
HA\LF: Dead nor Alive

There was no warning and it took them by surprise when the meteorite hit the earth. They thought they were doomed, but they managed to survive the apocalypse. They lost billions of lives because of that incident, and it took them decades to be able to stand on their own feet, but when they thought that they were fine, they were wrong. They found out that the meteorite brought something with it, they discovered a species and they called them Extrateressterial Parasite. It devoured and consumed anything that was alive, and they realized that the apocalypse was just the beginning of their suffering. After centuries of trying to survive, Archie Lancaster the one who believed the end of humankind could be changed decided to do his best and tried to become one of those people that prevented humankind from extinction. His path wasn't easy nor peaceful, nothing could be described what kind of experiences he had been through.

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No need to hid it anymore.

"I'm glad that you're with us, Archie," Marlon said as he watched the whole city was in chaos from the car. "I was doubting that I will not be able to leave this place unnoticed," Marlon continued as he looked at Archie from over his shoulder.

"It's a pure coincidence. I was with Ruby and Faye but then we saw Prince and Resse struggled fighting the mercenaries," Archie answered as he sat on the back of the car.

Marlon furrowed his forehead and turned around. "Ruby and Faye are still here? What are they doing? I thought I personally ordered Ruby to go straight to the safehouse," Marlon asked with a puzzled look.

"We were, but then Faye insisted on bringing all his men to the safehouse. She believed after jeoparding and exposing the secret, all his men would be used for the experiment. Ruby understood her feelings, and decided to bring her back here, and now they're on their way to the station on the north side of the city," Archie answered.