
Hades : book1

"With which hand did you take the ring off Hope?"Hades said firmly and started to roll his sleeves up. "W..what?!" I stuttered, i dont have good feeling about this "How silly i am of course it was right hand! right baby? Give me your hand" he was waiting holding his hand in front of me . Hades ! Hades ways! Hades desire! Hades love! Hades obsession! Thats all matters! This is a story about the most dangerous mafia boss.

Aurelia_sa · Fantasie
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4 Chs

VIP room

Third person POV

Present time

The Greens entered a luxury restaurant, and they were guided to a VIP room on the way, Haily kept winking at Hope "look! This is all my future husbands"

Rose laughed at her "Hope partner will be as rich so quit showing off to her, "

Hope was unhappy realizing this family won't take David with an ordinary job. She should create a strategy for when the time comes and David ask her to marry him .

She was fantasizing about her lover again when she noticed they already reached to the special room that was arranged for them and the Kings were waiting for them.

The king's family stood up out of respect and everybody started chatting to each other and shortly the room was full of their laughter, but Hope was somewhat uncomfortable. She could feel Hades gaze on her!

Haily tried her best to get his attention. ,she gave her hand to Hades hoping he would kiss her hand but he threw her hand and sat on his sit.

The VIP room

Hope POV.

Oh, God! why is he continuing staring at me! isn't he in love with Haily ? He was always strange and today everybody is staring at me! What's going on? Did I wear inappropriate clothes again? Damn, I should've taken the gray dress.

They should be looking at Haily the bride! Not me.

Hades POV.

Damn, look at my future wife. She is fucking gorgeous, like always. How I wish I could have her right here on this table like there is no tomorrow.

"It's great to see Hope in a dress like a young lady" I said and smirked at her, everyone laughed

I could feel her getting uncomfortable and blush , so cute!

"Even she tries her best, she cannot be prettier than me, I was born like this I'm a lady with class Hope can't compete me"Said the annoying Haily how did they end up with this plan? this annoying bitch and I? No way.

I entirely ignored her existence and my dad tried to cover it up "I asked the server to bring all the special food they have in menu, but before food arrive, please enjoy the appetizers in front of you" My father said with a big smile . He must be happy that I decided to get married.

Good job dad, get straight to the point.

Third person PV.

Everyone was enjoying the appetizers, but Hope stopped.

It was small sandwiches and it was her favorite, but it tasted weird she paused eating after one bite Henry and Hades looked at each other with worried eyes they thought Hope is mad, "why don't you eat Hope you almost broke my head over this food when we were kids now you don't eat it?" Said Hades teasing her.


7 year old Hope was playing with 10-year-old Hades they were laughing and Hades was chasing after Hope when Kate brought some sandwiches for them "hey kiddos come and eat" Hades was so hungry, and he took the only chicken sandwich on the plate and the rest were pork which Hope didn't like and that make the little Hope mad "ya why did you pick my sandwich i won't play with you anymore" by that she rushed off but Hades liked her so much, and she was his only friend, so he ran hugging her ,she kept pushing him and with one last push he fell down .

his head hit the rock. The grass was turning red and Hope cry and went off to her house, which was next to the Kings house. After that Hope always kept her distance with Hades. She received a hard punishment from both her mom and dad for hurting the boss's son, she couldn't get out of her room for a month.

The trouble she got into for a 7 year old girl was a nightmare and for her , Hades was equal to punishment. So, their friendship changed, it was full of Hades clinging to her and she was running away because she was scared she would do or say something that cause trouble.

End of flashback

Third person POV.

The servers came in with a big tray of foods and put the VIP foods on the table, VIP foods had all kind of luxury food in it with a small flame burning on the side just to make it look fancy.

All kind of food could be found, and the last waiter came with a bottle of wine and went straight to Hades. "Sir this is the best wine we have and..." waiter tried to finish his sentence when Hades cut him with a firm NO.

the waiter left with the wine Kate frowned at him "son why can't we have that wine? We are celebrating your wedding we need something to celebrate "Kate said and everyone nodded their head and Hades waved at the waiter to come back with the wine and started pouring everyone's glasses but when he took Hope's glass to pour it Hades almost shouted at him "no, she doesn't drink you can leave now" the waiter left immediately scared for his life and Hope looked around confused.

Haily saw it as a good chance to bring the wedding scheduls up "yes Hope we don't want you to get drunk and ruin our wedding I mean me and Hades wedding "said Haily proudly and looked around to find the angry Hades staring at her.

Hope POV.

Why my sister always ruin my image in public and ... why can't I drink? Why do I keep asking questions these days and I never get an answer I guess I better keep quiet and control myself for tonight I cannot lose the chance of getting rid of Haily and I don't want to be blame for ruining her wedding ill just sit and eat my food with them while daydream about David ... that kiss, that night, his awesome eyes

"Hope Mr. King asked you a question" mom said as she elbowed me, I look up to meet Hades angry stare fix on me can't he smile for once? Why are everyone looking at me, what did Mr. King asked me? I looked at him confused "Sorry Mr. king I didn't hear you what did you ask me" I asked with shaking voice

they look like wolves that might attack me at any second

"Haha it's ok dear, I just asked what's your plan for your wedding? What kind of wedding party you like?" Asked Mr. King.

Me? Why is he asking me? I can feel Haily grinding her teeth beside me. She would chew me if we weren't in public.

"I think Haily must answer that Mr. king" I said trying to smile weakly then suddenly Haily started to talk about the fancy wedding she had in mind

"well to be honest Mr. King I care about the wedding car the most I want the best and actually, I already chose my wedding dress one of my..." haily was cut by the loud sound of a punch hitting the table I jumped a little and looked at Hades who just punch the table and said "stop this game now or ill do it on my own way"

I was scared and confused Haily started to cry and mom was comforting her and telling her "you shouldn't overdo it honey you knew it..."

What did she know?

I looked around and met Mr King eyes he must felt how confused I am, he said

"Hope you're my daughter-in-law not Haily it was your parent's plan to take you here they said you wouldn't come on your own"

"What? No, that must be Haily not me I don't want to get married now, not with him! Never" I said and left the room,

What do they think? They can force me into something I don't want?

I barely made it in front of the elevator when everything went black and I fainted, but I didn't feel the hard cold floor, instead it felt like landing into a warm soft embrace! "You're mine" who? That's HADES?