
Secrets and Showdowns

"And the rooms had better be worthy of royalty, understood?" Harry continued as if he hadn't heard Adrian

"Yes master" Kreatcher nodded and popped away. Harry turned and found Lily and James looking at him

"Wow" James said slowly "that was….something"

"I know" Sirius nodded "Kreatcher has never been so well behaved since Harry got here, he has the elf wrapped around his little finger"

"Harry" A soft voice spoke from the doorway

"Hey Rose" Harry took a few paces and let the shy girl walk to him, Rose gently pulled him into a hug which Harry returned "Rose, meet my parents" Harry let her go and gestured to Lily and James "that's dad, I get my looks and quidditch skills from him. That's mum, I get my eyes and brains from her. Mum, dad, this is Rose Flight. She's basically my sister in all but blood"

"Nice to meet ya" James smiled at the girl who had just decided to hide behind Harry

'She's shy' Harry mouthed to his mother and father, hoping they don't feel offended.

"She's bloody terrified of everything, that's what she is" Adrian said

"I wouldn't point out other people's faults Adrian" Harry narrowed his eyes "especially when you have more than everyone else"

"Oh yeah? Like what?"

"Your face, your intelligence, your smell, the way you walk, talk, eat, breath and about fifty more things off the top of my head"

"Boys" Lily interrupted "please don't fight"

"I'm sorry mum" Harry genuinely apologized, Adrian couldn't help looking in shocked, in his experience Harry never apologized unless it was a set up for a witty or sarcastic joke.

"That's alright baby, but please try and get along"

"If that's what you want" Harry nodded "excuse me for a sec, I'll be right back" Harry and Rose made their way out of the room.

"Did…did he just apologise…and actually mean it?" Adrian asked with disbelief "He never apologises, to anyone. He's never ever apologized to me"

"That's because you're a prat" Harry's voice came from upstairs.


At dinner, the Potters sat with Sirius at the dining table, eating the exquisite food made by the house elves. James and Sirius enthusiastically attacked their food, not as enthusiastically as Adrian however, whilst Lily, Harry and Rose ate their food calmly.

"So Harry" James said in-between eating "Padfoot told me that you're the youngest seeker in centaury"

"That's right" Harry nodded "never lost a game"

"That's only because I'm not on the team" Adrian replied

"You're not on the team because the Gryffindor captain said you weren't good enough"

"That's not true!"

"It is, he told me" Harry replied "anyway dad, as I was saying, never lost a game. But to be honest all I do is just wait until the team gets enough points and the captain says I'm allowed to catch it then I chase after it"

"What broom do you have?" James asked

"Nimbus 2000 currently" Harry answered

"Nimbus 2000?" James's eyes bulged out "I've never heard of that broom, but to be fair I have been in a coma for the longest time. Is it any good?"

"It's brilliant" Harry replied

"Yeah but it's not the best anymore" Adrian commented "the new firebolts are way better, I'm going to get one later"

"With what money?" Harry raised an eyebrow

"Dumbledore will buy me one" Adrian answered confidently "shame you'll be stuck with the old nimbus"

"I don't see no shame in it" Harry responded "it's a functional broom that does its job, it's no Firebolt but it's good enough for me to wipe the floor with the other teams."

"Do you have any other interests besides quidditch?" Lily asked, hoping to redirect the conversation before a fight could start

"Not really" Adrian shrugged "I like chess but that's about it"

"I enjoy dueling" Harry answered

"Dueling?" James asked "Aren't you a bit young to duel?"

"I'm the current two time winner of the Japanese war duels" Harry replied "I like to think I'm good enough"

"What are those?" Lily asked

"It's basically a regular dueling tournament except there is only one rule, no interference from others" Harry explained

"Wait, only one rule?!"

"Yeah, other than that you can pretty much do whatever you want until your opponents give up or are unable to compete"

"But…but isn't that dangerous?" Lily paled slightly

"It's not that dangerous"

"Ha" Sirius snorted "I only ever saw him compete in the one, I seem to remember people firing off unforgivables and a Japanese girl trying to chop his head off with a sword"

"Trying being the key word here" Harry replied

"Wait!" Lily put her hand up "Wait a sec! People try to kill other people in these events?!"

"I don't but yes, they do" Harry nodded "but don't worry, I've competed in two and I haven't even been injured"

"But you could be hurt!"

"I've never received anything that didn't heal within an hour to a day's worth of time" Harry pointed out

"I don't care! I don't care what they're offering and I don't care what reason you want to give, you are not competing in those things again!" Lily said with clear finality in her voice. Everyone looked at Harry, waiting upon his reaction.


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