
Chapter 56

As was tradition, the High Council had convened in the crypt of the Elders, above the buried tombs of Marcus and Amelia. Viktor presided over the session from an imposing granite throne. An ornate capital V was inscribed on the high stone back of the throne. Stone-faced Death Dealers, as well as lycan sentries in leather armor, stood stiffly around the perimeter of the mausoleum, as immobile as the marble columns supporting the domed ceiling. The highborn lords and ladies of the Council were seated facing the throne in two rows of six chairs each. Embroidered pillows cushioned their high-backed seats. Burning torches and braziers cast dancing shadows upon the somber gray walls. Mosaic tiles, running around the base of the dome, depicted the history of the coven. Capering skeletons symbolized the fearsome plague that had given birth to the immortals, while subsequent panels celebrated the rise of the vampires, the capture of William, and the ongoing war against the werewolves.

Tanis stood beside Viktor, transcribing the proceedings for posterity. His quill pen scratched against an unrolled parchment. Looking out over the crypt, Viktor was irked to see that one of the council members' seats was conspicuously empty. Damn that girl, he thought impatiently. Where in perdition is she now? To add to his displeasure, Coloman had the floor: "The matter before the Council is simple,We are under attack. Six times in half as many weeks, William's kind have reached our very walls." He paused to let that ominous figure sink into the minds of his peers. "What mayhem would follow if just one of them got past our defenses?"

Hadrian was watching everything under a modified invisibility spell,Marcus was the the one who recruited Coloman to the cause.He was really good at driving in points agaist Viktor.

As he heard hushed gasps and murmurs emerged from the Council as they envisioned that appalling prospect. Not all of the castle's diverse inhabitants were seasoned warriors, after all; many of the more refined council members and their families would stand no chance against an invading werewolf.

Coloman was working with Amelia and Marcus to hit Vikor hard enough to lose his support.He had seen Hadrian powers and had signed a magcical contract with them,which provided him with protection and power,the only thing he had to do in return was destroy Viktor's power and support.

Coloman seeing it is working smirked in satisfaction at the audience's response. He clearly felt that he had made his point. Viktor was not amused. "Your… fear… is misplaced." His acerbic tone called Coloman's courage into question. Viktor gestured at the lycan guards posted around the chamber. Handpicked for their loyalty and intimidating stature, the sentries had been armed with swords and lances. "Are we not protected, even during the daylight hours, by an army of immortals?"

Coloman bristled at the implication that he was a coward. "Superbly, milord. However, the nobles of this region are not. And, as I have often pointed out, they are the grass on which we graze."

A well-preserved vampire lady, Orsova by name, rose from her seat to join Coloman before the throne. Her silver hair was bound up in a bun. A black satin corset cinched her waist. A diamond choker adorned her swanlike neck, while her jeweled bracelets were fashioned in the shape of glittering cobwebs. "If we cannot protect our human vassals, it makes us look weak."

Viktor's eyes flared dangerously. Orsova was also one of Marcus' supporter, so there was little love lost between her and Viktor.

Also even Coloman didn't really like Orosova much.But Coloman gave nod added"We know Lord Hadrian and Lord Alexander are keeping Williams Kind from growing beyond our terriory,I also remember Lord Viktor you are the one who denied there offer to finish of Williams kind.Also we already lost many of nobles because of the increase in attack on there territories.We can lose more,since we lose the silver we need to kill the wolves."

Hadrian hummed and smiled at this,while thinking"Coloman really does know how to use facts correctly."

Since he read the mind of all the Council,who were already dissatified with Viktors methods and choices,which already caused them lot of trouble and issues.

Viktor's sharpened nails scraped against the carved stone armrests of his throne. "We have been training more death dealers and soom we will finish them off."

Coloman decided it was enough for now,but Orosova wanted to hit Viktor more and asked"Maybe we should ask Lasy Sonja's opinion."

She turning dramatically toward Sonja's empty seat. As usual, the impetuous heir was nowhere to be seen. Fuming, Viktor leaned over to whisper to Tanis"Find her."

Orosova feigned surprise at Sonja's absence. "Mmm. She seems to be needed elsewhere."

Coloman eyes twitched he knew Orsova was playing with fire,since Lord Marcus and Lord Hadrian cared about Lady Sonja.So hitting at Sonja was not the best idea.

Viktor said icily"I will… take your suggestion under advisement."

He considered explaining away Sonja's lack of attendance by citing her narrow escape earlier that evening, but decided against it.

That would simply provide Coloman and his lackeys with an opportunity to remind the Council of Sonja's many previous absences. Better to offer no excuse or apology, lest that be taken as a sign of weakness.

Viktor maintained a stoic facade as Tanis quietly exited the crypt in search of the missing heir. The Elder wondered what exactly his errant daughter was doing right now. She had best have a very good reason for embarrassing me like this! "Thank you, milord," Coloman said, enjoying his victory. "It would be gratifying to be able to reassure the nobles when they arrive tomorrow that we have their best interests at heart."

Viktor recalled that a delegation of wealthy human vassals was expected at the castle one night hence, to pay tribute to their lords and masters. Frankly, the best interests of insignificant mortals were of little concern to him, but he conceded reluctantly that such rituals helped preserve the social order. He would have to make certain that Sonja was on hand to welcome their guests—even if he had to drag her physically from her room.