
GTA 5 - Viper

Keith, a bank robber from New York moves to San Andreas to start a new chapter in his live. After his last crew fell apart, or more accurately they died after hitting the New York grand reserve. he needed something new and San Andreas had that. (it is a mix of GTA 5 and GTA online content) (r18 tag - I was planning on having a couple r18 scenes/ chapter but will limit the amount of plot that revolves around that in case some people want to skip parts containing such descriptions.)

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · Videospiele
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66 Chs



They continued to drive to the city, passing by the mountains to their left with the sea to their right, now with little more to talk about, as the music from the radio filled the gap that their silent created.

"We are almost there…" Keith drove up the mountain, seeing glimpses of the city as he continued to drive up the mountain road.

"Great… cant wait to get out of here."

"Heading out of the city?"

"If those clowns managed to find me then that means that I need to move, never can stay at the same place for to long.."

"Must suck… can't imagine getting to close to anyone when you life like that."

"Well… its my life, I think I can manage.." a partly hidden sadness peaked through her stoic demeanour, showing only a glimpse of how she was on the inside.

"That's my ride… you sure you don't want to give me your name?"

"Maybe next time.."

"As if there ever is a next time.." Keith barely heard her words over the music, showing a sad smile..

"Just call if you are ever in the area again, Antonia Bottino." She raised one eyebrow, looking strangely at Keith, who gave her his phone number..

"You know I can find you with this, right?"

"Perhaps you could, but how would we meet again if you didn't have my number?" She let out a small laugh as she opened the passenger side door..

"Till next time then.." she retreated swiftly, his number now saved in her phone for the next time she was in the area..

A tinge of doubt appeared in Keith's mind as he watched them drive off, wondering if he had made the right decision… before dismissing his thoughts, trusting himself to have made the right decision


Keith drove through the mountains, just listening to some music as he headed for the city..

Heading home to finally get a good nights of rest… he didn't have anything planned for the coming days, only having another race at the end of the week, something he had ample time to prepare for, as he himself only needed to mount the nitro in the car, plus the actual racing…

Passing by the golf course Keith imagined owning the place, knowing well that even with his new found fortune he wouldn't be able to afford it.. then again, why would he need it, seeing as he didn't even like golf… something much more in character would be something like the diamond, although Keith knew that that would also be far from his reach..

Two hundred million gold wouldn't even cover all of the costs to build that place…

Driving further into the city, Keith eventually got back home, only to see some members of the lost snooping around again…

He hadn't seen them for some time, coming to believe that every thing had calmed down with them, but apparently not.. Keith doubted about approaching further, not wanting to deal with them if he could afford it…

Turning the car around, Keith instead headed for his office, only for him to be followed again, with even some police cars beginning to trail him…

Keith knew they were corrupt, but for them to ride besides the lost so out in the open meant that he was in for some big trouble…

It wasn't something that could be caused by one upper member of the lost, meaning that the leaders of the west coast had decided what to do with him.

He slowly sped up, with sirens now sounding out across the street as the cop car immediately chased him.

The scene causing heads to turn as Keith fled, only limited by the performance of the car as he weaved through traffic.

Some biker's from the Lost got up beside him, using their smaller frame and better preforming bikes to easily cut through traffic…

Keith watched them slow down a little, getting into his blind spots before pulling out guns from their waists, before slamming the biker on his right, letting his front wheel bend, causing him to flip over and crash on the pavement…

Bullets pierced the windows, leaving holes in the windows of the car as Keith ducked, barely being able to see the road as he drove.

His options were limited, with him not having much to fight back with…

His car scraped against another, causing his mirror to come off, leaving him with no real way to see what was behind…

The bullets stopped, giving Keith a small window to view what was behind him…

The biker had slowed down, as he changed the magazine of the pistol he had… with now three cop cars behind and two lost mc vans out in front of him..

The doors of the van opened up revealing four people each holding a rifle…

"God damn it.." Keith almost flipped the car as he turned to the left, gritting into oncoming traffic as he drove a small alley in… deciding to grab his phone to try and get some help…

Looking at the numbers saved Keith chose to call Michael as he would likely be the closest to him at the moment.. Lester would be his second pick, but he couldn't help much besides interfering with their radio..

Keith placed his phone on the passenger seat as he turned into another alley, scrapping the car against the walls as he ran over some trash bags…

Mere moments later the call connected…

"Where are you right now?!" If Michael wasn't in the area then he would need to change his plan…

"At home.. What's the matter?" shots rang out in the distance as Keith saw a biker catching up with him trough the alley.

"In a situation… Lost seemed to have it out for me."

["Need my help.."]

"I sure hope you could help.." Bullets flew past his ears..

["What do you need of me…"] Keith reached a split at the end of the alley, needing to slow down to turn..

"Could you get up high where you are now.. or.. fuck…." Keith sped up again, throwing glass shards off his arms as he drove..


"I'm fine, can you make it to a location near your home, then I can try to lure them there.." It wasn't amazing, but nothing else could realistically be done with the time being as strained as it was…

["I know of a place, on the main road… just make it there alive."] Keith heard Michael grabbing his stuff, seemingly rushing to go and help..

"I will.." Michael hung up the phone, likely getting ready as Keith glanced at the source of his pain…

One of the bullets had shattered the windshield, causing glass to fall all over him, leaving cuts all over his arms and legs, but more importantly a shard right into his leg… it didn't go in to far, but any movement caused pain to shoot through his entire body.

The chase continued as Keith got back on the road, heading west, to hopefully get out of the mess he had found himself in.

The road ahead of him was to busy, likely filled with people heading home form work…

"God damn it!" Keith saw that the side roads were being blocked of by Lost members, forcing him to find an alternative…

The alleys to his side were to small, causing him to head into a car park, smashing the toll gate at the front in the process… now inside Keith started driving to the other side, only to be blocked by a car that was trying to leave…

"Fuck…" Reversing the car, Keith tried to head the other way, only to see a lost mc van drive in behind him, blocking him in….

As soon as he could, Keith changed his gear, letting his tires screech as he drove up the car park, having worked himself into a corner…

Keith bit his lip as he made it to the roof, starting to look for other ways to extend his life for moments, only to realise he couldn't run with the wound on his legs, causing a wave of despair to hit him….

"Fuck!" Keith smashed his hands into the steering wheel, causing the car to begin honking, after releasing his anger Keith leaned back… realising that the gig was up, he had been lucky so far, but a mans luck can only help him so much…

Sighing, Keith picked up the revolver… knowing that one bullet wasn't enough, glancing back Keith saw the van coming up to the roof, uncontented with going out without a fight Keith aimed for the driver…

Suddenly a strange feeling came over him, prompting him to aim lower, at the engine of the van, something that would at most cause the van to stop…

Keith didn't know where this feeling came form, he couldn't even really describe it…. It was surreal… as if his body knew what to do, but his mind couldn't explain why…

The feeling caused time to seemingly slow, his heartbeat seemingly slowing down to a halt, his breath stalling in his trough before a low bang sounded out from the gun, as a shot, seemingly bathed in fire shot out, hitting the motor of the car before him…

For a moment… nothing seemed to happened, only confirming what Keith knew would happened, only for an explosion to ring his eardrums, as Keith watched the van explode into a fiery blaze, ramming it through a side wall, back onto the road, leaving just a big enough gap for Keith to drive his car though…

The scene caused for even more panic in the area…as Lost mc members flooded into the car park.

Praying to every god he had once heard of Keith got on the right angle, before pushing the gas pedal full throttle, launching himself from the roof, landing hard, but at the same time not as hard as he thought it would…

The panic had cleared up some cars, giving him a path out… sadly four bikers still managed to stay with him as he approached Michaels home…

Keith tried to keep the bikers at bay, driving in their path to keep them from getting up beside him, but they were getting more daring as the road cleared, trying to get a clear shot at him from the side…

Noticing one coming up on his left, Keith steered into him, causing him to crash, as he had come to close, opening up an opportunity for another biker to get up on his right…

"Fuck.." Keith ducked down, only to notice no shots came in, looking up, he noticed that the biker lay on the ground, bringing a second biker with him during his fall…

Keith wondered what happened, before seeing a bullet carve the last bikers face, killing him before he could even hit the ground…

Looking to the front, Keith noticed a man on top of a building some two hundred meters away from him, waving his hand as if becoming Keith to go there..

Looking around him to make sure, Keith stopped the car on the side of the road next to the building Michael climbed down from…

"Wow Keith…." Keith struggled to get out of the car as he tried to support himself on the side of the car…

Michael ran up to him, supporting him as they headed to his car..

"Ill be fine… just.." Keith coughed as Michael lowered him into the back of his car….

"You need medical help…"

"Can't go anywhere in public, they will just find me…" He hadn't seen many police cars, mostly during the beginning, but he suspected that they wouldn't hesitate to pick him off if he were to go to a hospital..

"The lost? Why are they after you?"

"If I can just get home.." The car started as Keith began to feel a little dizzy, halting his speech…

"Its fine… got some supplies at my.."

"What?" Keith heard a strange static noise, as his headage grew…