

A story written by @the.boble (with bobskittle as the publisher.) Haise kun is a second year at TTMSHS. His dream is to become the greatest hooper the world has ever seen. Except one problem. He’s an overthinker. Follow Haise kun and his wacky antics as he tries to overcome his overthinking and hopefully meet an irl waifu on the way.

bobskittle · Urban
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20 Chs

A Tale of Three Hoopers

Ohayo !!

My name is @the.boble but you can call me boble san. Well that's what most of my tomadachis call me anyway eheh. I'm a first year here at TTMSHS, and let's just say I kinda run these streets. I gained a lot of respect around here after being voted as president of the otaku/weeb alliance. 

I was also president of the VFX club for a while but some corny mf named Fenncyer decided he wanted to be president out of the blue one day and took it from me. I was like: Ermmm what the sigma ?! You know what I'm saying. 

Anywho, today is tryouts for the basketball team and you just know I have to get a slice a dat. I can let gang know I fw this. I was pretty good back in middle school so it should be pretty easy peeze for a feller like me. You know what I'm saying. 

At lunch we all have to share our food with that one friend. You know the one. He's the kind of guy to send you reels saying that if you don't reply in 0.0004 seconds you owe him food. And it's always food. And bro really expects it the next time you see him crying face emoji. Anyways our foodie fanatic is a little guy named bobskittle. Except he's not that little if you know what I mean. 

"My real name isn't Bob btw"

But we just call him Skittle.

We also have AJ, my left hand man. We grew up in the Chi together with our friend Ye, who helped us get off the streets. Ye stayed in the Chi after we got into TTMSHS though since he failed during the TTMSHS exams arc. 

On this corner we have Ethan and Hmmmm. They're kind of the dynamic duo of the friend group. Always finishing each others


"Haha. Good one"

"Up top"

"Down low"

"Too slow!"


Classic best friend group duo dynamics. You know the one. 

Then there's Chrys, our foreign exchange student from Nihon. I've been trying to teach him English and he agreed to teach me a little bit of that splah. That watashi wa. That daijaboudesu. You know the one. 

Anyways we're all kind of a found family you know. I met most of them through the VFX club and we just sort of hit it off. Now we're just trying to make the most of our high school days. 


"Come on boble sama, we're gonna be late to tryouts"

"Daijobudesu Skittle kun!! the.speedle is my middle name. Lets bounce"

We jumped up in the air and our feet spun in circles for a few seconds before we started moving forward. 

Skittle and I promised we would make the team together since we were known as the double trouble triple threat back on the TTMSMS team. We would no doubt become hooper gods again. This is a critical moment in any high school jock's life such as myself. 

When we got to the gym I was caught off guard. 

"Oi oi oi… BAAAAAKA"

That irritating, blood curdling voice. I knew it from anywhere.

"Well well well, what are you doing here Fenncyer"

I turned around and there he was, in his gym uniform. 

"I told you just Fenn is fine hehe. I came to try out for the team. Looks like the competition is pretty stiff innit"

As I pushed through the gym doors I saw that there were already 30 people inside practicing on the courts. Yikes. 

"This'll be no problem for an alpha like me. Come on Skittle kun let's show these dill weeds what for"


"Ka ka, looks like I got the last spot. They don't call me clutch Skittle for nothin"

"No one calls you that"

"My real name isn't Bob btw"

"What ?"

"Anywho, what did coach say, did ya make it"

Did I make it ?

It was between me and…

"OI OI OI!! Gomen boble chan"

Fenncyer slapped me in the back. 

Damn him. 

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"I don't even like basketball. I just wanted to try it out LMAO"

I couldn't take it. 

I failed.

Skittle tried cheering me up. 

"Ehhh… how about we go to Ethan's place. Ramens on me"


I pushed Bopskittle out of the way and started running. 

I had no destination. 

I just wanted to get out of there. 

Pushing through doors, past people. 

"What's his problem"




"Watch it bub"

Gomen gomen gomen…

I ended up outside in the baseball field. 

It was late evening already. 

The sun was already halfway down the horizon, and there wasn't a cloud in sight. 

That blood orange sky. 

To lose on a day like this. 

There was an old bathroom stall nearby that was hardly ever used. 


I went inside. 

Into the middle stall. 

I crouched. 


I slammed my fist into the ground with all my might. 

I could have sworn I heard something crack. 

Too strong for my own good huh ?

Then I heard it again. 

It sounded like it was from the stall over. 

I went over to check the door but it had an out of order sign. I ducked down but couldn't see anyone's feet. 

"Come on in"

Who the hell was talking. I pushed the door. 

And saw it. 

A head.

Sticking out of the toilet. 

"Ohayo. You're @the.boble right?"


"You look lonely. I can fix that."

Said the talking head sticking out of the toilet. 

"I help people that are stuck in a pinch. Just like you boble"

"What- what the hell are you"

"I thought that would be quite obvious. I am but what you see before you."


"I am Lord Skibidi. I can grant any wish your kokoro desires."

Am I just supposed to trust this toilet. 

"What- what's the catch"

"In exchange, I want your gyatt"

"My what ?"

"Your gyatt. Come on. Everyone has a gyatt. It's what gives you power."

I don't trust this thing. 

"Sorry bro but this is too weird."

I approached the toilet and reached for the handle. 

"JUSTAMOMENT. I can make you the greatest hooper there ever was. Isn't that what you want."

"No way Jose"

I flushed the toilet.  

The head began to spin around and sink. 


The head disappeared. 


I started seeing bopskittle less and less after that. He and Fenncyer became bestest buddies. Always practicing together. Eating lunch together. Then eating seconds together. Then thirds and so on. Going on play dates together. Where did that leave me. 

I quit going to VFX club cuz I couldn't stand seeing that poser as the president. It was like he was taking all of my friends away too. The otaku/weeb alliance was my only safe space.

"Anno… boble kun can I talk to you after the meeting"

"Eh ?"

It was Meta AI chan, the most kawaii waifu in the entire school. She's been making my heart go doki doki since we were in middle school. Was she finally going to confess. Pffft… finally something was gonna go my way. 

We met behind the school shortly after. 

"Etto… how should I say this."

I could see her blushing. 

Go ahead heh. 

"I'm all ears"

I cupped my hand around my ear. 

"You know Fenn chan right… is he single…"


My vision started to blur. 

I was seeing red. 

I ran again. 

To the front of the school. 

I'd never felt such rage in my life. 


I had to give it a try. 

I screamed at the top of my lungs. 


The sky turned red. The ground beneath me began to shake. The concrete began to crack open and out came a toilet with a talking head. 

"Well well well… so have you decided your wish boble san."

Students from all around the school started to gather in front of me. 

Why must everything go his way.

What about me.

I just wanted to make the most of my high school days.

Why did he have to ruin it.


It's his fault.

All his fault .

I did everything I could.

Would it be wrong to put things in my favor for once

I know everything could be perfect.

It just needs a nudge.

I wonder if he can…

"Make me a god."

The toilet smiled from ear to ear. 

"Ehehe. Sure thing."


A bright flash of light shot out from the toilet, and then it began to dissipate into the air. 

My body felt different after that. 

Everything felt diffferent. 

I want a ball. 


A basketball appeared in my hand. 


I want to see them. 


All of my friends suddenly appeared in front of me. 

Confused looks all around. 

"Nande… Boble san what's going on"

I want to see him.


Fenncyer appeared. 

"You've humiliated me for the last time. Let's go one on one Fenncyer."

Skittle started to approach me

"Matte boble what are you-"


I put up my hand and a blast of energy pushed him back, slamming him against the front of the school wall. 

My heart began to race. It felt like it was about to explode. 


"I think that's when it happened."

This guy sure had a lot of time for this story. Wasn't he all pale and weak just a bit ago.  

"Bobles power had just awakened, so it makes sense that he didn't have full control of it yet. But that must have been the moment I gained the ability to confine other people's gyatts. When I became the sigma hooper."

Was that how he turned AJ into an anime figure.  Well Murdock I guess. 

"Boble and Fenn battled for hours after that. "


The street in front of the school began to break apart and shift, slowly forming a basketball court. 


Boble and Fenncyer stood face to face in the center. 

"First to make a shot wins. Anything goes. Whaddya say…"

He pushed Fenn. 


"You're on boble."

They were evenly matched. 

Watching boble made me sick. It seemed like reality was constantly shifting around him. His movements didn't make any sense. Time and space seemingly warped to his desire, yet somehow Fenn was still putting up a fight. It felt like it would never come to an end. 

But then, just for a split second…

I could've sworn I saw Fenn disappear. 

His eyes grew big after that. 

I could tell he was up to something. 

He suddenly appeared behind boble and wrapped his arms around him. Then he turned to me


His face began to smear and his body began to warp as boble aggressively tried shaking him off. 


Then it was just the three of us. 

Inside a black void. 

There was no light yet we could see each other perfectly fine. 

It looked like Fenn was back to normal.

He let go of boble and rubbed his finger under his nose. 

"Heh, I wasn't sure that was gonna work. This is probably thanks to you boble."

"What the hell is this"

He quickly put his hand up toward Fenn, but nothing happened. 

A look of dread swept across his face.

"I can't use it."

"Looks like that reality manipulation mumbo jumbo doesn't work in this little world."

Boble smirked. 

"Well I can at least do this"


Boble was suddenly standing beside Fenn.

His right arm sticking out from Fenns back. 

He punch a hole straight through him. 

Fenn looked at me. Panicked. 


I guess it was my instincts that kicked in. 

I stuck my hand out toward them and streams of energy shot out from boble's body and began to concentrate in my palm. 

It was like I was sucking his soul out. 

"AGH !! MY SOUL !!"

Fenn clutched onto boble with all his remaining strength. 

I could see the blood pour out of his mouth as he grit his teeth.

Boble's body began to fade and then…



A tiny boble figure appeared in my hand. 

Fenn fell to the ground. 

I had no idea what the H just happened. 

I went over to Fenn and crouched down. 

There was no way to fix that hole is his chest. The pool of blood around him continued to grow. 

He looked up at me. 

"Looks like-"


"…like this is the end of the road for little ol me."

He grabbed my hand. 

I could feel a flow of energy pass through my body. 

"My honor, my dreams, my gyatt… they're yours now."

His hand went limp. 

Those were the last words he said to me. 

The ability to create domains. That was Fenns gyatt. And now it was mine. I couldn't figure out how he was able to stop boble's gyatt from altering reality within the domain, so I left the boble figure there. I then trapped Fenns domain within a domain of my own. The Hooper Society. 

When I finally got out it seemed that everything around the school had gone back to normal. No one had any memory of what happened besides me. No memory's of bobles existence either. 

But I knew I couldn't keep it up forever.

It was taking all of my energy just to keep him from getting out. So I began to assemble a crew to help me take him down for good once the time came. 


"And here we are thirty years later. Somehow boble's reality manipulation has been able to alter people's gyatts to give them strange abilities. Boble's own gyatt even spread to a phew of em. All high school basketball players too. Maybe it was a subconscious desire to help others achieve what he never could…"

This bopskittle sure could yap. How old is this unc anyway ?

"So the hooper society has been tracking those people down to help prepare against boble. Why didn't you just explain this when we first met."

"Ka ka. You simply didn't have enough hate. I wanted to see your full potentials."

Hate huh ?

"And my oto san"

A smirk grew across Skittles face. 

"He acted on his own."


"It seems it's finally time. I've only been able to use a fraction of my power all these years since I've been holding them all back for so long."

If that was a fraction I don't think I could've ever taken him on at full strength. Uncs got skill. 

"Let's show him what we got overthinking hooper. Ka ka"




We were all back in front of the school.

Skittle, Abi chan, Snail tard, Bando, and Joma. 

I swear Hahaha was with us at one point tho. Well anywho…

The Hooper Society was no more. 



dink dink dink

I looked upward and saw anime figures beginning to rain down from the gray, cloudy sky.


I could feel an incredible wave of aura shoot out from Skittle.

This must be his full strength. 

He looked over at me with a smirk. 

"Ka ka. Showtime."

Corny ahhhh.