
Hades, the Urban Legend

Synopsis: Yang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne of Hades, was separated from his family at a young age and sold to a foreign assassin organization. Enduring the darkest of worlds, he eventually returned to his homeland incognito. Intending to live a low-profile life as a street vendor selling lamb skewers, fate took an unexpected turn when he married a well-known local corporate CEO. Hoping for a quiet existence, he found himself drawn into the role of a guardian knight due to the presence of beautiful women from various walks of life. As he navigates through these connections, his past experiences and former comrades resurface. Inadvertently, he delves into the world of cultivation in China and uncovers the essence of this world.

yin_chenghao · Urban
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752 Chs

Chapter 362: Unlocked

Chen Rong's brother?

Yang Chen was taken aback. Wasn't that Chen Bo, his former colleague from Yu Lei International, whom he hadn't seen in a while after he left to become an editor? Yang Chen vividly remembered him being chased by gangsters to accompany clients, a man who seemed more like a woman. Since hearing about his career change, they hadn't crossed paths.

Standing up with Rose, Yang Chen glanced towards the entrance and indeed saw Chen Bo. He was wearing a black jacket, his hair neatly cut, looking more spirited, and sporting a beard that gave him a more masculine appearance.

But what surprised Yang Chen even more was the fact that beside Chen Bo, a stylish young woman in a red winter coat was clinging to him affectionately. Her figure was as graceful as Rose's, with fair skin and slightly dyed light blonde hair, exuding a gentle Japanese-style elegance.

"Rong Rong," Chen Bo's voice was noticeably louder and more masculine than before, though still neutral. He affectionately rubbed the back of Chen Rong's head. "You wanted to meet my girlfriend, right? Here she is, soon-to-be sister-in-law."

Sister-in-law? Chen Bo's girlfriend?

Curious, Yang Chen and Rose walked over. But as they caught sight of Chen Bo's girlfriend, both froze in place. Even Chen Rong wore a shocked expression, her mouth agape as if she had just witnessed something incredibly astonishing.

The beautiful woman smiled gently. "Hello, I'm Chanel."

"Uh... hello..." Chen Rong replied dumbfoundedly, barely believing her eyes. The person in front of her was none other than Xiang Nai Er, whom she had seen at the bloody Hongmen banquet, the same Xiang Nai Er who had killed her father, Zhou Guangnian, and bid farewell to Yang Chen so gracefully.

Upon noticing Yang Chen with Rose, Chen Bo's face lit up with joy. "Yang Chen! What a coincidence to see you here! I just returned from a business trip and brought my girlfriend to meet my sister. And here you are! Oh, and Miss Rose, my sister owes you a lot for your care."

Yang Chen awkwardly greeted them and gave a sheepish smile to Chanel.

Chanel, however, showed no signs of shyness or awkwardness. With her gentle, womanly voice, she said, "You must be my husband's friend. Nice to meet you."

"Yang Chen helped me a lot back then, dear. How about we invite him to dinner?" Chen Bo suggested.

"You decide," Chanel replied obediently.


"Um, today won't work for me. I have to go home for dinner soon," Yang Chen explained, not unwilling but unable to break his promise to go home for dinner with Lin Ruoxi.

"Well, that's a shame. Next time then. Here, let me give you my phone number," Chen Bo insisted, prompting Yang Chen to input his number into his phone and give him a call to make sure it saved correctly.

Yang Chen looked at Chen Bo, now exuding the demeanor of a successful person, hardly recognizing him as the timid young man he once knew. Could so much change in less than a year?!

And Chanel, how did her voice become so feminine?! Chen Rong also noticed how absurd things were getting. She grabbed her brother's hand and said to Chanel, "Chanel, I need to talk to my brother for a bit. Let's step aside."

"Sure, go ahead. It's been a long time since you two siblings caught up, plenty to talk about," Chanel said understandingly.

Once Chen Bo was pulled aside by Chen Rong for questioning, Chanel looked at Yang Chen and Qiang Wei with a hint of playfulness and said, "I'm really curious about all of this, aren't you? Mr. Yang Chen, Miss Qiang Wei."

Yang Chen chuckled awkwardly, equally bewildered as he looked at Chanel, waiting for her explanation.

Chanel gazed fondly at Chen Bo, who was conversing with Chen Rong not far away, and said, "Over half a year ago, I underwent gender reassignment surgery by one of the best doctors in Thailand. Since then, I've truly become a woman. I was confused abroad about what to do next—live a lonely life or marry a man who doesn't mind my past. That's when I met Chen Bo, who was in Thailand on assignment for a magazine. It was a bit of fate. He recognized me, and I was bored at the time, so I decided to play along. But then I realized he was a genuinely kind-hearted man. So, I worked hard to transform him into who he is now, and in the process, we fell in love."

Yang Chen knew there must have been many ups and downs in their story but didn't pry further. "Doesn't it feel awkward for both of you, knowing each other's pasts?" he asked instead.

"Love is a wonderful thing. Through love, we've come to accept each other anew. He's the masculine editor-in-chief Chen Bo, and I'm Chanel, the woman he cherishes. Isn't that wonderful? Our lives are now simple and happy," Chanel said cheerfully. "And now, I can truly be a woman, even able to have children."

Watching Chanel's proud expression, Qiang Wei couldn't help but stifle a laugh and turn away.

Yang Chen was amazed at how much these two had changed in less than a year. However, seeing their happiness, he genuinely wished them well.

Shortly afterward, after what seemed like a long conversation between siblings, Chen Bo and Chen Rong returned. Chen Rong smiled at Chanel and called her "sister-in-law," making Chanel blush and smile shyly.

After a few more words with Yang Chen, Chen Bo left the bar with Chanel, leaving behind the loving silhouette of a couple.

"Rong Rong, do you really think it's okay?" Qiang Wei asked Chen Rong.

Chen Rong smiled peacefully. "My brother says he's found true love. What else can I do but wish them well?"

Yang Chen smiled at Qiang Wei. "My darling Qiang Wei, we have true love too, don't we? Seeing how in love they are, don't you think we should do something to show our love even more?"

Qiang Wei blushed slightly and gave Yang Chen a reproachful look. "Didn't you promise to go home for dinner?"

Yang Chen pointed to the clock on the wall. "It's only a quarter to four now. We still have an hour. We'll make it home by five."

"No way, I'm only giving you half an hour. An hour is too exhausting," Qiang Wei protested.

"Well, I guess I have no say in that," Yang Chen chuckled, half embracing Qiang Wei as they walked towards the bedroom at the back of the bar.

Chen Rong watched them go with a slight envy and muttered to herself, "They don't even bother to conceal it, with others standing around."

Over an hour later, Yang Chen emerged satisfied from behind the bar, wearing a contented smile. He waved goodbye to Chen Rong and hurried home for dinner.

At home, Wang Mama and Hui Lin were setting hot dishes on the outdoor dining table. Seeing Yang Chen return, Hui Lin immediately asked with concern, "Big Brother Yang, how did it go?"

Yang Chen casually replied with a smile, "All good, it's cured."

"Phew," Hui Lin breathed a sigh of relief. "I knew Big Brother Yang could do it. I'm sorry, Big Brother Yang, I didn't expect things to turn out this way."

"Don't say more. It's all in the past. Since I promised your grandmother to take care of you, I couldn't let you be taken away by anyone else. Let's eat, let's eat," Yang Chen looked around, "Where's Ruoxi? Did she go out or is she upstairs working hard again?"

Before Hui Lin could answer, Lin Ruoxi emerged from the kitchen, hands wearing thick cotton gloves, carrying a large bowl of white soup-like substance, which she placed on the table.

Wang Mama smiled and said, "After Miss left, she insisted on cooking, making a bowl of white fungus soup for you to taste. It's good for health, Master, eat more."

Lin Ruoxi gave Wang Mama a reproachful look. "Mama Wang, who said this was made specifically for him? I just felt like eating it myself."

Yang Chen looked at Lin Ruoxi, cheeks flushed, wearing an apron and cotton gloves, looking like a cute housewife compared to her usual self. He couldn't help but smile. Compared to before, she seemed much more adorable now.

Seeing Yang Chen staring at her intently, Lin Ruoxi felt even more embarrassed, blushing deeply. She pouted and said, "What are you looking at? I told you it's not specially made for you. Stop overthinking and eat your dinner!"

With that, Lin Ruoxi ran back to the kitchen like a startled rabbit.

"Master, Miss has always been like this, don't mind her," Wang Mama said happily.

Yang Chen nodded, not saying much. He took a bowl and ladled himself a large serving of the white fungus and red date soup, then began eating heartily.

Lin Ruoxi wasn't particularly skilled in cooking, so the white fungus was a bit burnt. However, Yang Chen wasn't one to fuss over such things, enjoying the meal regardless.

By the time Lin Ruoxi sat down, the majority of the white fungus soup had already disappeared into Yang Chen's stomach. Lin Ruoxi felt a mixture of shyness and joy. When Yang Chen mischievously winked at her, she glared back, "Eating, eating, eating! Who told you to eat so much? Can't you leave some for us?"

Yang Chen grinned, "It's mainly because my wife cooks so deliciously."

"Smooth talker," Lin Ruoxi feigned indifference, ignoring him, burying herself in dinner. Why did everything in her mouth suddenly taste sweeter? Did they overdo it with the sugar in tonight's dishes?

After dinner, with Wang Mama finished in the kitchen, Lin Ruoxi and Hui Lin, the two sisters, ended up watching a Korean drama in front of the TV. The tear-jerking, sentimental drama had them alternating between crying and laughing.

Previously, Hui Lin didn't have much exposure to these dramas up in the mountains. But now, spending more time with Lin Ruoxi, she had caught onto her habit of watching Korean dramas and had become her close "drama buddy."

Yang Chen wanted to watch the news but ended up sneakily heading upstairs to his room to watch. He couldn't help but think how his home now seemed a bit like a girls' dormitory.

As he watched the news, thoughts of Lin Ruoxi and her various expressions over the past few days kept floating through his mind. It seemed like his wife was slowly starting to accept and care about him. Take tonight's dinner, for example—she clearly acted aloof but was actually quite pleased.

The thought of Lin Ruoxi's perfect face and figure made Yang Chen restless, especially since he hadn't fully released his pent-up hormones with Qiang Wei this afternoon. Maybe tonight he could try a strategic approach?

With this long-suppressed desire from marriage until now, Yang Chen waited until the TV downstairs went silent, the footsteps of the two women going upstairs, and the closing of their doors before quietly slipping out in his pajamas.

Lin Ruoxi's room was next to his, and Yang Chen suddenly realized he had been holding back for too long! Such a beauty had been sleeping next door for over half a year, and he hadn't once ventured over. He was truly the modern-day Liu Xiaohui (a Chinese saying meaning a model of restraint and virtue)!

The corridor was dim and quiet. Yang Chen made sure Wang Mama and Hui Lin wouldn't suddenly appear before he approached Lin Ruoxi's door and gently turned the handle.

To Yang Chen's surprise, Lin Ruoxi's door wasn't locked!