


The bright pink knee-length dress Royce gave me was well fitted on my curve. It was like he had my body measured. Royce surely has a sharp memory in terms of sizing every inch of my body. I love the soft fabric and the sleeveless cut of it, making it modest. Just enough for our dinner date. And even the color matches my skin tone, making me look fresh and younger.

It was 7 in the evening when I left the condo. Royce came with two black Cadillac Escalades which I thought was too much. We got 2 bodyguards with us including the driver and in the second car are the 4 bodyguards. Royce insisted on having tight security details. Although it was against my will, I didn't disobey as mom and dad were adamant about having it for us.

"Baby, are you not gonna tell where we're going and who will join us for dinner? The anticipation is killing me right now," I said as we were on the road for over 10 minutes.

"In a while, you'll find out. We will be having dinner in someone else's mansion. How do you like that?"

"Seriously? It's not helping. Now, I don't even have a clue who these people we will be having dinner with."

Royce laughed as he held my hand. "Relax, we're not that far."

We held each other's hands on our way to the house Royce was talking about. Until the place became familiar to me. I slapped a hand on my mouth in shock when I finally realized I once visited the place. It wasn't an ordinary neighborhood that I get to pass by every day.

"Baby, what is it?" Royce asked worriedly.

I had to stop myself and think clearly if I have to confess to visiting the place. I had an idea who might be having dinner with us but I refuse to say it.

I nodded no. "Nothing, I just think this place is beautiful. I mean the neighborhood here seems all well off."

"Yeah, we are nearing the exclusive subdivision where we will be having dinner. I'm sure you'll be happy to meet them again."

"Again? That's exciting..." I answered pretending I didn't have a clue. By that time, I knew it was Royce's parents we will be having dinner with.

It was awkward because the last time I knew they weren't on good terms. It must have been a miracle that got them back, either way, I would always support Royce.

As we entered the subdivision we went directly to the mansion I once visited, for the second time I was astounded by how beautiful it was. Royce opened my door and we were met by his parents at the grand receiving area of the mansion.

"Royce, Nelly, welcome. Finally, you're here," Ms. Lucy greeted us with arms wide open.

"It's nice to see you both again, especially you, Nelly," Mr. Park said.

"Thank you, Ms. Lucy, Mr. Park." Royce and I reciprocated their warm welcome by giving them kisses.

I looked at them and Royce back and forth. Royce didn't show that much emotion in his eyes but he had a pleasant smile. I smiled back at him before we went to the dining area.

They had prepared the meal like a feast. And I first noticed my favorite Italian pasta.

"Nelly we hired a chef that could prepare us Italian food, especially your favorite pasta. Royce told us this is your favorite," Ms. Lucy pointed to my favorite pasta mentioning the latter.

"Thank you, Ms. Lucy, that's too much of an effort on your side."

"Oh, that's not a problem. I love making extra efforts for my guests. Come on, have a seat."

Mr. Min pulled a chair for Ms. Lucy while Royce pulled a chair for me before he sat beside me. Royce served me food before he filled his plate. He was an extra gentleman even in front of his parents. I was embarrassed and happy at the same time. It sends butterflies in my stomach every time he does extra efforts for me.

I could tell that the food was authentic at the first taste of my favorite pasta so I did appreciate it. It was like a typical formal dinner where there wasn't much talk in between. It was when we were about to finish our dinner that Royce opened up a topic.

"Baby, the reason why we set up this dinner was mom and dad want to have a word with us, especially you."

"Sure. I'm all ears."

"Nelly, we heard about the incident two years ago. Min and I want to help in any way possible. We know where we can use our influence so that it wouldn't be hard for your family to fight these bad men," Royce's mom started.

"Yes, we will do anything that could resolve the case smoother. We will fight against Sunny Corps executives legally," Royce's dad added.

"Is this real? Mr. Park, Ms. Lucy, I won't decline your help. We all need every little help we can to gain the justice that my family deserves."

"This is just a small favor. Nelly, we treat you like family, don't hesitate to ask for any help from us, right Min?"

"Absolutely, Nelly, it's our pleasure to help." Mr. Park reassured me.

After our delectable dinner, Ms. Lucy invited me to tour the house while Royce and his dad had a drink. Royce didn't object and he let me join his mom.

"Nelly thanks for staying with my son. I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. You are a good influence on my son," Ms. Lucy said as we were on our way to the rooftop.

"Royce is a good man that's why I'm staying with him and I love him too. He was the only man who treated me with so much respect."

"I'm so proud of what my son has become. I remember when I was his age, I was the opposite. I used to be a rebellious daughter since I was a kid. Being an only child, my parents spoiled me, but it was a mistake they regretted," Ms. Lucy said as we were viewing the city lights from the rooftop of her 3-story mansion.

"Ms. Lucy don't be too bad on yourself. I'm sure there's goodness within you. I can see that."

"Because of my immaturity, my marriage with Min didn't work out. Although we were both responsible that our marriage was broken, I still blame myself for it and I feel unworthy of being Royce's mom then."

"No, don't say that. You are still Royce's mom and you deserve to have a second chance in being Royce's mother," I said, tapping her shoulder to soothe her pain.

"Thank you, Nelly, you are so sweet. My parents surely learned from their experience in raising me since they made Royce a disciplined person. Royce has a strong foundation in terms of his work ethics and running my parents' empire."

"Your parents did a great job. I am truly impressed by how hard-working Royce is. I've never met a man his age so dedicated to what he does."

"I couldn't ask for more. I'm happy knowing you'll be taking care of my son. Nelly, please give me a hug," Ms. Lucy said with her arms wide open.

We share a warm hug for a minute, and then we continue adoring the beautiful panoramic view. It has a 360-degree view of the city which was so calming to look at.

An hour later Mr. Min and Ms. Lucy are accompanying us to the parking area. "You both have a safe trip," Ms. Lucy said when Royce and I were inside the car.

Royce and I waved goodbye. I was happy to see Royce smiling as we drove off her mom's mansion.

"Thank you, for all the favors baby."

"It's not me, my love. It was my parents' decision to help. We are here for you."

We were near our condo when Royce's phone rang. "Baby, it's Leo. I have to take this."


"Buddy, what's up?" Royce greeted and turned the speaker on.

"Royce, it's not good, I'm in the hospital with Marica. She got hit by a car and was pushed onto the near cliff, good thing there were passersby and they helped her. Marica is in the emergency room and I'm still waiting for the doctors to come out."

"Leo, what hospital is that? Nelly and I will be there."

"Arturo Medical Center, please hurry. Marica has no family around, it's just me waiting for the doctor's update."

"Alright then, we'll be there in half an hour."

The call was cut and then Royce instructed the driver to turn left on the way to Arturo Medical Center.

I was shocked to hear about Marica's condition. I didn't even utter a word while Royce and Leo had a conversation. Royce held my hand so tight. I bet it was his way of assuring me that everything will be alright, although it didn't sound like it.

All the memories from the incident two years ago came rushing into my mind. It was vivid in my head how the fire flickered on my brother's car before it exploded.

"Baby... baby, it's gonna be alright. Marica will fight, we all know she's a fighter, right?"

I nodded in agreement and convinced myself that it won't end up like the incident two years ago.