James and Lily Potter fall into a deep slumber, leaving their twin boys in the care of fate. Adrian, the Boy-Who-Lived, finds himself under Dumbledore's wing, while Harry, the overlooked twin, ends up with their aunt. How will the wizarding world change due to this new and cunning Harry Potter? (The story involves Dumbledore, select Weasley, and Hermione bashing.) ///////////////// Disclaimer I do not assert any ownership over anything. J. K. Rowling owns everything.
Soon Harry, Daphne and Rose found themselves in the care of magical creatures class, it turned out that Hagrid was teaching it. This worried Harry slightly, Hagrid with all the best will in the world, was a nice guy but had a different idea on what is appropriate for kids than say a regular teacher, or a student, or a muggle or just about anyone.
Hagrid began leading them to their first creature, Harry couldn't help but notice that the trio were trying to stand as far away from him as possible. He smirked, knowing that he at least achieved something today.
"Alright everyone" Hagrid said when everyone stopped "get your books out and turn to page sixty-four"
"Just how are we supposed to do that?" Malfoy asked sarcastically, holding up the biting book that was held shut with a belt.
"Just stroke the spine, dumbass" Harry sighed and stroked the book. He removed the belt and showed that the book wasn't trying to bite him. Malfoy turned a bit red but didn't say anything, he and everyone else just did as Harry said.
"Why do you put up with him?" Theodore Nott whispered to Harry "You're the head of like fifty powerful houses yet you still put up with Malfoy? Why don't you just use that political power and shut him up?"
"Because if I keep doing that then he'd eventually realise that I'm not following through with my threats" Harry replied "I could ruin the Malfoy family but I won't, not yet at least."
"Why's that?" Nott asked curiously
"Let's just say I know someone who prefers the Malfoys to stay afloat for now" Harry responded vaguely
"Say hello to Buckbeak" Hagrid said proudly as he brought a hippogriff towards the group "isn't he beautiful?"
"Hagrid, what the bloody hell is that?" Ron asked
"That Ron, is a hippogriff, the first thing you need to know about hippogriffs are they are very proud creature. Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a hippogriff, may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who wants to say hello?"
"I do" Harry raised a hand, many people looked at him like he was mad. Harry stepped forward and made his way over.
"Well done Harry, it's nice to see you so eager to meet him" Hagrid smiled
"Yes, well when you live with Draco Malfoy you take up the opportunity to interact with intelligent beings whenever you can" Harry said, simultaneously insulting Malfoy and complimenting Buckbeak at the same time. The former growled while the latter proudly raised its head, as if to say 'damn straight'.
"Now, the first thing you need to do is bow" Hagrid instructed "then you wait and see if he bows back, if he does then you can go and touch him. If not then…..well, we'll get to that later."
Harry nodded to show his understanding, he looked towards Buckbeak, looking him directly in the eye. He slowly arched his back, bowing enough to seem respectful. Buckbeak looked at him for a moment before deciding to grace Harry with his own bow.
"Ah, well done Buckbeak, well done!" Hagrid praised as he threw him a dead ferret
"And there goes one of Malfoy's brethren" Harry commented, causing giggles to go through the crowd along with snorts and suppressed laughter.
Harry slowly made his way forward, he made sure to keep his speed slow, so he doesn't startle Buckbeak. He raised his arm up and gently patted Buckbeak on the head, Buckbeak seemed to like it and nuzzled Harry's hand.
"Ah, well done Buckbeak" Hagrid smiled and made his way over "I think he may just let you ride him now" Hagrid said to Harry
"I beg your pardon?" But no sooner than the words had left his mouth, Hagrid had picked him up and placed him on Buckbeaks back.
Buckbeak ran and lifted up into the air, Buckbeak treated Harry with a beautiful tour around the Hogwarts sky. He even flew above the lake, Harry couldn't begin to describe the joy he felt in the air. It was why he originally joined the quidditch team, he didn't care much for the game but flying, flying was where he felt free.
Soon Buckbeak flew back and landed right where he originally stood, a few people cheered as Hagrid picked Harry up and put him on the ground. Harry looked around and saw Daphne smiling at him, so was Rose but it was at that point that Harry noticed that Theodore Nott was smiling at Rose.
"Yeah, you're not dangerous at all are you" Malfoy walked right up to Buckbeak "you great ugly brute"
"Malfoy, no" Hagrid said but before he could do anything Buckbeak was on his hind legs and was about to strike Malfoy. Harry acted quickly and put up a shield, it blocked Buckbeaks strike. Buckbeak moved back but then Harry quickly stepped in front of him before he could charge again.
"Buckbeak no!" Harry said is a commanding voice "There's a list of people that want to kill him and you will wait your damn turn! Hagrid, if you'd please help"
"Uh, right, come on Buckbeak" Hagrid said and began leading Buckbeak away from Malfoy.
"Why'd you save me?" Malfoy asked with surprise in his voice
"Save you?" Harry turned to Malfoy "no, I saved Hagrid and Buckbeak. Knowing you, you would've got hurt then you would've ran to daddy just like every time you do when anyone says anything mean to you then you would've told him what happened. And of course daddy would have to indulge his spoilt little princess"
"Don't talk to me like that!"
"I'm sorry, should I call you an idiot instead?!" Harry got right in Malfoy's face "I'm no expert but if a man as big and strong as Hagrid says something is dangerous and not to insult, the last thing anyone with brain cells would do is walk right up insult it. Even Weasley was able to figure that out"
"Hey!" Ron shouted
"The next time you want to risk bodily harm or death then just say the word and I'll personally help you" Harry threatened Malfoy, he then walked past the boy, shoving him in the shoulder as he did so.
"Alright babe?" Daphne hugged him as he approached
"Just another day with another idiot" Harry sighed, he then whispered into Daphne's ear "by the way Snuffle's is close to having his moment. It'll happen tomorrow"
"Hope it goes well" She whispered back before letting go.
"So Nott" Harry walked up to the boy "we need to have a discussion about where those eyes were looking"
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