
The Wolf And The Dragon

Somewhere In Mount Kunlun

-Fox Tribe-

Ming Húa was an old fox with thousands of years of cultivation under his belt, which make him the eldest among his kind. However, maybe because of that, as he had seen gods rise and fall, humans inheriting earth and demons and ghost being imprison in their own realm, he had become tired. As the centuries passed he had naturally handed his leadership of their hidden tribe to the younger generation and went to deep sleep, the same as his younger sister Ming Yue, who had sworn her loyalty to a little ghost and Kunlun until the end of time.

For thousands of years, he had enjoyed a deserved rest, but as the sudden events taking place so close to their home, with perhaps hundreds of demons lurking in the darkness of the valley and his sister temporally awakening, he had been forced to leave his peaceful slumber to face what can become a problem for their tribe. He had sent a young fox to have a look at the situation and was patiently waiting for his return.

"Lord Húa, Feng had come back from the Ghost Slayer temple." A woman announced.

"Finally, let him in." And a young boy was guided inside to meet with him. As soon as he was in his presence, the youngster kneeled before him.

"Rise, Feng. There is no need for formalities in these troubled times. Just tell me what you found out. Whose tribe is working with the demons?" Ming Hùa asked a bit impatiently. Having demons close to their mountain was quite bothersome, but having other tribes helping them was simply unacceptable. They have great respect for both Kunlun, which was the owner of the mountain in which they resided and of the now called Ghost Slayer, so in times of need, they were bound to help them. As Guardians of the heavens themselves, there was no even another choice.

"The crow tribe, my Lord. The whole valley reeks of their dark magic, even if Lady Yue got rid of most of it." The boy responded, not really sure if he should tell the elder of the romantic encounter he watched between the Ghost Slayer and Kunlun's reincarnation.

It wasn't really none of their concern, whether those two did in private, but as he was in a path of cultivation, he had not witness such a heated encounter between lovers, specially not between men, which make him temporarily lose control of his repressed energy, making the mighty Ghost Slayer aware of his presence. Luckily for him, he had manage to escape before the Slayer could fully locate him and hunt him down. His dark energy was really something to fear, so he was quite glad that his lover was more of a distraction than him.

"Is something wrong? Why are you so red in the face? Where you hurt? Are you sick?" The Lord asked him, which make him go back to reality. Was he really blushing?

"Ha, no my Lord. It's just I run as fast as I could to bring you the news." The young boy lie.

"Go and have some rest. Tomorrow morning I will go down to the temple and visit my dear sister. It had been such a long time since we talk and I need to pass some messages to the leaders of the other tribes. The time for the gathering of the tribes had finally come." The Lord said.

"Yes my Lord, I will tell sister Xiaoling to send for the leaders." The young boy said.

"Good, I need to sleep now. I'm not as energetic as before." The elder said and Feng leave to go looking for his sister.

When giving her the message of the elder, Xiaoling write down a few words in a small piece of parchment, then summon five different flames, one for each piece of paper, which was not consumed by the fox fire and send it to the sky, in the form of a blue fire bird into the darkness. The destination, the cat's tribe, snake's tribe, the flora or earth tribe, the dragon's tribe and finally, the lion's tribe, guarding half the temples all over the country.

She also sent a special one that was meant to reach the white tiger, Guardian of the celestial realm, just because Mount Kunlun had always been the key to the heavens, for which the foxes had watch it since the beginning of time. It looked like they may go to war against Hell, soon and so the gods should know about it.


As morning came, Zhao was quite pleased to find Shen Wei still by his side. The sight of him make his heart pound faster and faster which each second. He was without a doubts head over heels about him and hopelessly fascinated with him as a whole. If there was something he wished most in that broken world, was to keep that beautiful man safe and away from danger, but Shen Wei was stubborn and if he was not careful, his mighty Ghost Slayer was going to take the burden of both their worlds on his own.

He needed to talk with the elders of the tribes and try to find whatever clue that was left behind, to try to see the bigger picture. He just couldn't understand why one of them would want to offer their assistance to awake/revive a cruel former god that wanted nothing more than destruction. What could the crows possible gain from joining them? They lived among humans for centuries and without their realm, they will become homeless, because the underworld, with its perpetual darkness, could not offer much to anyone.

For that reason he could understand those who seek to be released from the darkness, because honestly, it was hard to picture living in a hostile environment, with nothing much to enjoy. He could even understand they hatred toward the gods for trapping them there, but the tribes in league with demons was beyond his human understanding. Shen Wei stir by his side, slowly opening his eyes to meet with his.

"Good morning, Yunlan." Shen said, with a charming smile, Zhao thought will melt him.

"Morning babe." And Zhao wasted no time to pull him closer to give him a morning kiss. It was innocent at first, but as usual, he couldn't help himself but deepening it, as Shen held him tighter, equally as eager to have a taste of him. Soon after both of them lost themselves between passionate kisses and touches, but before they could truly gave in to desire, intense pain assaulted Shen, braking their kiss with a moan of pain, which Zhao recognize immediately.

"Sorry Xiao Wei... I kind of forgot about the pain. I'll stop now." Zhao whisper, while putting a hand over Shen's pendant. His fire had worked wonders to ease his pain after their trip to the mountains, to a point he had thought it will keep away the pain from Wei, more or less automatically, but it was evident now that he needed to make it work personally at times, to help his beloved.

"Don't worry Yunlan, I'm used to this." Shen assure him, giving him a dashing smile that melted Zhao's heart all over again.

"Damn, how can I stay away when you smile at me like that?" Zhao asked, sitting on their bed, as the fire begins to shine over Shen's neck. At least it was working, Zhao was glad he didn't gave him too much pain this time.

"That's because I love you so much..." Shen Wei added, making Zhao's heart bump his blood even faster. He was truly trying to keep his perverted side in check, but with such devotion it was hard to think in anything else. Was Shen actually teasing him back?

"Haaaaaa... How come ghosts can be this devilish handsome and loving? Aren't they supposed to be all scary and ugly? I certainly had deal with those for years..." Shen smiled, already feeling better.

"I can be scary too, you know. Most ghosts already fear me, I wonder, why don't you?" Shen asked curiously.

"You kidding me right? No offense, Your Honor, but I fail to find you scary in any way, even as the Ghost Slayer which I respect and Shen Wei is simply too tempting for his own good." Zhao said.

"But you are quite tempting, yourself, Yunlan." Shen added which such innocent look, that Zhao couldn't help but laugh.

"Babe, that's not helping. If you don't want to be eaten by a horny wolf early in the morning, then stop looking at me that way. You should know I can't resist those bewitching eyes of yours as well as the rest of you in general." Zhao suggested, however...

"But Yunlan, I can become a dragon, when unrepressed. I don't mind a wolf at all..." Shen added, enjoying teasing back Zhao for once. They were alone and Zhao had openly embarrass him many times. It was time for some pay back, because he knew Zhao could not resist him for long. He was in for a surprise thought, because he was really going to become the dragon that engulfed the wolf.

"That's it! Remember it was you who ask for it." Zhao pretty much, throw away the covers and sat over his lover's lap, pulling him up to plant a heated kiss over his smiling lips. He knew Shen Wei was actually manipulating him to act, which he didn't mind, but the contrary. He loved everything about him, including when he rarely acted mischievously. However, the heavens had some other plans yet again, because once more they were interrupted by a sudden call.

"Good morning, Your Honor. Breakfast is ready and Lady Yue had decided to grace us with her presence this morning. She is eagerly awaiting for you and Guardian Zhao to come and talk to her." A monk said at the other side of the sliding doors. At the mention of the lady's name, both lovers freeze over.

"We will be there in a minute!" Shen told the monk, resignedly sighing and resting his head over Zhao's shoulder.

"Ah, she is definitely going to kill me for sure." Shen smiled.

"She will not, don't worry. Go ahead and take a cold shower." Wei said.

"We can still take it together..." Zhao suggested a bit hopefully, kissing his neck.

"That sounds good, but impossible right now. Go Zhao, I have the feeling something big will happen today." Shen added, seriously, all traces of teasing gone for good.

"Because of your foxy mother?" Zhao asked, moving away from him.

"No... Mount Kunlun is active. Maybe that's why Ming Yue is awake again." Shen responded as he closed his eyes. He felt the disturbance in Mount Kunlun at down, way before Zhao open his eyes to stare at him.

"What do you mean?" Zhao asked.

"Mount Kunlun is special among those who follow the path of cultivation. Many tribes lived there and became strong enough to achive a higher level of energy or spiritual understanding. A few animal fairies that served mostly in temples as Guardians, end up with the abilty to change forms over the centuries, then moved somewhere else. The fox tribe, I believe is still protecting Mount Kunlun, as they were chosen to guard the link between heaven and earth. Also, you were the creator of all mountains, so they all literarily belong to you. Back then, before you came down to the underworld in search for your fire, you stayed among many tribes, earning their respect. It was in that period that you became close friend with a particular fairy cat, which became your partner until this day."

"Ah, Da Qing..."

"Yes, he had been loyal to you for longer than I did. That's why you should treat him better."

"I treat him well, believe it or not. We just have a special kind of way of showing it to each other. I promise." Zhao said before closing the door of the bathroom. Shen portal himself back to his dorm to change clothes and have a freezing cold shower himself, when he came back, Zhao was putting on a white t-shirt, then a black jacked over it.

"Okay, let's go." Zhao moved to open the door.

"You are no longer blind, right?" Shen Wei asked.

"Nope, apparently the trial period is over. I'm ready to face war now."

"Well, I hope it doesn't comes to that, Yunlan." Shen whisper, as he followed his beloved hungry wolf out of their room.

AN: A horny wolf vrs an unrepressed dragon? Who do you prefer? LOL A bit of reverse teasing to honor the 30 chapter.