
Harbinger of Calamity

a Neet who has worked hard his entire life, who has experienced the vicissitudes of life, living much of his life in poverty, depression and drug addiction, at the end of his difficult road, dies of cancer at the age of 26. Having suffered his entire life trying to face the cruel reality of the world, always chasing higher pursuits and exploring ideas but his pursuit of truth only leads to his own collapse. In his last days instead of weeping, he laughs, he laughs at the absurdity of it all. It seemed as if fate had played the biggest joke on him, he had taken too seriously what had no value. What is life? a blink of an eye! as unreal as a dream, what a mysterious world, we are just born out of nowhere only to vanish later on. A profound sigh was uttered "If only I wasn't dealt such bad cards! I was made for the heights yet here I am crashed in the abyss of life."  Looking at the world he was soon to leave, he sighed "Humanity truly has fallen in this era, it has crashed from the heights of embodying divinity to succumbing to their animalistic selves becoming creatures of decadence, slaves to pleasure, lust and the lowly desires of the body. Truly my heart weeps for the tragedy of humanity, the industrial revolution, a slave society disguised as 'modern society', poisonous foods filled with chemicals, an entire network engineered to enslave minds called the internet, an absolute infestation of decadence and mediocrity in the very Human spirit that used to overpower all. All humanity is enslaved, what can't parents even teach? they are slaves themselves. Atleast in this life, I refused to be a slave, I was a free being, atleast in the later half of my life, I followed my own passions and lived my own life but in the end, sigh I failed! But oh well, who ever lived a perfect life in this world? as the darkness of death engulfs him, he fully accepts it and is gone. A pair of eye opened and an absolutely stunning sight appeared, he was transmigrated. For the first time in so long, he could see clearly without glasses or contacts, he could feel physically powerful instead of a sickly body and a destroyed pleasure system. He resolves that this time, this life, He would pursue his own freedom! He would never give up on himself and he will walk his own path to the very end. "That's right, I was wrong depending on sympathy. Cold, heartless, I won't forgive them, they can't be forgiven! That's right, it wasn't me who was wrong, it was the world that was wrong!" A descent towards Madness. A cruel world where no refuge can be found, countless obstacles obstructing one's path, mountains of corpses, an abyss of blood, a heart of darkness, a cruel fate to all living beings. No heart or soul, only an abyss of despair and a heart to ascend beyond. ... Support me directly : patreon.com/aloneinthisworld (only if you don't pay for chapters) Discord : https://discord.gg/aGumZnuF3u

aloneinthisworld · Ost
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48 Chs


"Why are you acting like this? didn't you say my body was malnourished and needed energy?"

"Yes but the raptorian vulture's beast cores are too potent! You can't just take two in a row, its too risky."

"Would another beast's beast core work?"

"Depends, the raptorian's beast core is dangerous because it contains the energy from their acid sack, other beasts would work but it depends on their type and abilities."

"I see."

Nameless was about to pick up the basket before an idea occured to him.

"Would that tiger with the long fangs work?"

"Yes, the saber-toothed tiger is a much better alternative. It would even be perfect if combined with the raptorial vultures, its energy is soothing and calming yet also sharp, its a perfect counter."

"Great! would it be dangerous if I just leave some of the beast cores here? the basket is heavy and it would be better if I could gather more saber-tooth beast cores."

"No, you can't just leave beast cores here because such a concentration of beast cores would attract the starving beasts that can risk entering despite the powerful aura in the environment."

"Then can I just bury them?"

"No, there are underground beasts such as rabid moles and gagging earthworms as well as countless micro-organisms that dwell underground. You would only be creating underground commotion for who gets to eat the meal. I think you still don't seem to realise how dangerous this forest is. Just one wrong step and you're dead, the only reason you are even alive is because of the immortal fetus body."

"Spare me your talk, can I put the beast cores inside the raptor corpse?"

"No, it still won't work."

"Then show me a way, what can I do to leave them here without losing them?"

"I can use the purple dao marks in your body to hide their aura and make them invisible but that would come at a hefty price of about two percent consumption per hour."

"Two percent per hour just to hide some beast cores?!"

"Yes, also it would be better to put them under or inside the corpse so the smell obscures any presence that could potentially leak but even this doesn't completely guarentee that a random beast wouldn't just stumble on them."

"I still don't understand such a consumption, if even beast cores consume this much, how much would it take to protect me as I'm escaping?!"

"The hefty consumption is because you will be leaving this place leaving them behind, the purple dao marks act like chains, its much less costly to use the entire chain than to cut a part of it and leave it behind to work on its own."

"I see, waste no time then, activate it for two hours."

Nameless immediately emptied half the beast cores, putting them inside the raptor corpse before they were enveloped by a purple-like crystal ball.

He moved, running at high speeds on the messy terrain, he ignored all the corpses, only focusing on getting close to the saber-toothed tigers.

It only took half an hour this time to arrive at that area.

At first, he only saw a few saber-toothed tiger corpses but as he continued, the area became filled with them.

They had thick jaguar-like fur and looked massive, a meter tall and two meters in length. 

Their fangs had the aura of a domineering sharpness that could cut through almost anything, however now that they were dead, they had lost their fangs, most of the saber-toothed tiger corpses now lacked fangs with only a few corpses possessing them.

It didn't take long before Nameless realised that those with fangs didn't have a beast core while those without fangs had a beast core, it seemed to him that the fangs were crucial in the formation of the beast core, what made him so sure was that the beast core was always located in the saber-toothed tiger's mouth.

Nameless moved through the corpses, focusing only on the tigers without fangs, everytime he saw one, he would approach it in his Keiya form before forcing its mouth open and inserting his hand before pulling the beast core.

The collection without a doubt went smoothly, they were some peculiar situations where sabertooth tigers weren't killed by the tree roots or extending branches but by the raptor themselves, it seemed they had entered a conflict mid-way in battle.

"Why did they fight?"

"The raptorian vultures are extremelty agressive as well as "dumb", they just pursue and kill whatever is in front of them."

"I never thought they were this powerful."

Eight of ten encounters were won by the raptors, the reason? claws on their feet, the moment the sabertooth tigers came on top of them, a few moves with their feet could gut their insides out.

Nameless gathered the last few beast cores before he went on his way.

"Phew, time to go back."

Although the collection was smooth, its still took an hour and a half, he had to make it back fast to get the beast cores before they aura seeped outside.

He rushed, despite the heavy weight, the travel was smooth, the Keiya transformation was very powerful.

It didn't take long before he arrived near the area came from, however this time, a weird aura was present.

"Weird, how come we could never pinpoint the powerful aura even if its from a corpse, its almost as if its masked." the will spoke

"Don't think about it, I will take the beast cores and immediately escape with our previous escape plan."

"Yeah, be careful."

It didn't take long before Nameless was in front of the raptor ready to take out the beast cores.

As he was about to touch it however, suddenly, the beast's eye opened!

An aura immediately permeated the entire area, a rank 4 aura! however it seemed even more powerful as if it was growing every second.

"Escape!!" the will screamed in his mind.

Nameless however couldn't even react before he vomitted blood as his internal organs were damaged from the pressure of the aura.

The will immediately used the purple dao marks on his body to force him to escape.

Nameless rushed, rapidly escaping, the purple dao marks increased his speed by leaps and bounds.

However as he turned to look back, a shocking sight entered his sight, the beast was growing bigger!