
Chapter 42 - The Reducto

Focusing all his energy and concentration, Felix whispered, "Locomotor Mortis!" and a beam of blue light shot out of his wand and hit the troll's legs.

The troll stumbled, its legs locked together and unable to move. It let out a loud roar of frustration as Felix rushed forward, dodging its flailing arms and legs.

Harry and Ron were amazed by Felix's quick thinking and skill with magic. They had never seen anyone act so calmly and efficiently in the face of danger. "Wow, Felix, that was incredible!" Ron exclaimed.

Felix, still catching his breath, replied, "Thanks, but you guys need to get out of here before the troll breaks free."

Harry, Ron, and Hermione did not want to leave Felix alone, but the calmness of Felix and what he is capable of showed clearly that he can handle himself and that they would be just hindrances to him.

"Go !"

Harry shouted. Ron and Hermione left the building with Harry. Felix looked at the troll on the ground, which tried to catch him with its huge hands.

He thought a little and then nodded.

He raised his wand and shouted, "Reducto!"

A bright red light burst from the tip of his wand, striking the troll's head with incredible force. The sound was deafening as the troll's skull shattered into pieces, and the creature let out one final roar before collapsing to the ground.

Felix stepped back, his chest heaving with exertion, as he watched the troll's body disappear in a puff of smoke. He felt a sense of relief wash over him as he realized that he had successfully defended himself and his friends.

Felix nodded, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He knew he had made the right choice in learning spells, and he felt confident in himself.

"In the end, with my ability and the help of the Hermetic System, any spell can be learned as long as I put in enough work on it."

Felix looked at the crushed head of the troll and nodded again to compliment himself.

Felix then heard footsteps approaching the bathroom. In a matter of seconds, McGonagall, Quirrell, and Snape burst through the door, their wands drawn and ready to fight. They were all taken aback by the sight of the defeated troll lying on the floor, with Felix standing next to it, panting heavily.

McGonagall's eyes widened in disbelief as she took in the scene. "What on earth happened here?" she exclaimed, looking at the troll and then at Felix. Quirrell and Snape exchanged confused glances, not sure what to make of the situation.

Felix took a deep breath before speaking. "I found the troll in the bathroom and managed to immobilize it with locomotor mortis." And then, I used the Reducto spell to deal the final blow."

McGonagall's expression softened as she looked at Felix. "Well done, Mr. Hermian," she said, sounding impressed. "You acted bravely and quickly."

Quirrell and Snape also seemed to be at a loss for words, still in shock at the sight before them. It was clear that Felix had saved the day, and his courage had not gone unnoticed by his professors.

McGonagall thought a little bit and then asked.

"Why you were here."

As she asked the question, Harry, Ron, and Hermione showed themselves.