
Halal Ishq

He asked while squeezing her breasts, "Tell me, what are you trying to do?" Dishaan pinched her nipple so hard that she let out a  painful scream. "I can't ,Dishaan. It hurts," she said. "Does it hurt, Biwi?" he asked angrily, shaking his head. Then "Imagine how much it must hurt me to see you laughing and talking with that Rehaan," he said. He then bite her neck roughly and sucked it to reduce the pain. "You have no right to be angry. You've been ignoring me for a month without any reason," she said, gasping for breath. Anam's bold response made him very angry, and he squeezed her breast hard, causing her to cry out in pain "Dishaan, please, it hurts, Anam said while crying. Dishaan ignored her words and looked towards her  while keeping his lips on her breasts, and said, "So, you will take revenge for my ignorance in this way?" His lips were so close to Anam's that his saliva was dripping onto her clothes. Anam shook her head without saying anything.

loud_speaker · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 14


The morning after the sleepover at Daniel's place, everything seemed to be normal. But as the days passed, something changed between me and Anam. I started to feel a burning desire for her that I couldn't control, but at the same time, I wanted to ignore her.

It had been a week since that night, and I am still struggling with my conflicting feelings. I tried my best to avoid Anam, but she didn't seem to mind my ignorance. She was carrying on as if nothing had happened, which made me feel even more frustrated and confused.

I spent most of your time thinking about her, replaying the events of the sleepover in my mind. I couldn't help but wonder if she felt the same way i did or if I am just imagining things.

As the days went by, my desire for her grew stronger, and i found it harder to resist. I wanted to talk to her, to tell her how I felt, but I am afraid of what she might say

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly I heard Shanaya's voice, and came downstairs.

Shanaya said with a frown, "Ammi, an unknown woman has come and wants to meet you."

Ammi asked, "Unknown woman?"

Shanaya replied, "Ammi, go to her. She is looking at the house strangely."

After hearing this, my mother and I went to the living area where a woman in her late thirties was sitting with a boy who seemed to be around 23 years old. I assumed he was her son.

When the woman saw my mother, she greeted her and said, "Mrs. Malik, I was waiting for you!" She seemed quite happy.

Both my mother and I were confused about who this woman was.

Ammi, hiding her confusion, replied with a "Salaam" and sat next to the woman. I sat infront of them

I apologize, I didn't recognize you. My mother asked for your forgiveness while apologizing.

"Yes, we have never met before, so how would you recognize me?" She said awkwardly.

Just then, Anam arrived with sharbat and snacks. She was wearing a red plain suit, and her hair was left loose, reaching her waist. I got lost in her beauty and started looking at her without blinking.

Anam was going after keeping snacks on the table when that unknown woman said, "Wait, where are you going? Sit here with us."

Anam looked towards ammi for permission. Ammi gestured for her to sit, and she sat down next to me

My eyes couldn't look away from her; she was so beautiful that my inner devil woke up just by looking at her beauty. Just then, I heard my mother's voice and looked towards her.

"Why did you come? Did you any work with shahjaha ?" my mother asked gently.

woman replied, "No, I came here to talk to you about a very important matter. This is my son, Shahveer. He has completed his degree in America." She placed her hand on her son's shoulder as she spoke.

"Mashallah," my mother praised.

I wasn't interested in their conversation at all. My entire attention was focused on my innocent and beautiful biwi sitting next to me.

Just then, a woman said, " I have come to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage for my son, Shahveer." Smiling, she said,

"My apologies, but my daughter is still very young and has not yet completed her education."

The woman looked concerned and hesitantly replied, "That's not a problem. She can finish her studies after the wedding. We have no objections to her education."

Before Ammi could say anything, the woman asked Anam, "What are your plans for your education? We have no issue with it."

On hearing this, Anam froze and looked at ammi with questioning eyes. Ammi, sensing her confusion, looked at the woman with concern.

The woman continued, "We have no problem with your education. We like you for our son, Shahveer, and have come with a proposal for you."

Hearing this, I felt a surge of anger within me, and my eyes turned red. I clenched my fists tightly in anger.

Ammi looked at me and said, "Mrs. Javed, You have misunderstood, Anam is my...

Anam is my wife, I said in anger." Before my mother

. Upon hearing this, Anam looked at me with emotions in her eyes.

Just then, my mother intervened and said to Mrs. Javed, "I apologize, but I think it's time for you to leave now."

Mrs. Javed got up and left with her son in a fluster.

"I lost control over my anger and grabbed Anam's wrist tightly, pulling her into my room and locking the door."

"I slowly approached her, who was standing there scared with trembling hands. I pulled her towards me with so much force that our chests collided, and a painful groan escaped her lips.

"What are you doing, Professor?" She asked nervously.

Without saying anything, I grabbed her cheeks with my hands and angrily kissed and bit her lips."

She let out a painful cry from her mouth and started struggling in my grasp.

Seeing her struggle, I became angry and grabbed her waist tightly, causing her to whimper in pain.

I kissed her lips until my anger subsided, as if my anger could be cured by her lips. Seeing her struggle for breath, I moved my lips away and placed my forehead on hers, saying,

"You are my possession, Biwi , I can't even tolerate anyone else's shadow on you. I am possessive of you, and you belong to me."