
Chapter 24

Susan was now fair to look upon,The braids of her dark hair were touched by no frost, her white arms and clear face were flawless and smooth, and the light of stars was in her bright eyes, blue as a sea; yet queenly she looked, and thought and knowledge were in her glance.

[A/N:Imagine Arwen from LOTR as her older form.]

She was happy to spend time with Hadrian,but was curious and questioned"Where are we going?"

Outside the forest, Hadrian whistles piercingly. Soon an answering neigh is heard and a white horse appears from the plain, answering the call.

The horse comes round to stop in front of Hadrian,while answerinf Susan"We are going to meet the fairies."

Susan was ecstatic and asked"You really found them."

Hadrian nodded,Fairies are magical creatures that inhabit a magical forest known as the Moors. Most of them have wings, and they are friendly and their appearances vary.Aslan felt Jadis would use magic for nefarious purposes or power ger oen magic,he decided to hide them away.

Hadrian helped Susan on to the horse and then climbed on himself.They ride across the plains.

They arrived at cave,while Hadrian explained"Aslan practically created a different realm for the faries to live."

Susan was excited and said"We must bring Lucy here soon."

Hadrian nodded as both of them saw a portal open up it was giant vortex streaming outwards,before going back in and forming a vertical wall of water.

Once Hadrian charmed both there clothes,they jumped through the portal.They arrived on the other side,it seemed night Had Fallen On .High in the sky a full moon hung and beams of light shone down, illuminating the lush ground. The air was still and silent. Most of the fairy creatures were asleep, some tucked in the leaves on the ground, others resting in trees.

Hadrian smild at Susan"Welcome to Avalon the realm of the fairfolk."

The faeries, awoken from their slumber, began to emerge, curious to see the humans in their midst.

When Susan caught sight of the winged creatures, her face filled with wonder.

Hadrian felt himself smiling as several courageous dew faeries fluttered up to the princess, their translucent wings glimmering in the moonlight.

There was something invigorating in the way the princess moved about the Avalon in the star-filled nights. Whether she was hopping over a stream or wading through tall cattails, she was always reaching out, connecting herself to the world around her. And it wasn't just the flora she loved. She loved all the woodland creatures, too, from the beautiful dew faeries to the sillylooking hedgehog faeries, with their oversized ears and spiky backs. And they all loved her. Even the jealous water faeries, who were known to pull anyone they thought prettier into the water, admired Susan's beauty. They would let her play along the water's edge, eager to show the princess the treasures of the streams. When they pulled out a shiny rock, she would laugh in delight and praise them, causing the water faeries to blush with pride.

When they had no more stones to show Aurora, the water faeries would take to the top of the water, skating over its surface, leaving barely a ripple.Susan would sit, entranced, as they put on a show for her, their long wings flowing out behind them. And when the show was over, they would dive under the water, leaving Susan clapping on the shore. The water faeries were not the only ones to vie for Susan's attention. The grouchy wallerbogs loved to engage her in mud fights, which she inevitably lost. And even covered in mud, she kept smiling, thrilled to be part of this

Hadrian just watched Susan having fun from a distance.It was really good to see her letting go and loosen up,since ruling a whole region csn be tiring.

A few water fairies were skating over the water, it was as if they were drawing a beautiful painting on the water.