
Halal Ishq

He asked while squeezing her breasts, "Tell me, what are you trying to do?" Dishaan pinched her nipple so hard that she let out a  painful scream. "I can't ,Dishaan. It hurts," she said. "Does it hurt, Biwi?" he asked angrily, shaking his head. Then "Imagine how much it must hurt me to see you laughing and talking with that Rehaan," he said. He then bite her neck roughly and sucked it to reduce the pain. "You have no right to be angry. You've been ignoring me for a month without any reason," she said, gasping for breath. Anam's bold response made him very angry, and he squeezed her breast hard, causing her to cry out in pain "Dishaan, please, it hurts, Anam said while crying. Dishaan ignored her words and looked towards her  while keeping his lips on her breasts, and said, "So, you will take revenge for my ignorance in this way?" His lips were so close to Anam's that his saliva was dripping onto her clothes. Anam shook her head without saying anything.

loud_speaker · Urban
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14 Chs

chapter 13

Dishaan's POV

I was sitting in my room, my head was spinning as I thought about Sunidhi's words.

Then, there was a knock at my door, and my silly younger brother came in.

"Bhai, we are going to Bada Imambara. "Will you come with us?" he asked hesitantly.

I was in no mood to go anywhere, and I was about to deny him.

Then, he said, "Bhai, please come with us. Anam is too upset, and we want to take her outside to freshen up her mood. But Ammi will not allow us to go with Anam and Shanaya at this time. Please come with us," he said pleading

It broke my heart to hear Anam's dejection. Suddenly, a wave of anger and possessiveness rose inside me. I could not let her go alone with them, nor could I see her dejected. So, I agreed to go with them.

As soon as I went downstairs after changing my clothes, I saw that Anam was sitting silently, there was sadness in her beautiful eyes, and my heart stopped seeing this.

Before I could say anything, Daniel came to Anam and tried to make her laugh but it doesn't work.

Then Shoaib looked at me and said

" Thank Allah Hitler, I mean Dishaan Bhai has come, let's go," now he said while rolling his eyes.

On hearing the words Hitler, everyone started looking at Shoaib with wide eyes.

They thought I would beat him for calling me Hitler but all my attention was just on the girl sitting in front of me whose beautiful eyes were immersed in sadness

After reaching Bada Imambara, we found out that all the tickets were sold out. Shoaib showed disappointment through his actions because he was the most excited.

"Let's go to my place," Daniel said, cheering up Shoaib.

Everyone looked at me for permission, which I gave with a nod.

We reached her place

within 15 minutes, with Anam sitting in the back of the driver's seat so I could see her beautiful face shining in the moonlight. My eyes brightened up at the sight of her, and I got drowned in her beauty .



Danish and Shreya, both are standing in front of the TV, arguing over what genre of movie to watch. Anam, sara,and Shanaya are sitting on the couch, watching them with a smile.

Danish: "I don't want to watch some stupid teen drama, Shreya. Let's watch something with action and explosions."

Shreya: "Ugh, no way! I'm in the mood for something lighthearted and funny. How about a rom-com?"

Danish: "No, no, no. Horror movies are the best. We should watch one of those."

Shreya: "Absolutely not! I hate horror movies. They give me nightmares."

Danish: "Come on, Shreya. It'll be fun. We can all snuggle up under a blanket and eat popcorn."

Shreya: "No, I refuse. I'd rather watch paint dry."

Shoaib watches them with amusement, enjoying their banter. he sees how their argument has gone on for quite some time.

Shoaib: "Hey guys, why don't we compromise and watch a horror movie with some comedy elements?"

Danish and Shreya look at each other, considering Shoaib's suggestion.

Shreya: "Okay, that sounds like a good idea. As long as it's not too scary."

Danish: "Deal. Let's make some popcorn and get some soft drinks."

As I sat on the couch watching the horror movie, I couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy as I saw Anam sitting so close to my Danish. We were all watching the movie together, but I couldn't focus on anything except their close proximity.

seeing her so comfortable and at ease with my own brother was a different level of pain.

I tried to push the thoughts out of my mind and focus on the movie, but every time I glanced over at Anam and Danish, my anger welled up inside of me.

Finally, unable to control my emotions any longer, I stood up and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. Everyone looked at each other in confusion, unsure of what had caused my outburst.

As I paced around the house, trying to calm down, I couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with me. Why was I so jealous of my own brother? And why couldn't I control my anger when I was around Anam?

I lit up a cigarette to calm my nerves. I was so angry with myself for feeling this way. I knew it was irrational, but I couldn't help it. She's mine, and I didn't want anyone else to be near her.

I cursed myself for being so possessive and jealous. I knew it wasn't healthy, but I couldn't stop the feelings from bubbling up inside me. It was like a fire burning out of control, consuming me from the inside out.

I tried to reason with myself, telling myself that they are just friends , but my jealousy and anger wouldn't let me see reason. I felt like a teenager again, overwhelmed by my emotions.

As I took another drag of my cigarette, I couldn't help but wonder why I felt this way. Why was I so obsessed with Anam? Why did I feel such a strong need to possess her? It was like an addiction, and I didn't know how to break free from it.

I was trying to calm down

Just then Sunidhi's words echoed in my head. "She's stuck here only to correct her brother's mistake. Don't snatch her innocence," she had said. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Was that all I was to Anam?

The anger started to build up inside me, like a volcano about to erupt. I tried to calm myself down, but it was no use. Sunidhi's words had only worked as fuel to my anger, and I was about to lose it completely.


Authors pov

As Danish and Shreya continued to argue over the coveted corner spot in the room, their friends watched with amusement. It had become a bit of a joke amongst the group, with everyone taking bets on who would ultimately come out on top.

But just as the tension was reaching its peak, Dishaan walked into the room. The room fell silent as everyone turned to face him.

"What's going on here?" he asked, looking around at the group.

Danish and Shreya looked sheepishly at each other, suddenly feeling a bit foolish. The rest of the group looked on, waiting to see what would happen next.

Dishaan shook his head, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. "You two are really fighting over a corner spot?" he asked incredulously.

Danish and Shreya looked even more embarrassed now, realizing how petty their argument must have looked.

Dishaan walked over to them and put a hand on each of their shoulders. "Listen, guys," he said in a serious tone. "We're all here to have fun and enjoy each other's company. Let's not ruin that by fighting over something as trivial as a corner spot."

Danish and Shreya looked at each other, then nodded in agreement. They both felt a bit foolish now, realizing that Dishaan was right.

The group let out a collective sigh of relief, glad that the tension had dissipated.

After settling In a cozy living room, all of them gathered under a warm blanket. They were giggling and chatting about everything and anything that caught their attention. Shreya was gossiping about her new boyfriend, while Sara was telling an embarrassing story about her latest date. Anam, who was lying on the couch with her eyes closed, listened to their conversation, smiling and nodding occasionally.

As the gossip session continued, Dishaan, entered the room. He greeted everyone with a warm smile and sat on the floor, leaning against the couch where Anam was lying. He couldn't help but steal a glance at Anam, who was now covered with a soft blanket. He wanted to be close to her, to feel her warmth, and to calm his racing heart.

As the conversation went on, Dishaan's eyes never left Anam's face. He watched her every move, every breath, with a sense of desire and longing. He wanted to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, but he knew he couldn't. Not after knowing her reason of continuing this marriage.

But he can't himself with his burning feelings .

After a while, Anam opened her eyes and realized that Dishaan was lying beside her. She felt a sudden shock and confusion, wondering why he was so close to her. She tried to protest, but before she could say anything, Dishaan gave her a glaring look, as if telling her to stay quiet. He then put his arms around her, pulling her closer to him.

Anam was taken aback by Dishaan's sudden action, but as she looked into his eyes, she realized something different. There was a spark of love and desire in his eyes, something that she had never noticed before.

As they lay there, wrapped in each other's arms, Dishaan realized that he had been in love with her . The gossip and laughter around them suddenly faded away, as he lost himself in the warmth of her embraced .

Although Anam was initially uncomfortable with the close proximity, she found herself surprisingly at ease in his arms. However, she also felt afraid of being caught by her friends in this compromising position.

Despite her conflicting feelings, Anam kept quiet and did not protest against his embrace. She allowed him to do whatever he wanted Perhaps it was the intimacy of the moment that made her forget about everything else, or perhaps she simply didn't know how to react.

Whatever the reason, Anam remained still and let him hold her. She knew that this was a risky move, but something about his touch was comforting, and she found herself unable to resist


, Dishaan looked at Anam and was struck by her beauty. He couldn't help but comment on it, caressing her cheeks as he spoke."bahot khubsurat ho tum biwi" Anam was taken aback by his sudden show of affection, but she allowed him to touch her without protesting.

As Dishaan continued to touch her, he suddenly remembered the words of Sunidhi. Sunidhi had warned him not to take Anam's innocence and that she was only here to correct her brother's mistakes.

The thought of Sunidhi's words filled Dishaan with anger and he stood up abruptly, cursing himself for getting too close to Anam. He realized that he was taking advantage of her physically.

Anam was confused by Dishaan's sudden change in mood but didn't say anything.

She take a deep breath and fell asleep oblivion to his burning feelings