
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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752 Chs

Chapter 363 Don't Be Angry

Yang Chen wasn't sure if Lin Ruoxi had the habit of locking her door when she slept. At this moment, he didn't dwell on such questions. What mattered most was that he could "rightfully" open the door and enter directly.

Click. The sound of the door opening was so faint that ordinary people wouldn't have noticed.

Yang Chen stealthily slipped into the room, closing the door softly behind him. As soon as he entered, the scent of a young woman filled his nose, Lin Ruoxi's faint fragrance reminiscent of gardenias. Yang Chen couldn't resist taking a deep breath, enjoying the moment.

Yang Chen felt a tinge of regret. How could he have been so reckless that first night they met, back in his tiny rented apartment? If only he had been clear-headed then, it could have been such a delightful experience.

But thankfully, their relationship had come a long way since then. Even if it was like entering a tiger's den, he had managed to break in!

The room was pitch dark since the lights weren't on, but Yang Chen's vision could make out the room vaguely even in the dimness.

Lin Ruoxi's boudoir was unexpectedly filled with large blocks of soft warm colors—pink, light yellow, pale blue, and spotted red and white patterns adorned the bedding, sheets, and cushions, all in a style that reflected a young girl's romantic fantasies, completely contrasting with Lin Ruoxi's usual cold demeanor.

But come to think of it, women who enjoyed watching cheesy Korean dramas always harbored such romantic fantasies. In daily life, however, they would maintain a distant attitude to fend off those who harbored feelings for them.

Inspecting the room was not Yang Chen's main objective. His attention was on the broad double bed to see if anyone was on it.

As he approached, Yang Chen was stunned. No one in the bed?!

Before Yang Chen could figure out why Lin Ruoxi wasn't in her own room, footsteps echoed from the corridor outside!

Judging from the direction of the footsteps, they were heading towards this room. Yang Chen immediately realized that Lin Ruoxi must be returning to her room!

Yang Chen wasn't foolish enough to hide or to leave directly. He had resolved tonight to reclaim his status as a man on his legitimate wife.

Yang Chen made up his mind almost instantly. Even if Lin Ruoxi resisted, he would grit his teeth and subdue her. After all, their feelings for each other had gradually become clear. It would be better to let go of restraint in the future.

So, with a flicker, Yang Chen positioned himself quietly at the side of the door, patiently waiting for Lin Ruoxi to enter and giving her a warm embrace.

As the footsteps drew nearer, Yang Chen's heartbeat quickened. Despite his extensive experience in matters between men and women, he couldn't help feeling as excited as a young boy in love at the prospect of what might happen tonight.

Click. Finally, the door opened.

A slender figure entered from outside, her delicate hand feeling for the light switch on the wall to illuminate the room.

Yang Chen didn't give Lin Ruoxi a chance. Some things were much easier to handle in the darkness!

Almost at the moment Lin Ruoxi was about to turn on the lights, Yang Chen had already spun around at lightning speed and positioned himself behind her. His arms wrapped around her chest and abdomen like entwining vines, holding her tightly.

"Kiss, little Ruoxi, you finally came back," Yang Chen teased close to Lin Ruoxi's ear.

Lin Ruoxi's body trembled violently as Yang Chen's arms suddenly encircled her. Clearly startled, she stiffened immediately, afraid to move a muscle.

Yang Chen accidentally brushed Lin Ruoxi's chest with his left arm and exclaimed, "Oops, Ruoxi darling, is that you?"

After sniffing the air, Yang Chen wrinkled his brow. "Wait, did you spray perfume? It doesn't smell like your usual scent. Well, it's okay, it smells nice, like orchids, very faint..."

Yang Chen then moved around Lin Ruoxi's fragrant shoulder and kissed her tender cheek. The cold and smooth sensation of her skin under his lips made Yang Chen feel warmth spreading.

In Yang Chen's embrace, Lin Ruoxi completely softened and even shivered slightly.

Just as Yang Chen was about to make further advances, a voice choked with tears said, "Yang... Yang ge, please don't... don't do this, I'm Hui... Hui Lin..."

Upon hearing "Lin Ruoxi" softly sob out these words in his arms, Yang Chen froze completely.

"Hui Lin?!"

Yang Chen quickly released his embrace on Hui Lin and stepped back abruptly.

Hui Lin, deprived of Yang Chen's embrace, nearly stumbled but caught herself on the door frame, one hand over her chest, breathing heavily.

Without another word, Yang Chen stepped forward and switched on the light, illuminating the room.

Upon closer inspection, it was indeed Hui Lin! Where was Lin Ruoxi?!

Hui Lin stood there in a thin white cotton nightgown, her delicate and slender figure distinctly different from Lin Ruoxi's mature charm.

The poor girl, already frightened out of her wits, blushed deeply, her watery eyes too shy to meet Yang Chen's gaze.

Yang Chen looked at Hui Lin awkwardly, realizing the stark difference in scent from Lin Ruoxi's room.

He cursed himself for being so foolish! How could he have missed such an obvious distinction?!

Seeing Hui Lin's pitiful and embarrassed appearance, Yang Chen felt like dying of embarrassment himself.

He had previously vehemently denied any improper feelings for Hui Lin, insisting she was like a younger sister. Yet now, he had hugged, touched, and worst of all, kissed her by mistake! Was this considered harassment, even if it was a misunderstanding?

Both remained silent for a long while until Yang Chen couldn't bear it any longer and asked awkwardly, "Um, Hui Lin, please don't cry. Let's sort this out. How did you end up in this room?"

Hui Lin bit her thin lip, her face still flushed, and spoke softly with lowered eyes, "Sister came to my room to get a box set of Korean drama DVDs. She wanted us to watch together after the TV broadcast and chat about the plot. She also wanted to shower in my room and asked me to bring her a change of pajamas."

Yang Chen was speechless for a moment. Glancing into Lin Ruoxi's room, he realized it lacked any TV or DVD player, perhaps for better rest.

Hui Lin's room used to be a guest room and was well-equipped, so Lin Ruoxi visiting there to watch was normal.

"So late, you're still watching Korean dramas?" Yang Chen chuckled wryly.

Hui Lin pouted, "Sister specially bought the DVDs so we could continue watching after the TV broadcast."

Yang Chen cursed the TV station internally. Couldn't they finish airing everything quickly? They made his woman so impatient that she had to buy DVDs to watch!

And was that Korean drama really that good? So much that Lin Ruoxi couldn't even spare a moment to fetch her own pajamas?

But now wasn't the main issue. The main problem was how to explain himself to Hui Lin for his "foolish" actions.

"Hui Lin, don't be angry, I just..."

"I know," Hui Lin cut him off, "I know Yang ge sees me as a sister. I'm okay."

Hearing Hui Lin's words, Yang Chen felt even more guilty. But since the deed was done, he couldn't just pretend it never happened; that would make him a true scoundrel.

"How about this," Yang Chen thought for a moment, "Hui Lin, slap me twice and call me a 'scoundrel' or 'bastard' or something like that. Then we can say I did something bad to you and you punished me."

Hui Lin, who had been blushing and shy, couldn't help but giggle at Yang Chen's suggestion. She glanced at him with a playful look, "Yang ge, what a ridiculous idea! I'm not going to do that. I really don't blame you; you didn't mean to."

Yang Chen inwardly groaned. It was even more frustrating when it wasn't intentional! Why did he have such bad luck? Finally mustering the courage to sneak around at night to woo his wife, only to end up touching his sister-in-law!

But the most annoying part hadn't even begun. While Yang Chen was talking to Hui Lin in her room, Lin Ruoxi had been waiting in her own room for quite a while and started sensing something amiss. She thought maybe Hui Lin couldn't find where to put the pajamas or encountered some other small problem. Eventually, she reluctantly paused the playback on the TV and walked back to her room.

Both Yang Chen and Hui Lin heard Lin Ruoxi's footsteps approaching, but they were equally helpless. Yang Chen couldn't possibly smash through a window and jump out to escape this situation. There were no hiding places in Lin Ruoxi's room, nothing to conceal with!

So, when Lin Ruoxi reached the door of the room and looked up, she saw Yang Chen looking awkward, and beside him, Hui Lin standing with a flushed face and a strange expression.

Lin Ruoxi first looked slightly puzzled, but upon seeing Hui Lin's unusual expression, she sensed something amiss.

"Why are you here?" Lin Ruoxi frowned and asked Yang Chen.

Yang Chen wanted to explain, but he couldn't think of any reason why he would be in Lin Ruoxi's room in the first place.

Indeed, Lin Ruoxi didn't expect Yang Chen to provide any explanation. Her autumn-like eyes gradually turned as cold as a thousand-year-old pond, making Yang Chen's scalp tingle and his bones chill.

"What's the matter, can't come up with an explanation?" Lin Ruoxi asked coldly.

Yang Chen hesitated for a long time, then chuckled awkwardly, "Well, you know, husband and wife... hehe, just wanted to check how you were sleeping. That's not too much, right?"

Lin Ruoxi seemed to have anticipated that Yang Chen would use their marital relationship as an excuse and asked again, "Then what about Hui Lin? Are you going to tell me that just a glance from you makes her blush like that?"

Hui Lin almost buried her head into her chest, silently moving behind Lin Ruoxi, not daring to utter a word.

Yang Chen scratched his head, truly at a loss for how to explain. He wasn't someone who could be easily molded or manipulated, so he mustered up his courage and blurted out, "Let me tell you the truth. I originally wanted to, uh, have a romantic moment with you tonight. But, uh, things didn't go as planned, and I accidentally bumped into something. But don't worry, I didn't... you know, do anything. So it's all good!"

If anyone else heard this, they would definitely be bewildered. However, Lin Ruoxi was exceptionally clever and, considering Hui Lin's expression and Yang Chen's usual demeanor, she quickly pieced together what had happened.

Seeing Yang Chen's defiant and resigned look, as if he didn't care about any scolding or punishment, Lin Ruoxi couldn't help but feel infuriated.

"Romantic moment?! Is this guy only capable of thinking about such underhanded methods?!" Lin Ruoxi thought to herself. She had been trying to make amends these days, but couldn't he communicate openly and honestly with her?

How could a husband sneak into his wife's bed in the middle of the night, attempting such a thing?!

However, Lin Ruoxi overlooked the pressure she had put on Yang Chen. After nearly half a year of coldness and harsh words, she hadn't given Yang Chen any chance to approach her affectionately. How could Yang Chen dare to face her head-on?

Thus, Yang Chen had developed a habit of taking unconventional approaches. At the first opportunity, he never considered that Lin Ruoxi might agree to share a bed with him.

The situation had escalated further for Yang Chen, as his plans were completely derailed by Hui Lin's unexpected appearance.

Lin Ruoxi couldn't contain her anger and frustration. Seeing her sister, whom she had treated like her own sibling, now involved in a blurry relationship with her husband, was too much to bear.

"Get out. You're not allowed in my room ever again," Lin Ruoxi managed to say through clenched teeth, her voice icy and devoid of emotion despite the seething fury within.

Yang Chen realized Lin Ruoxi was genuinely furious, regretting how blunt and crude his words had been. Even if that was his true intention, he should have approached it more tactfully.

"Ruoxi..." he started.

"Get out!" Lin Ruoxi shot him a glare, her fragrant shoulders trembling with anger.

Yang Chen had no choice but to leave, knowing he had to wait until she cooled down in a few days to explain properly. Any attempt now would be as effective as talking to a brick wall.

Dejectedly, Yang Chen slinked back to his own room, leaving Lin Ruoxi and Hui Lin standing at the doorway, both women silent for quite some time.

Finally, Hui Lin spoke softly, "Sister, I'm sorry."

Lin Ruoxi closed her eyes briefly. "It's not your fault. You don't have to apologize."

"Well, actually..."

"It's okay, no need to explain. I'm not blaming you. I'm just tired and want to rest early. You should go to bed too," Lin Ruoxi said, walking over to her bed and starting to arrange her blanket.

Hui Lin was taken aback, wanting to ask if Lin Ruoxi still wanted to watch the Korean drama, but she realized it was not the right moment. Clearly, Lin Ruoxi wasn't in the mood anymore.

Feeling a mix of complex emotions, bitter and sour, Hui Lin bid softly, "Goodnight, sister," and silently retreated to her room to rest.

Alone in her room after Hui Lin left, Lin Ruoxi collapsed on her bed, feeling utterly drained. Staring blankly at the ceiling, she murmured to herself, "Lin Ruoxi, now even I'm starting to dislike you."