lectures were interesting.

"What do you mean Professor?" Harry left the question open, it was the best way to get as much information as possible but it also leaves one open to manipulation, at least he was confident that nothing bad could happen here.

"M-magic Mr. Jackson, I-i am talking about magic, m-magic taught at Hogwarts is regulated magic, one that is approved by the ministry, one that is safe to explore and learn, o-one that is bound by crutches and restrictions, m-magic is life, i-it is a natural force beyond compare, a-and not to be used to lift f-feathers and change the color of a m-mouse." Quirrell sat down on his seat and continued, "I-i am talking about real magic, t-there is where the real challenge is..."

Harry paused for a bit and considered his words, alarm bells ringing in his head as he guessed what Quirrell was talking about was the Dark Arts, "Are you talking about the Dark Arts professor?"

Harry never thought he would see the timid Quirrell snort but he did as he continued, "M-magic is so much more than being labeled by someone by a label. E-especially by people who never even really got to see real magic, m-most people just aren't fated to ever glimpse of true magic," Quirrell waved his hand and the book in front of him started floating. Harry almost jumped back before he stared at the book, it was his first time seeing someone else use wandless magic, and he would have bet his life on the line that Quirrell couldn't do it.

"T-this is just a representation of true magic, u-unrestrained, u-unchanging, e-ever evolving, just your mana and your own mind and you can change the world, t-that is magic." Quirrell finished and the book dropped with a thump.

"Why isn't magic like that taught at Hogwarts?" Harry asked.

"B-because, long ago magic was just used by the privileged ones, those chosen by magic who can influence the flow of mana, b-but people got jealous of their power and then they invented wands, c-crutches and by using their magic became more accessible, t-they bound magic by formulas, various sensors helped break down the flow of mana to replicate true spells and then they were converted into the spells we use today, a-and slowly but surely the true magic practitioners died out, w-we wizards were so weak that without a wand we could be hunted by common muggles and burned alive at a stake." Quirrell shook his head and Harry listened transfixed, this is what he always wanted, the desire to be free, to have control over his life and destiny.

"I-i can see that you have great control over your mana, t-there are not many people who have your amount of mana control even when they are an adult," Quirrell waved his hand and the door to his classroom opened, "I-if you want to challenge yourself and learn real magic, t-the door would be open every Saturday at 6:00 PM, a-and please tell everyone that you have detention if you do decide to come."

Harry nodded mutely as he made his way out of the room, Quirrell's words ringing in his head as he made his way to his transfiguration class.

"You are late Mr. Jackson, I'm assuming you have a very good reason for it?" Prof. McGonagall questioned Harry as soon as he entered the class. He looked as everyone's eye focused on him so he nodded and said, "Yeah, sorry about that Prof." he gave her a smile as he placed his bag down, "Prof. Quirrell just told me that I have detention with him this Saturday..." Harry sat down as everyone in the class gave him weird looks, 'What, he can give detention too, it's a valid excuse...'


P.S- I messed up the timer, My bad!

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