
Chapter 86 Surrounded by rivers of blood, the world’s dense forest of dreams

Yang Qi compared it in his mind.

"In comparison, [Destruction and Creation-World Devouring Dragon], he prefers destruction and killing."

"He can also create the world, but he still needs to abide by certain rules, and the world is in his dragon body."

Yang Qi imagined it in his mind. In the dark universe, a huge world-devouring dragon was flying. There was a world in each of his dragon scales.

"As for [Dream of the Universe – Dragon of Ode], his characteristic is that he can almost create his own ideal world at will and travel in it."

Yang Qi imagined in his heart that the dreamy chanting dragon was flying among the bright stars, and there was an endless and magnificent universe in front of him, waiting to roam.

"I still feel more comfortable with [Dream of the Universe and the Dragon of Ode]…"

Yang Qi shook his head and put these thoughts away.

It's too far away, and his ultimate evolutionary potential will change depending on the amount of divine power he absorbs.

Later, it is possible that there will be evolutionary potential beyond these two.

Then, we arrived at the source of divine power.

"Before, every time I absorbed divine power, the source of divine power would change."

"Now, I have absorbed a large amount of dreamy divine power. What will become of the source of my divine power?"

Yang Qi closed his eyes and looked at himself, and the source of divine power appeared in his mind.

Then, Yang Qi himself was shocked.

In the past, the source of divine power was the World Tree burning with blazing flames, surrounded by a frozen river of blood.

Now, it is a dense forest of World Tree!

Thousands of huge world trees shine with the color of dreams – forming a dense forest!

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In the middle of the dense forest, there is a world tree that reaches into the sky and the earth, burning with blue-black flames!

The river of blood resumed flowing, and it no longer flowed on the ground, but floated in the air, like a belt, surrounding the source of divine power!

"Hahahaha!" Yang Qi laughed wildly in his heart, "It seems that the source of the divine power of those gods has a name!"

"What is Triton's source of divine power called [Thousand Dragons' Vortex], and Medea's source of divine power is called [Lamp in the Sea]?"

"I still haven't given a name to the source of my divine power!"

"If we talk about it before, the source of my divine power could be called [Frozen Blood River-World Tree]."

"Then now, the source of my divine power can be called [Dream Forest Surrounded by Rivers of Blood-The World!]

"Hahahahaha! Handsome, handsome!"

Yang Qi felt the divine power in the source of divine power, "My four powers of life, flame, wind, and blood are more than twice as powerful as before!"

"What's more important is that I have also absorbed countless dreams!"

"It was the power of dreams that transformed the source of my divine power!"


Yang Qi suppressed the joy in his heart and said, "I have to consolidate my divine power. No trace of it can be leaked!"

Yang Qi flapped his dragon wings, flew back to the cave, and rearranged the Dragon Magic Array to isolate the aura and fluctuations in divine power, and continue to consolidate his divine power.

So, decades passed.

Decades later, Yang Qi opened his eyes.

His dragon body instantly emitted a dazzling light, illuminating the dark cave.

All the divine power is absorbed and consolidated.

Yang Qi felt that every cell in his dragon body was full of power.

"The next thing is mainly two things."

Yang Qi was thinking in his mind, "The first is to compete in the underworld. The winner will receive the edict of the underworld."

"Second, to search for the memory of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld… If successful, you may be granted the edict of Mount Olympus."

"The day of the underworld competition is coming." Yang Qi's eyes darkened, "No matter what, I want to win the underworld competition."

"The Queen of the Underworld has made a guarantee that the winner will definitely be consecrated as a priest in the underworld!"

"After that, I will search for the memory of the Queen of the Underworld… and see if I can have a chance to go to Olympus and attend the dinner of the gods!"

"It's time to leave for the Temple of the God King…the competition in the underworld is about to begin!"


Yang Qi broke through the cave directly, soared into the sky, his flowing transparent dragon wings spread wide, drawing two blazing rainbows in the air, and flew towards the center of the underworld.

"My speed!"

Looking at his feet, the ground was moving rapidly. Within half a day, Yang Qi returned to the familiar pale flower garden!

"It's so fast!"

Yang Qi's heart moved, "It took me several years before I left the Pale Flower Garden, flew across the Styx River, and arrived at the Styx Temple!"

"And now, it's only half a day away!"

"Sure enough… this evolution is a major evolution from a sub-dragon to a giant dragon, which is different from the previous small evolution!"


Yang Qi burst into laughter, boom! Blue-black flames burned on the transparent dragon body, and the speed accelerated again!

The almost transparent dragon shimmered like flowing water, shimmering with colorful lights, shrouded in dark flames. It turned into a black arc and flew into the deep space!

Yang Qi thought in his heart: "It's time to come!"

Before Yang Qi set off, he had a prediction in his mind: During the journey to the Temple of Hades, he would be attacked!

The reason is simple… receiving the priesthood consecrated by Pluto and Queen himself is a reward that many gods in the underworld are jealous of!

Although the creatures of Olympus can cultivate their divine power on their own, and gradually advance to lower gods and middle gods in [rank].

But without the [Emperor], they are still beasts in the wilderness, outsiders and outsiders in this feast of Olympus.

Moreover, there is another significant difference between the creatures who have been granted the title and the creatures who have not been granted the title – authority!

Olympus is a place that pays great attention to blood.

Thanatos was born with the power of death, and Bea was born with the power of violence.

Medea, as the daughter of Hecate, was born with the power of magic and witchcraft. Of course, her source of divine power collapsed and she had no power.

Yang Qi – Born as a lizard, he naturally has no authority.

As for the Edict of Olympus, it can grant a kind of authority to gods who have no authority!

For gods with authority, grant posthumous recognition to make them more powerful!

What you don't have, make up for it; what you have, make it strong.

This is the meaning of the imperial seal!

This is what it means to have the priesthood of Olympus!

Yang Qi remembered what Medea once said to him: "There are three important stages to becoming the greatest god…the [Domain of God] corresponding to the upper god, the [Double Body] corresponding to the main god, and the king of gods. The corresponding [Trinity] above!"

After being promoted to a high-ranking god, the [authority] of the god will be expanded into the [god's domain], and the understanding and power of the authority will be even greater!

The realm of God is equivalent to the perfect version of authority!

Yang Qi concluded in his mind: "So, for an ordinary creature in Olympus, the best growth path for him is the god of beasts – demigod – lower god – middle god, and climb up step by step. ."

"Then, I was fortunate enough to be favored by Olympus and receive an imperial edict, thus gaining a kind of authority."

"Then the level will continue to be upgraded to a higher god, and the authority will also be expanded to [God's Domain]."

"After that, there will be the Lord God…"

Yang Qi's heart was suddenly full of expectation: "I have received the imperial seal, what will my authority be?"

Of course, Yang Qi is not the only one looking forward to this.

There are many gods, waiting for the edict of the underworld – there is only one edict.

Yang Qi saw a burst of divine power erupting in the distance.

"Here we come! I knew I would be attacked on the way to the Temple of Hades!"

"In front of the gods of the underworld, in a public competition, can't you use your tricks?!"

Yang Qi roared at the divine power erupting in the distance: "Come out!"

Countless flowers burst out from the earth, and two gods appeared in front of them!

The moment they appeared, light burst out from their hands and turned into a huge magical flower net, covering Yang Qi!

"Seeking death!" Yang Qi roared angrily and charged forward!