
Hades : book1

"With which hand did you take the ring off Hope?"Hades said firmly and started to roll his sleeves up. "W..what?!" I stuttered, i dont have good feeling about this "How silly i am of course it was right hand! right baby? Give me your hand" he was waiting holding his hand in front of me . Hades ! Hades ways! Hades desire! Hades love! Hades obsession! Thats all matters! This is a story about the most dangerous mafia boss.

Aurelia_sa · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Hades Ways

Flashback 1.


Hades' company was so crowded that day and Henry was busy with paperwork as always .

Liam King called Henry green and demanded him to come to his room and hang up on him .

Henry was nervous. He felt like a little kid about to get punished, he knocked on the door and asked for entrance. It surprised him to meet Hades in the room he was walking angrily in his dad's office. He was always bad-tempered but this time he was like a murderer.

As soon as he saw Henry he frowned and put both his hands on the desk "give Hope to me" Hades said impatiently at this point and Henry stared at him confused wondering what's going on..

"sorry Henry my son can be so rude when he is angry, what he means is that we want to propose to your daughter hope and take her to be the queen of our house if she agreed, and we plan to invite your family for dinner, so we can discuss the wedding "Liam said with a smile hoping that there won't be any further problem .

"I'm so shocked , now ....Sir! .... you know no one would say no to your family, and I'm honored you chose my daughter as your in law but why Hope? She is so hard to convince, I'm sure no one would ever answer no to your son, but Hope ...!" Henry tried to explain the situation, knowing that his daughter would ruin everything in a second.

Hades throw the wooden chair to the wall and broke it

"Did you fucking hear what my dad said ? Take her to me! Before I take her on my ways, I'm just giving you the chance to bring her on your own because you are a family friend" mentioned Hades and sat on the sofa waiting for Henry to say what he wanted to hear "Yes Sir" Hades smiled satisfied with what he heard.

Henry left the company angrily and start drinking on his way home he knows his daughter, Hope, would burn them all, but she wouldn't get married to Hades. Yes, she is sweet and she cared about her family but her hate toward Hades wasn't something that would change in a day.

"I'll lose everything" he murmured to himself

When he arrived home, he was drunk and angry. Once he heard Hades name he threw the bottle and broke it because he felt helpless he explained the situation to his wife, but his wife Rose had an idea.

"Honey, let's make Haily get married to him!" Suggested Rose proudly.

"You're kidding me? He said clearly that he only wants Hope. You should've seen his eyes, we can't mess with him" Henry said, holding his head he was feeling disappointed.

"I'll handle it, we tell him if he marries Haily we can bring Hope to the dinner party and if he pretend to love Haily, Hope will get jealous and change her mind about him but in fact that never happens because Haily is a lady with class she will take his attention and marry him for real! Haily deserves that family" said Rose , she always dreamed about Haily getting married to a billionaire. Henry just agreed, he was happy that he can keep his job and he can be in King's family without all the problems Hope would cause.

End of flashback

Flashback 2.

Plan 2.

Hades POV.

Mr.Green showed up to my office the next day and informed me about the foolish plan he and his wife had!

What the fuck is he talking about? That kid Hailyand I! Even pretending to care for her makes me sick.

But I should go on with their plan for a while then pull out my own move. I should've worked it in my own style since day one, I'm just acting this for dad! To respect his friend family, but now I see his buddy is trying to deceive me and force me to marry that annoying Haily. I know what they are planning, they will pay for it soon.

Hades called his best friend and partner in crime "Tom put some Flunitrazepam in her food I'm taking her in my own way"he always helps Hades to do his dirty job, and he also manages Hades restaurant.

They made a perfect plan for that day to get Hope

"Don't let her drink that day I don't want to hurt her" said Hades and hang up the phone.

End of flashback .

Third person PV.

At the dinner, when Hope refused to finish the appetizers in front of her, Hades became nervous. What if it doesn't work on her? He tried his best, but Hope had a strong nose. She could smell something in her food.

Hades dad struggled to explain everything to Hope, hoping she would just accept his son, he was attempting to save Hope in his own way. He didn't want Hope to experience the dark side of Hades. No one deserves that, but Hope was too stubborn and mad to notice Mr. King's pleading tune. After Hope left the room, Hades got up to follow her. His father held his arm and told him to stop.

"Son let her be. She doesn't feel good now. We will talk to her later again"

Hades just pulled his arm back and turned to face Henry "ill take her to my mansion from today, she should get used to her new life and the wedding will be in next month and I don't want to hear anything else from any of you" he looked at everyone giving them a silent warning and left the room to find Hope. She would fall anytime soon, and he must be there to catch her.

A wide smile appeared on his face once he found the angel he was looking for! "There it is my wife!" He kept watching her from far and as quickly as he saw she was losing her balance, he rushed towards her and picked her "you're mine "

Hades carried her bridal style and kissed her neck and took a deep breath feeling her sense in his nose. He looked calm for the first time .

He brought her to his car, he brought the Range Rover, so he could take her to his mansion. Tom was waiting for him at the parking lot and helped open the van door for him. "good job bro, you got your bride salutes" Hades just grinned at him "she didn't eat it all I should hurry "he stated and drove off,

he didn't want her to wake up in the middle of the way.