


"Baby, I know where Apple is." Eyes were on me as they heard me confess. Nelina intensely looked at me.

"Royce, what do you mean?" Leo asked.

"I had the urge to investigate Apple after the incident where Nelly was almost abducted by some unknown men. From there I learned about her problem in the company. Her safety was compromised so I asked Apple to leave her job and transfer to a safe house with her family. Fortunately, she took it."

"You shouldn't have kept this from us. Royce, I was worried."

"Baby, I talked to Apple when you were away. I had to do this for Apple’s safety, she is your friend. And besides, Apple will be a big help as we fight against these evils."

"Alright. It's a relief knowing Apple is safe with her family. It lessens the burden on my shoulder but we have a long way to go in regards to this case."

"We will get there, sweetheart," Mr. Cruz said. "For now, we have to thank Royce for all his efforts. Royce, we couldn’t thank you enough."

"We are all in this together Mr. Cruz. It’s my pleasure to help."

"If there is nothing more that we need to discuss, I will go ahead first as I am needed in the company. I will keep you posted about Apple and I will set time to talk to her about the case."

"I think that would be all for now, Royce. I’ll look into the USB and will have to discuss it with Apple and see what next move we need to get the culprits in jail," Mr. Cruz stressed.

"All right then. Baby, stay here with your parents. It’s not safe for you to roam around the city alone. If there’s an emergency, I’ll have someone accompany you."

"Royce, I have a regular job. I’m not comfortable having someone tailing me every day."

"Royce was right, sweetheart," Dad seconded. "Let’s have some temporary adjustments. This won’t last long anyway, we will do our best to end this as soon as possible."

"I agree besty, you can’t walk on the streets alone. We don’t know if there are more people involved and are plotting hideous crimes just like before. It’s better safe than sorry. Concerning your job, I’ll handle them. I’m sure I can find someone to replace you temporarily."

"Fine," Nelly said, raising her hands like giving up.

"Mr. Cruz, Mrs. Cruz, I have to go and take care of my business, I will be back for more updates and with the lawyers who will handle the case."

Mr. and Mrs. Cruz understood my responsibilities so they didn't ask for me to stay any longer. Nelly walked me to the door along with Marica and Leo.

"Baby, I'll send some security guards here to watch you and your family 24/7. I won't take no for an answer. You know how dangerous this could be, right?"

"Yesh, I know. Thank you and keep safe."

"I will." I trailed my fingers on Nelly's cheek before I kissed her and left with Marica and Leo.

Instead of going to my office, I met my private detective in a secluded area in the park. Jay had been impressive in all the jobs he did for me and as expected he solved the puzzle.

The 6-foot-tall man was wearing an all-black leather jacket, t-shirt, and jeans. The definition of his face wasn’t clear, covered by his beard that reached until his cheekbone. He sat beside me on a stone bench and handed me a small brown envelope.

"Mr. Park, there are four of them behind the planned accident two years ago. They are executives in Sunny Corporation who have worked with Mr. Cruz before. It wouldn’t be easy this time. You need more influence to pin them down."

"As expected, we know there’s more of them. I will seek more support to fight them all."

"You let me know if there’s anything else you want me to find out."

"Thank you, Jay. Your payment was already transferred to your bank account. Until next time."

I left Jay on the bench, headed to my car, and drove fast immediately. I knew I had to make a big sacrifice to end the war between Cruz’s family and the culprits behind the incident two years ago.

I drove fast to a mansion I didn't think I’d go to. Not in my wildest dream. But there is nothing I wouldn’t do for the woman that I love.

One of the security guards walked over and leaned on my window as I opened it. He stood around 6'3, had brown skin, a medium masculine body build and he was carrying a rifle.

"Do you have an appointment with Ms. Lucy?" The security didn’t recognize me as I am not a frequent visitor. I have never visited the place even though I had an invitation before.

"Lucy is my mother. I need to talk to her please."

The security stared at me intensely, like he was trying to process if he saw me before. "That's not possible. I haven't seen you before."

"Tell her, Royce Park wants to talk to her."

Although he was hesitant, he did as I say. A few minutes later, mom was on her way out of the gate with a wide smile on her face. She probably recognized my car.

"Royce? What a pleasant surprise. Please come in, son," Mom invited. She had to come out to see for herself if the security didn't lie to her.

"I need to talk to you."

"Of course, but please come in for a while."

I parked my car and went inside mom's mansion. It was my first time in her mansion and I have to admit that the interior of it was impressive. She must have spent a lot to get a masterpiece mega-mansion.

"Welcome, son. I've been longing to have you as my guest. And today, God was so nice to me. He heard my prayers. Please have a seat. What would you like to have, coffee or tea?"

"Coffee will do," I answered sitting on the black couch.

Mom sat opposite me. "Okay, I'll have it right away," mom said as she commanded the household staff.

"I want to get things straight. I'm here to talk to you and dad."

"Your dad is not here. You know we have a separate family right?"

"He'll be here soon. I ask someone to arrange a meeting for the three of us."

"If that's how you prefer to talk to us, I don't see any problem. It's good to have you both here. By the way, how are you these past few days? I heard about what happened with you and Nelly. Son, you look stressed."

I heaved a sigh and combed my hand through my hair. "It's manageable, it's not just about me and Nelly, I have companies to run to. Nelly and I are doing great. That's all that matters."

"I'm happy seeing you happy with your girlfriend. As a matter, I will support whatever makes you happy. I think Nelly is the best one for you."

"Thank you."

One of the staff served the coffee on the table and the other staff walked in from the front door. "Ma'am, Mr. Min is here."

"Please let him in and you both can leave us."

A few moments later dad walked close to us, he was in awe as he looked at me. He seemed to avoid me as I stared back at him. "Lucy, what do you want to talk about?"

"It wasn't mom, it was my secretary who arranged this meeting."

Dad was shocked. "Son, did I hear you right? You have no idea how much this means to me. Your mom and I were truly sorry and we wanted to make it up to you."

"I know. But there's something else I need to discuss with you both if you would listen."

Dad and mom intensely looked at each other before they both nodded at me in agreement.

It was 5 in the afternoon when I called Nelina.

"Baby, did you get the dress I sent you? I asked Jerry to deliver it to you."

"Yes, I got it; it's beautiful."

"I know you'll love it. I chose it for you. So, would you go for dinner with me tonight?"

"Sure. But what is so special that you have to buy me a new dress? I haven't even worn those dresses in my closet that you bought me."

I thought it wouldn't be a good idea for you to go to my condo and get your stuff so I bought a new one for you. Besides, it's not just you and me tonight, there will be four of us. This is quite special."

"Oh, is this a double date with Leo and Marica?" Nelly asked excitedly.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you baby but you guessed it wrong. You'll know tonight. I'll keep the secret for now."

"If you say so. Baby, I'm excited and nervous at the same time."

"Don't be nervous. Tonight is gonna be a good night. Baby, I got you."